A. Purpose. The purpose of the CPI zone is to:
1. Promote and facilitate innovative and comprehensively planned industrial developments which are compatible with surrounding residential communities; and
2. Encourage the highest standards of architecture and site planning which will foster compact industrial developments.
B. Intent.
1. The CPI zone is intended exclusively for research and development laboratory, large headquarter office and modern nonnuisance industrial uses;
2. The permitted uses, dimensional standards and landscaping requirements are designed to insure a compatibility with adjoining nonindustrial areas;
3. The zone will make available attractive locations for businesses and factories which will provide employment close to residences and reduce travel time between home and work;
4. CPI development regulations shall be utilized to create new industrial centers and also shall be applied to properties in established industrial zones as an alternative to existing regulations;
5. The zone may also be used to provide industrial sites along interstate and major travel routes;
6. The granting of CPI zoning shall be based on the performance of the industry as well as the type of industry;
7. Development and performance standards will provide a healthful operating environment for industry and prevent effects detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood;
8. The standards will ensure that all manufacturing, processing or assembling of materials and products is not injurious or offensive to the occupants of surrounding properties.
(Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. The following performance standards shall apply to all uses in this zone:
1. Noise or vibration: No noise or vibration shall be permitted which is discernible beyond the lot line to the human sense of feeling for:
a. Three minutes or more duration in any one hour of the day between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m., or
b. Thirty seconds or more duration in any one hour during the hours of seven p.m. to seven a.m.;
2. Smoke: No emission of smoke from any source shall be permitted;
3. Odors: No emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter shall be permitted;
4. Fly ash, dust, fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution: No emission shall be permitted which can cause any damage to health, damage to animals or vegetation, or damage to or soiling of other forms of property;
5. Liquid and solid waste: No wastes shall be discharged in the streets, drainageways or on any property except in appropriately designed disposal systems;
6. Radioactive materials:
a. Manufacturing activities involving the use, storage, or disposal of radioactive materials are prohibited except for those materials:
1) Which do not become an integral part of the manufactured product, or
2) Which are exempt from licensing requirements by the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency or its legally established successor, or
3) Used for medical diagnosis and therapy and for educational or industrial research and development,
b. For the purpose of this subsection, "research and development" means either:
1) Theoretical analysis, exploration or experimentation, or
2) The extension of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature into practical application of experimental and demonstration purposes, including production and testing of models, equipment, materials, etc.
B. Certifications. The zoning inspector shall not issue a permit for any use until:
1. The applicant has provided the required number of plans showing the certificates of the department of transportation and flood control district, traffic engineer, and health department director, certifying that said use complies with all laws and regulations under their jurisdiction; and
2. The zoning inspector has determined that the use complies with this chapter.
C. Enforcement of Performance Standards.
1. It is the responsibility of the director of the health department to make investigations of alleged violations of the specific performance standards within the CPI zone.
2. If the existing use fails at any time to meet the specific performance standards of this section, the use will be deemed in violation of this code.
D. Conditions for Secondary Uses. No use permit for secondary uses (refer to Section 18.49.030(B)) shall be granted unless the following conditions are met:
1. The use shall be compatible with the other uses in the CPI development and with any neighboring residential developments and in particular shall not unduly affect them due to:
a. Increased automobile traffic, and
b. Noise generated from within the site;
2. Evidence is provided of a need related to a primary use;
3. Such a use shall be intended primarily for the personal convenience of employees;
4. The floor area for secondary uses shall not exceed ten percent of the total enclosed floor area on the site;
5. No sign or window display shall be visible from any public way;
6. Entrance to such use shall be only from the interior of the industrial site.
E. Ownership Control.
1. The land in a proposed CPI development shall be under such unified control as to ensure that the entire district will be developed as a unified whole.
2. All owners shall be included as joint applicants, and all approvals shall bind all owners.
(Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Permitted primary uses:
1. Administrative and professional offices;
2. Apparel (clothing and other products manufactured from textiles);
3. Art needlework and hand weaving;
4. Manufacture of:
a. Cameras and other photographic equipment and supplies,
b. Dentures and drugs,
c. Jewelry,
d. Leather products: Including shoes and machine belting (excluding tanning),
e. Luggage,
f. Musical instruments,
g. Orthopedic and medical supplies (such as artificial limbs, braces, supports and stretchers),
h. Small paper products (such as envelopes, stationery, bags, boxes and wallpaper printing),
i. Plastic products: But not including the processing of the raw material,
j. Precision instruments (such as optical, medical and drafting),
k. Silverware, plate and sterling,
l. Sporting and athletic equipment,
m. Toys;
5. Manufacture and assembly of electrical and electronic products;
6. Manufacture and packaging of beverage products;
7. Manufacture and service of data systems;
8. Ink mixing and packaging and inked ribbons;
9. Laboratories: Medical, dental, research, experimental and testing;
10. Printing, newspaper publishing and binding: Including engraving and photo-engraving;
11. Soap and detergents: Packaging only;
12. Warehousing;
13. Wholesale business and storage;
14. Any other manufacturing uses that are similar to those listed above;
15. The board of supervisors may add other uses as necessary in addition to the established list.
B. Permitted secondary uses: The following uses, as restricted in Section 18.49.020D, shall be also permitted:
1. Restaurant facilities, provided such use is accessory to an industrial facility;
2. Child care centers;
3. Banking or financial facilities, (except non-chartered financial institutions);
4. Recreational facilities:
a. Common areas and recreational facilities shall be located so as to be readily accessible to employees of the firm;
b. Recreational facilities for the use of CPI tenant employees are encouraged;
c. Facilities may include golf courses (refer to Chapter 18.59, GC Golf Course Zone), tennis courts, health clubs, basketball courts, and other similar amenities;
5. An individual dwelling unit for a caretaker.
6. Airport facilities: In accordance with Chapter 18.57.
(Ord. 2005-105 § 7, 2005; Ord. 1986-188 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)