18.83.010 Purpose.
18.83.020 Definitions.
18.83.030 General provisions.
18.83.040 Addressing.
18.83.050 Address display.
18.83.060 Street name signs.
18.83.070 Display exceptions, nonconforming street names and addresses.
18.83.080 Address and street name changes.
18.83.090 Conflicting actions, compliance, citation and appeals.
18.83.100 Jurisdictions.
18.83.110 Maps and illustrations.
It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for uniformity in street names and addresses, and to facilitate emergency vehicle response, by establishing a uniform system for street names and address numbers, street name standards, display standards, and official address maps, and by eliminating nonconforming street names and addresses.
(Ord. 2010-26 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)
A. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall mean:
1. "Abutter" means a person whose parcel (occupied or owned) directly touches or has legal access to an access easement or road or the person's authorized representative.
2. "Access" means a way or means by which a vehicle enters a lot or parcel.
3. "Address" means a number, directional prefix, primary street name, and suffix, and an occupant identifier when required. The property address is also called the situs.
4. "Address system" means a discrete area of Pima County given its own baselines, grid system and street numbers.
5. "Addressing official" means the director of the development services department or an authorized representative charged with the administration of the standards in this chapter.
6. "Administrative address" means an address assigned by the county exclusively for the management of records and permits. It shall not be used for other purposes unless occupant identifiers are included. (E.g., commercial and residential complexes or developments which only consist of one structure.)
7. "Baseline" means a north-south or east-west line used as a zero starting point for address numbers.
8. "Building" means a structure designed for human occupancy or use.
9. "Certificate of occupancy" means a document issued by the governing authority granting a property owner permission to occupy and use premises for the declared purpose and in accordance with adopted building regulations.
10. "Commercial" means a development not intended for human residence.
11. "Cul-de-sac" means a street ending in a dead-end, not being an extension of another street, having no other street intersections, and not having the capability of connecting or intersecting with another street in the future.
12. "Directional prefix" means a prefix assigned to a street based on the general direction of travel from an appropriate baseline. "North (N.), South (S.), East (E.) and West (W.). The determination may be forty-five degrees either side of the true direction.
13. "Directional signage" means address information signs.
14. "Entrance signage" means address information signs located at access points.
15. "Hundred block" means an incremental number breakdown of a section of land. Its length is generally one-eighth of a side or approximately six hundred feet (the distance may vary depending on the location in Pima County). It has a hundred numbers, 0 through 99.
16. "Hundred block base map" means a graphic representation of Pima County boundaries showing established hundred block numbering grids for each section, township and range in Pima County.
17. "Hundred block indicator" means a number and a directional prefix indicating the perpendicular distance of a street from its parallel baseline, e.g., E. Ina Road is located at 7200 N. It is 72 hundred blocks north of Congress Street.
18. "Major arterial" means a street falling on a section line, quarter section line or sixteenth section line and designed to accommodate through traffic with comparatively long vehicle trip lengths. A street so designated on the County Major Streets and Scenic Routes Plan.
19. "Number" means part of an address based on numerical distance from an appropriate baseline. May include the occupant identifier.
20. "Numbered address" means the base number of an address that does not include the unit identifier.
21. "Occupant identifier" means a specific number delineating individual unit locations within a single situs address. This number shall be used following the situs address. (E.g., 1000 N. Oracle Rd. Apt. 1100 or 1000 N. Oracle Rd. Suite 100.)
22. "Person" means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership or other legal entity or their authorized agent.
23. "Point-of-origin" means the intersection of the north-south and east-west baselines establishing zero at the intersection.
24. "Prefix" means a word at the beginning of a street name used to indicate a type of street, e.g., E. Camino Aurelia's prefix is Camino.
25. "Primary access" means the principal legal point of ingress-egress. It may be different than recorded access.
26. "Primary street name" means the principal component of street name not including suffix or directional prefix, e.g., E. Broadway Boulevard's primary street name is Broadway.
27. "Property Owner" means the title holder of a lot, parcel, building or structure or the owner's authorized representative.
28. "Residential" means facilities intended for human dwelling.
29. "Site plan" means a map showing property boundaries with dimensional ties to section, township and range monuments, building locations, dimensions of property, buildings and setback distances to property lines, primary access points for property and buildings, dimensional ties of tenant improvements to building shell, access from closest public street for unsubdivided parcels, with north arrow.
30. "Situs" means address of a lot, parcel or building; also called "property address".
31. "Street" means a public or private thoroughfare or easement with abutting properties. Reserved for vehicle travel and access.
32. "Street name" means a primary street name and suffix. Does not include the directional prefix, e.g., E. Broadway Boulevard's street name is Broadway Boulevard.
33. "Street sign" means displays primary name, suffix, direction from a baseline, and the north, south, east or west hundred block indicator of each street name.
34. "Subdivision design review" means the submittal of a subdivision plat or development plan for review by the county subdivision design review committee.
35. "Suffix" means a word at the end of a street name used to indicate a type of street, e.g., E. Broadway Boulevard's suffix is Boulevard.
36. "Tax code number" means the number assigned a lot or parcel for tax assessment identification. Also known as parcel number, book map and parcel, and APN.
37. "Tenant improvement" means space within a building, which is under separate control, has primary access to exterior or interior public spaces, and is used for business activity.
(Ord. 2010-26 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1996-58 § 4 (part), 1996; Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)
A. Authority:
1. The director of the development services department or his authorized representative shall be designated as the addressing official and shall be responsible for the administration of the standards in this chapter.
2. These standards shall regulate all development, lots, parcels, buildings, occupant identifiers and streets within the unincorporated areas of Pima County and those incorporated areas included by intergovernmental agreement.
3. Only the addressing official or authorized representative, may assign, approve or change an address.
B. Address standards regulations: The board of supervisors by resolution may adopt and amend regulations to implement the provisions of this chapter.
C. Address maps and indexes:
1. The addressing official shall establish and maintain the following maps and indexes:
a. A hundred block grid address map of Pima County;
b. Map sets delineating each assigned address for residential and commercial subdivided land and unsubdivided parcels;
c. An index of approved street names; and
d. An index of approved reserved street names.
2. All maps and indexes shall be kept on file with the development services department and shall be available for inspection during normal working hours.
3. Maps and indexes may be created, updated, stored and viewed in electronic media.
D. Development Information. The department of transportation, flood control district, and real property shall provide the development services department maps and legal descriptions of the following proposed right-of-way developments and modifications at the planning stages:
1. Amendments to the Major Streets and Scenic Routes Plan;
2. Right-of-way development;
3. Realignments of existing rights-of-way;
4. Abandonments of existing rights-of-way;
5. Changes in access to property caused by road improvements; and
6. Subdivision plat, development plan, site plan and improvement plan information.
E. Application Information. Any person requesting an address or a change of address from the addressing official shall provide the information required by this chapter and any regulations adopted under this chapter.
F. Fees. Fees shall be adopted by the board of supervisors in a fee schedule to cover the administration and enforcement of this chapter and any regulations adopted under this chapter.
(Ord. 2010-26 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1996-58 § 4 (part), 1996; Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)