A. It is the purpose of this chapter to authorize the use of signs that:
1. Promote traffic and pedestrian safety and minimize risk of personal injury and property damage from unregulated and improper sign placement and construction;
2. Encourage legibility of sign information along street frontages, reduce visual clutter, and encourage the clearest possible visual perception of existing uses and existing signs;
3. Provide equitable opportunities for free speech, identification and essential communication, enable wayfinding, retain businesses and promote economic development;
4. Protect astronomical observation by protecting dark skies and minimizing light intrusion onto adjacent property;
5. Encourage an aesthetic appearance compatible with the surrounding human and natural environment along street frontages, improving the quality of the visual appearance of the community, and the clear visibility of the natural environment; and,
6. Promote signs that are appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain, are well-designed, are of appropriate scale, and are appropriately integrated into the built and natural environment.
B. Whenever a conflict arises in the enforcement of this chapter or more than one interpretation is possible, the purposes stated in Section 18.79.010(A) shall serve as guidelines in resolving the conflict or interpretation.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 5 (part), 2020)
A. A sign shall comply with the Pima County building codes (Title 15).
B. A permit is required for all signs unless otherwise stated.
C. No sign shall be installed, placed, or maintained within unincorporated Pima County except in conformance with this chapter or as allowed by a state or federal law preemption of this chapter.
D. If provisions of this chapter are in conflict with any other provision of the code, the more restrictive requirement shall apply.
E. No sign shall cause a safety hazard for pedestrians or vehicles.
F. No content restrictions.
1. Any sign allowed under this chapter may contain, in lieu of any other copy, any otherwise lawful message that complies with applicable dimension, lighting, design, spacing, and approval requirements of this chapter.
2. This chapter is intended to regulate signs in a manner that does not favor commercial speech over non-commercial speech and does not regulate non-commercial speech by message content.
3. Any regulation that distinguishes between on-site and off-site signs applies only to commercial messages, and allows any non-commercial message.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 5 (part), 2020)
A. Definitions "A".
1. Abandoned sign: A sign which advertises, identifies or gives notice of a use which is no longer in operation or an activity which has already occurred. A permanent, on-site sign which applies to a temporarily- suspended use shall not be deemed to be abandoned unless the suspension exceeds one year.
2. A-frame sign: A portable sign typically constructed of wood or plastic that folds out to form the shape of an "A".
B. Definitions "B".
1. Banner: A temporary sign constructed of a flexible material hung or attached to a building, wall or fence on which copy or graphics may be displayed.
2. Billboard: An off-site sign displaying advertising sign copy that is pasted, painted or fastened in a manner to permit its periodic replacement and that does not pertain to the sign location.
3. Building entryway sign: An on-site sign at the entry or access point of a multi-tenant, non-residential building or development.
4. Building frontage: The measurement between two straight lines projecting from the outermost edges of a building or tenant space wall that are perpendicular to a straight line running along the ground level of the front of the measured wall.
C. Definitions "C".
1. Canopy sign: A sign mounted on a canopy which is a permanent fixture, often made of metal or glass, that is attached to a structure.
2. Change of sign copy: A replacement or modification of the message or design of an existing sign face without modifying the size, shape, framework or structure of the sign. It allows the changing of messages by means of non-electronic sign copy.
3. Concealed sign: A permanent or temporary on-site sign that is within the boundaries of a premises, obscured from and not legible from adjacent public right-of-way. Examples: indoor signs and signs located within an outdoor courtyard. Does not include a billboard.
4. Correlated color temperature (CCT): A measurement of how yellow or white/blue emitted light is, as measured in kelvins. A low CCT is the amber end of the light spectrum. High CCT outdoor lighting causes light scattering, diminishing dark skies.
D. Definitions "D".
1. Danger sign. A sign that is necessary to warn of danger.
2. Development complex: A site, having common vehicular access points, which is subject to the development plan requirements of Development Plan Standards (Chapter 18.71), including waiver.
3. Drive-through lane sign: An on-site sign of a drive-through or drive-in use.
E. Definitions "E".
1. Electronic message sign: A sign that permits the movement or changing of messages by means of electronically controlled sign copy.
F. Definitions "F".
1. Flag: A piece of cloth or similar material on a pole or rope used as a marker, symbol or emblem of a country or institution or as a decoration during an event.
2. Freestanding sign: An on-site sign erected or mounted on a self-supporting, permanent base detached from supporting elements of a building. Does not include a billboard sign.
3. Freestanding interstate style sign: A sign not supported by another structure and located along an interstate such as Interstate 10 (I-10) and Interstate 19 (I-19).
G. Definitions "G".
1. Governmental sign: A sign constructed, placed, or maintained by a government agency or a sign that a government agency requires to be constructed, placed, or maintained.
H. Definitions "H". Reserved.
I. Definitions "I".
1. Illuminated sign: A sign that uses any artificial light either projecting through its surface or reflecting off its surface.
a. Conventional internally illuminated sign: A sign made visible in darkness by a source of light, concealed or contained within the sign that shines through a translucent surface.
b. Externally illuminated sign: A sign with illumination derived entirely from an external, artificial source.
c. Indirectly illuminated sign: A sign with a light source that is not seen directly.
2. Inflatable or air activated signs: Structures which are inflated or activated by air and used for advertising purposes.
