A. Purpose. This chapter provides standards and requirements for the establishment and operation of heliports and helistops for the purpose of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public by:
1. Providing criteria for the location of heliports and helistops;
2. Ensuring heliport and helistop compatibility with noise-sensitive land uses;
3. Protecting noise-sensitive land uses from distributing levels of helicopter noise;
4. Ensuring safety in the use of heliports and helistops; and
5. Protecting property values.
B. Applicability. This chapter regulates private heliports and helistops established after April 7, 1987, except those within the boundaries of Tucson International Airport and Ryan Field. This section does not exempt those helicopter operations not legally established on April 7, 1987.
(Ord. 1987-61 § 1 (part), 1987)
A. Certain terms used in this chapter shall be defined, for purposes of this chapter, as follows:
1. "Ambient noise level (ANL)" means the existing background noise level exclusive of noise emitted by a helicopter, as measured by a Class 1 or 2 sound level meter meeting the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI-SI.4-1983) and measured in dBA.
2. "Approach-departure path" means the flight path of a helicopter as it approaches or departs from a designated takeoff and landing area.
3. "Decibel A (dBA)" means the A-weighted sound pressure level.
4. "FAA" means the Federal Aviation Administration.
5. "FAR" means the Federal Aviation Regulation.
6. "Helicopter" means a rotary-wing aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing.
7. "Helicopter noise level (HNL)" means the maximum noise level generated by a helicopter, as measured by a Class 1 or 2 sound level meter meeting the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI-SI.4-1983) and measured in dBA.
8. "Helicopter operation" or "operation" means the combined takeoff and landing of a helicopter.
9. "Heliport" means a designated land area used for helicopter operations and any appurtenant areas, including fueling facilities, terminal buildings and maintenance and repair facilities.
10. "Helistop" means a designated land area or roof structure used for the pickup of discharge of passengers and cargo, which does not provide helicopter maintenance and repair facilities or fueling services.
11. "Noise-sensitive land use" means:
a. A land use subject to interference or annoyance by the intrusion of helicopter noise. Examples include, but are not limited to: residential uses; educational, cultural and religious facilities; health services; tourist lodging services; outdoor recreational or entertainment facilities; offices; research laboratories; and government designated wilderness areas or monuments; or
b. Such unconstructed uses as listed above, having an approved subdivision plat, development plan or building permit.
12. "Slant range measurement" means the measurement taken from the closest point of the perimeter of the landing pad in a straight line to the closest point of a property line.
(Ord. 1987-61 § 1 (part), 1987)