18.37.010 Permitted uses.
18.37.020 MU special uses.
18.37.030 Development standards—Residential.
18.37.040 Development standards—Nonresidential.
18.37.050 Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures.
18.37.060 Mobile home subdivision option.
18.37.065 Development standards—Manufactured home park.
18.37.070 Lot development option.
A. Uses permitted:
1. All uses as permitted in Section 18.09.020(A) (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
2. Duplex dwelling;
3. Multiple dwelling;
4. Dwelling group;
5. Manufactured or mobile home;
6. Manufactured home park in accordance with Section 18.37.065;
7. Trailer or trailer court;
8. Boarding/rooming house;
9. Private stable: In accordance with Section 18.21.010(A)(3) (CR-1 Single Residence Zone);
10. Motel;
11. Private and parochial school in accordance with Section 18.09.020(A)(1)(g);
12. College or governmental structure;
13. Community service agency;
14. Library or museum;
15. Playground or athletic field;
16. Public or private utility and facilities;
17. Hospital or sanatorium, provided:
a. The building site of any hospital is not less than four commercial acres, and
b. The buildings of any hospital or sanatorium occupy not more than thirty percent of the building site and are located at least fifty feet from any lot line;
18. Clinic;
19. Club;
20. Club (private, athletic, sport or recreation);
21. Keeping chickens in accordance with the restrictions in Section 18.09.020(T)(1) (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
22. Trail-Oriented Development: In accordance with Section 18.07.030(V) (Land use regulations).
(Ord. 2020-24, § 5, 2020; Ord. 2017-36 § 7 (part), 2017; Ord. 2011-2 § 9, 2011; Ord. 1998-37 § 7 (part), 1998; Ord. 1998-36 § 14, 1998; Ord. 1985-153 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Any of the uses of Section 18.37.020(B); provided, that:
1. The applicant for an MU special use permit submits plans to the zoning inspector for the proposed use; and
2. When the zoning inspector finds that the use will create no foreseeable flood, traffic or health hazards or nuisances as defined by the standards adopted by the board of supervisors, the inspector shall then give notice by mail to all property owners of record within three hundred feet of the proposed site of the intention to grant an MU special use permit for the use, and giving any interested person thirty days in which to appeal to the board of adjustment from the inspector's interpretation of the application of the standards in connection with the proposed use; and
3. If no appeal is received within thirty days from the date the notices are mailed, the permit shall be issued and become final;
4. All uses are subject to Pima County Code Section 18.71 Development Plan Standards; and
5. All uses must comply with Section 18.53.020(A) (CI-2 General Industrial Zone).
B. Uses conditionally permitted:
1. Cemetery or crematory;
2. Storage building or warehouse (except if operated in conjunction with a permitted manufacturing or home occupation use, in which case no separate permit shall be required);
3. Building material, contractor's or well driller's equipment yard;
4. Lumber or commercial feed yard;
6. Manufacture, processing, assembly or repairing which the board of adjustment determines not objectionable due to odors, smoke, noise, vibration or similar cause. Permitted are the following:
a. The manufacture, assembly and repair of advertising displays,
b. The processing, assembly and repair of light sheet-metal products, miscellaneous small parts, novelties, toys and merchandise from previously prepared materials such as cellophane, nylon, canvas, cloth, felt, leather, paper, plastics and similar materials;
7. The primary assembly of electrical appliances, radios, phonographs, and similar assembly businesses;
8. The processing of food products except: meat, fish, sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast, pickles, and the refining of fats and oils, and canneries;
9. Beverage bottling plant;
10. Laundry, cleaning or dyeing works;
11. Auto body or fender repair: If operated in conjunction with a general garage or gasoline service station business;
12. Experimental laboratory;
13. Radio or television tower or station;
14. Veterinary hospital;
15. Kennels;
16. Commercial stable: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(C)(1) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
17. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facility for cats, dogs, and small household pets, provided that no such building or structure is within one hundred feet of the boundary of an adjacent rural or residentially-zoned property, unless such building or structure is used as a caretaker's residence.
18. Fair, carnival, circus or tent show: For not more than fifteen days;
19. Community food pantry.
(Ord. 2019-5 § 7, 2019; Ord. 2009-59 § 3, 2009; Ord. 2007-81 § 10, 2007; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Minimum lot area: Seven thousand square feet.
B. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit: Three thousand five hundred square feet.
C. Minimum lot width: Sixty feet.
D. Minimum yard requirements:
1. Front: Twenty feet, which may be used to meet off-street parking requirements, or as part of an off-street parking lot;
2. Side: Seven feet each;
3. Rear: Twenty-five feet.
E. Building height limitations:
1. Maximum height:
a. Thirty-four feet, or,
b. Eighty feet for all buildings located outside of the following Approach-Departure Corridors defined in Chapter 18.57:
i. ADC-1
ii. ADC-2 and greater than 2,500 feet from the ADC-2 boundary,
iii. ADC-3.
Provided that the building is setback a minimum distance equal to double the total building height from any abutting existing permitted single family detached residence. The distance shall be measured from the closest point of the existing residence to the proposed building.
F. Minimum distance between main buildings: Fourteen feet.
(Ord. 2019-10 (part), 2019; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)