J. Definitions "J". Reserved.
K. Definitions "K". Reserved.
L. Definitions "L".
1. Landscape area: The square footage of a ground cover surrounding a sign creating an aesthetic effect by the use of plant material and inorganic material including but not limited to grass, trees, shrubs, planters, brick, stone, natural forms, water forms, aggregate and other landscape features, but not including the use of concrete, asphalt or outdoor carpeting.
2. Landscaping ratio: The relationship between the landscape area surrounding a sign and the sign area.
M. Definitions "M".
1. Maximum luminous intensity: The maximum allowed of the measure of the amount of light that a point source radiates in a given direction. It is measured in candles or nits with one nit equivalent to one candela per square meter.
2. Minor sign: A small, on-site and close to the ground sign.
3. Moving sign: A sign that flashes or blinks light, changes physical position or conveys the illusion of movement by mechanical means, illumination or air movement.
N. Definitions "N".
1. Neon sign: An electric sign lighted by long luminous gas-discharge tubes that contain rarefied neon or other gases, and that are bent to form letters, shapes, and other sign adornment.
2. Nonconforming sign: A sign, constructed with a valid permit, existing on April 1, 1986, which does not comply with this chapter.
3. Non-residential area: Areas with business and industrial zoning, and areas with residential or rural zoning with an approved development plan or conditional use permit. An approved subdivision plat in its entirety as a site, not as individual lots, may be considered non-residential.
O. Definitions "O".
1. Off-site sign: A sign that is not an on-site sign.
2. On-site sign: A sign directing attention to a use, activity, facility, product or service existing at the property on which the sign is placed.
P. Definitions "P".
1. Political sign: A temporary sign relating to a political candidate, political party or issue in a public election, as allowed by Arizona Revised Statutes.
2. Portable sign: A freestanding, moveable sign not permanently affixed to any building, structure, or embedded into ground. Examples include A-frame signs and T-frame signs.
Q. Definitions "Q". Reserved.
R. Definitions "R".
1. Residential area: Areas with residential or rural zoning with no approved development plan or conditional use permit.
2. Roofline: The top edge of the roof or the top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouette.
3. Roof sign: A sign that projects above the roofline of a building to which it is attached.
S. Definitions "S".
1. Sign: A name, identification, description, display or illustration affixed to or painted or represented directly or indirectly on a building or other outdoor surface that directs attention to or is designed or intended to direct attention to the sign face or to an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or use.
2. Sign area allotment: The allowed amount of sign copy area.
3. Sign copy: Any word, letter, logo, number, design, figure or other symbolic representation incorporated into a sign.
4. Street frontage: Measured as the length of a lot or development fronting on a public or private street.
5. Suspended sign: A sign hanging from an awning, from a canopy, a covered walkway, porch, roof overhang, or a sign projecting from a building.
T. Definitions "T".
1. Temporary sign: A portable sign, a sign not permanently embedded in the ground, or a sign not permanently affixed to a building or permanent sign structure.
2. Tenant space: The area or portion of a building leased by an individual or entity; may include the property owner.
3. T-frame sign: A portable sign that stands creating the shape of two, joined "T"s.
U. Definitions "U". Reserved.
V. Definitions "V". Reserved.
W. Definitions "W".
1. Wall sign: A permanent sign fastened, attached, or connected to, or supported in whole or in part by a building or structure.
2. Window sign: A sign affixed to the interior or exterior of a window, or placed immediately behind a window, and visible from outside of the building.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 5 (part), 2020)
No person shall erect, alter, maintain, or relocate any sign specified in this section unless regulated elsewhere:
A. Prohibited sign types.
1. Abandoned signs.
2. Cloth or paper signs attached to the exterior surface of a window or a building except a private, temporary sign in a residential area or as allowed as a banner.
3. Electronic message signs.
4. Flashing, blinking, reflective, inflatable, air-activated, or animated signs, including signs with an intermittent or varying color or intensity of artificial illumination, whether deliberate or as a consequence of a defect in the sign or illumination source.
5. Moving signs.
6. Off-site signs, except those expressly allowed by this chapter.
7. Ribbons, streamers, balloons, or pin flags.
8. Roof signs projecting above the top of the wall parapet, or roofline, or mounted on a roof.
9. Searchlights.
10. Sound: Signs emitting sound, except as expressly allowed by drive-through lane signs.
11. Statues used for advertising.
B. Signs that obstruct the free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators or signs placed in any location where by reason of position, shape, or color may interfere with, or be confused with, any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device. A sign that because of its intensity of light constitutes a nuisance or hazard to vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or adjacent properties.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 5 (part), 2020)
The following signs are exempt from the application, permit and fee regulations of this chapter, although the applicable development standards apply and an electrical or building permit may be required:
A. Concealed signs.
B. Danger signs: No greater height or size than is required to give the public adequate warning.
C. Flags: Ten or fewer flags with poles no greater than twenty feet in height.
D. Governmental signs.
E. House numbers, nameplates and addresses as required by Address Standards (Chapter 18.83).
F. Memorial signs, tablets or cornerstones, grave markers, headstones, statues, and historical markers or cornerstones, not exceeding eight square feet in area.
G. Political signs as allowed by Arizona Revised Statutes.
H. Portable "A" and "T"- frame signs.
I. Signs on a single-family, residential property of a cumulative sign area of six square feet, not exceeding six feet in height unless attached to a wall or structure, and not illuminated.
J. Signs attached to a service station pump or signs integrated into the design of an automated bank teller machine.
K. Vehicle signs that are incidental to vehicle use. Exception: A vehicle that is regularly located for the primary purpose of displaying the sign.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 5 (part), 2020)