(A)   Freestanding signs are permitted in B-1 Neighborhood Business District, B-2 Central Business District, and B-3 Community Business District.
   (B)   Freestanding signs shall conform to the height regulations of this chapter with a maximum height of 25 feet. However, within 660 feet of the interstate highway, exit ramps excluded, one sign on a standard per premises may be erected to exceed the 40-foot limitation providing it does not exceed a height of five feet above the centerline of the nearest pavement, ramps excluded, of the interstate road and can be seen from said point.
   (C)   Freestanding on-premises signs and their supporting structures are permitted within one foot of the front property line when the area of such sign is not greater than 100 square feet. For each additional ten square feet in area, such sign shall be set back an additional one foot.
   (D)   No freestanding sign shall be nearer than two feet to any other sign, building, or structure, providing, however, that a sign of continuous panels shall be considered as one sign for this provision.
   (E)   In the B-1, B-2, and B-3 Districts all freestanding signs must be on-premises, with a total area of signage not exceeding one square foot per linear foot of lot frontage, with total signage not exceeding 500 square feet total per lot and shall not exceed 12 feet in height from grade to the top of the sign and supporting structure (250 square feet per side total). Freestanding on-premises signs in the B-4, I-1, and I-2 Districts may have two square feet of area per linear foot of lot frontage, and total signage not exceeding 900 square feet per lot (450 square feet per side total).
   (F)   Outdoor advertising signs shall not exceed 300 square feet per face. On streets and highways within the jurisdiction of this subchapter, no outdoor advertising sign may be established within 1,500 feet of another outdoor advertising sign facing the same direction measured on either side of the same street. Such spacing between signs does not apply to signs separated by buildings or other structures in such a manner that only one sign located within the above mentioned spacing distance is visible from the highway at any one time.
      (1)   Outdoor advertising signs shall be no nearer the street than the building line established by this subchapter.
      (2)   Outdoor advertising signs shall not be located within 50 feet of any R-1 Residential Dwelling or SE Suburban Estates Zoning District.
      (3)   Outdoor advertising signs shall not exceed 25 feet in height.
   (G)   In the case of a lot with frontage on more than one street, freestanding signs in accordance with divisions (D), (E), and (F) above may be permitted on each street. In no case shall allowable sign area be transferred from one street frontage to another street frontage.
   (H)   Freestanding signs identifying churches, fraternities, or other similar uses in residential zoning districts shall not exceed 30 square feet in area nor six feet in height from the top of the sign to the ground, shall be limited to one sign (attached or freestanding) on the premises of said use, and shall be set back at least ten feet from all lot lines.
   (I)   Freestanding signs for special use permits granted by the County Board shall be allowed only when authorized by said Board, and shall conform to the requirements of § 154.642(D).
   (J)   Freestanding signs shall have an open space not less than two feet between the base line of said sign and the ground level. This open space may be filled in with a platform or decorative lattice work which does not close off more than one-half of any square foot of such open space.
   (K)   No part of a freestanding sign shall be located over the public right-of-way.
   (L)   The area around pole, or between poles or similar supports of freestanding elevated signs shall be kept open for maximum visibility to conform in all respects to provisions in this subchapter.
   (M)   Freestanding signs identifying uses affiliated with a college, university, or seminary, subject to use meeting the 30-foot separation requirement from any residentially zoned or one- or two-family used lot (as specified in the U-1 University/College district) shall not exceed 30 square feet in area, nor six feet in height from the top of the sign to the ground and shall be setback at least ten feet from all lot lines.
(Ord. passed 5-16-2023)