A. Uses permitted:
1. Any use as permitted in Section 18.17.020 (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
2. Duplex dwelling;
3. Trailers or manufactured or mobile homes; provided no more than two trailers or manufactured or mobile homes be placed on any one lot;
4. The employment of persons not residing on the premises.
(Ord. 2017-36 § 14, 2017; Ord. 1994-146 § 5, 1994; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-82 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Uses conditionally permitted:
1. Any use as conditionally permitted in Section 18.17.030 (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
2. Cemetery or crematory, provided:
a. A site of not less than one acre be provided for a pet cemetery and not less than five acres for a human cemetery,
b. No crematory be erected closer than five hundred feet from any boundary of the site which adjoins property in a rural or residential zone, and
c. A type 2 conditional use permit is obtained in accordance with Chapter 18.97;
3. Manufactured home park:
a. Type I procedure;
4. Motion picture studio provided:
a. The site is not less than forty acres in area,
b. No building or structure is within one hundred feet of the boundary of the site,
c. Permanent buildings and structures occupy in total not more than fifty percent of the area of the required minimum site,
d. All outdoor lighting is controlled so as not to reflect on any adjoining property in residential use, and
e. A Type 2 conditional use permit with a hearing notification area of one thousand feet is obtained in accordance with Chapter 18.97.
5. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facility:
a. Type I procedure.
b. Subject to Section 18.09.020(N).
6. Community food pantry:
a. Type I procedure.
b. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which shall be approved by the department of transportation.
(Ord. 2019-5 § 5, 2019; Ord. 2007-81 § 8, 2007; Ord. 1998-37 § 4 (part), 1998; Ord. 1997-40 § 5, 1997; Ord. 1994-114 § 3, 1994; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-187 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Minimum lot area: Thirty-six thousand square feet.
B. Minimum area per dwelling unit: Eighteen thousand square feet.
C. Minimum lot width: One hundred feet.
D. Minimum yard requirements:
1. Front: Thirty feet;
2. Side: Ten feet each;
3. Rear: Forty feet.
E. Building height limitations:
1. Maximum height: Thirty-four feet;
2. Maximum stories: Two.
F. Minimum distance between main buildings: Twenty feet.
(Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)