The following are permitted principal uses in the B-2 District:
(A) Any use permitted in a B-1 District and allowing for retail establishments with greater than 2,500 square feet;
(B) Art galleries and studios;
(C) Auction house;
(D) Bar, dance hall, cocktail lounge or night club, private clubs, lodges, union halls, tavern, microbrewery when enclosed and with building(s) and outside storage at least 100 feet from any residentially-zoned private property;
(E) Bicycle sales and repair;
(F) Blueprinting, photostating, print shop, and duplicating establishments;
(G) Bus terminal, railroad station, freight terminal, or other public transportation terminal;
(H) Business or trade school;
(I) Catering within a building;
(J) Ceramic products manufacture for sale on premises;
(K) Church;
(L) Conservatory for retail sale on premises only;
(M) Commercial parking lot;
(N) Custom rental;
(O) Custom dressmaking, millinery, tailoring, or shoe repair for retail sales on premises only;
(P) Drapery and mattress manufacture for sale on premises;
(Q) Department stores;
(R) Employment agency;
(S) Engraving or lithographing;
(T) Funeral home;
(U) Garage, public;
(V) Hardware or paint supply store without outdoor sales or storage;
(W) Hotel/motel;
(X) Laboratories, medical, and dental;
(Y) Laundry or dry cleaning shop when enclosed and with building(s) and outside storage at least 100 feet from any residentially-zoned private property;
(Z) Meeting halls, clubs, fraternal organizations, and lodges;
(AA) Mirror and glazing shop, glass cutting;
(BB) Pawn shop;
(CC) Pet shops, but not animal hospitals;
(DD) Picture framing;
(EE) Plumbing, electrical, heating, and air conditioning supply stores or show rooms without outdoor sales or storage, and without repairs or fabrication;
(FF) Public utility collection office;
(GG) Public, customer, or accessory parking lot;
(HH) Radio, television, and CATV stations, not transmitting towers;
(II) Second-hand stores and rummage shops;
(JJ) Taxidermist;
(KK) Theater, indoor;
(LL) Travel bureau and ticket office;
(MM) Upholstering shop for furniture;
(NN) Any other similar type use not specifically permitted herein which would have economic compatibility with the established uses on adjoining properties; and
(OO) Any other similar uses deemed to be consistent.
(Ord. passed 5-16-2023)