A. Uses permitted:
1. Any use as permitted in Section 18.21.010 (CR-1 Single Residence Zone), but horses, cattle, sheep, goats, or ratites shall not be kept on less than one commercial acre and not more than one such animal for each ten thousand square feet of lot area.
(Ord. 2017-36 § 16 (part), 2017; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Uses conditionally permitted:
1. Any use as conditionally permitted in Section 18.21.020 (CR-1 Single Residence Zone).
(Ord. 2017-36 § 16 (part), 2017; Ord. 1994-146 § 7, 1994: Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. Minimum lot area: Sixteen thousand square feet.
B. Minimum area per dwelling unit: Sixteen thousand square feet.
C. Minimum lot width: Eighty feet.
D. Minimum yard requirements:
1. Front: Thirty feet;
2. Side: Ten feet each;
3. Rear: Forty feet.
E. Building height limitations:
1. Maximum height: Thirty-four feet;
2. Maximum stories: Two.
F. Minimum distance between main buildings: Twenty feet except as required in Section 18.09.020(D) (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions) for a rear dwelling.
(Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)