18.09.010 Purpose.
18.09.020 General requirements and exceptions.
18.09.030 Home occupations.
18.09.040 Cluster development option.
18.09.050 Lot reduction option.
18.09.060 Lot development option.
18.09.070 Multisectional manufactured home subdivision option.
18.09.080 Reserved.
18.09.090 Model home permits.
18.09.100 Conservation subdivision.
18.09.110 Two-story residential buffer setback.
A. Uses Permitted in All Rural and Residential Zones.
1. The following uses shall be permitted in all rural and residential zones (except as noted in subsection (A)(2) of this section), subject to the requirements of the zone and any special conditions, as may be noted:
a. Single detached or one-family dwelling;
b. Accessory building or use;
c. Church, providing the minimum off-street parking requirements, as set forth in Chapter 18.75 (Off-street Parking and Loading Standards), are met;
d. Home occupation (refer also to Section 18.09.030);
e. Public park;
f. Public school;
g. Parochial and private schools are permitted subject to the following development standards:
1) Conditional use permit:
Parochial and private schools | Type I permit |
2) Minimum site area: Five acres in all zoning districts except in the TR and MU zoning district, in which the minimum site area is one acre.
3) Maximum student population density: Fifty-five students per acre.
4) Maximum site coverage: Thirty percent of the site.
5) Minimum setback for playgrounds or athletic fields: One hundred feet from all property lines.
6) Screening and buffering: Bufferyard "D" along all property lines.
7) All driveways shall be dust proofed.
8) All outdoor lighting used in conjunction with the school use shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15).
9) All lighting for outdoor recreational areas shall cease no later than ten p.m.
10) As required by state statute, A.R.S. Section 15-189.01, an application for a charter school shall receive final determination from the county within ninety days of the beginning of the process.
11) Schools should be located as close as possible to residential areas. All schools should be built on site in a manner that promotes safe routes or similar pedestrian and bicycle oriented design.
h. Charter Schools:
1) On vacant lots or on lots with a single family residence greater than one acre or larger.
2) Charter schools on lots less than one acre with a single family residence require a Type I conditional use permit.
2. Exceptions. TH zone: All uses listed in subsection (A)(1) of this section are prohibited.
B. Parking of Unoccupied Trailers.
1. Any trailer not in use for residential purposes may be stored or parked in any SR, SR-2, CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4 or CR-5 zone only if said trailer is located to the rear of the principal dwelling on the lot, parcel or tract where said trailer is to be stored, and is stored in a garage or ramada or behind planting of sufficient height to shield said trailer from view from the adjoining properties; and
2. No more than one such trailer may be parked on any such residential lot, parcel or tract.
C. Requirements for Townhouses and Condominiums.
1. Townhouse developments shall be subject to covenants, conditions, and restrictions which shall, among other things, provide for the establishment of a homeowner's association which shall be responsible for the maintenance of building exteriors, landscaping, and common areas.
2. Condominium developments shall be subject to the formation of a unit owner's association pursuant to A.R.S. Section 33-1241 et seq., which shall, among other things, provide for the maintenance of building exteriors, landscaping, and common areas.
3. Building setback requirements shall be same as the setback requirements in the zone where the lots are created and shall be determined from the boundaries of the proposed development.
D. Rear Dwelling Requirements. In addition to other requirements of this code, the following shall apply to any dwelling in the rear of a principal building:
1. There shall be provided an unoccupied and unobstructed access way to a street, which access way shall have a width of at least fifteen feet for one dwelling unit and at least twenty feet for two or more dwelling units;
2. For the purpose of determining the front yard for a rear dwelling in any CR-1, CR-2, or CR-3 zone, the rear line of the rear yard required for the building in the front shall be considered the front lot line for the building in the rear.
E. Group Homes.
1. Scope: Group homes shall be permitted in the RH, GR-1, ML, SR, SR-2, SH, CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4, CR-5, CMH-2, MU, TR and CMH-1 zones, subject to issuance of a use permit by the zoning inspector showing compliance with the requirements of this subsection;
2. Requirements:
a. The establishment must be licensed to operate as a group home by the state of Arizona;
b. The establishment must obtain a certificate of occupancy if required by county building codes.
F. Operative Builder's Yard Provisions.
1. Any licensed residential building contractor may apply for a temporary and revocable permit for a builder's yard, warehouse, or real estate office, in any subdivision of record in any residential zone in which the applicant owns or controls ten or more commercial acres, provided the use is used exclusively to service a residential building project in the subdivision of that land.
2. The permit shall be for a period of twelve months, but the permit may be extended or renewed for an additional period of twelve months if fifty percent or more of the project area has been completely developed during the original permit period.
3. At the expiration of the permit period or any extension thereof, the builder's yard, warehouse, or real estate office shall be removed from the premises where located within sixty days from the date of expiration.
G. Guest House.
1. Shall be permitted on any residential or rural lot which has a minimum lot size of four thousand square feet;
2. Permitted coverage: In accordance with accessory building standards
3. Only one guest house per lot shall be allowed;
4. Minimum yard requirements:
a. Front, side and rear: In accordance with accessory building standards of the appropriate zone;
b. Distance to main structures: Three feet
5. Shall use the same access which serves the main dwelling;
6. The guest house and the main dwelling shall not be served by separate utility meters; and
H. Child Care Center.
1. Child care centers in conjunction with existing church, private school or community service agency shall be a Type I conditional use permitted in all rural and residential zones, and subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.97;
2. Requirements:
a. A decorative masonry wall, fence, or combination, at least four feet in height, shall be provided for the enclosure of the outdoor play area,
b. Existing off-street parking and loading areas may be utilized, however, they shall be in accordance with Chapter 18.75 (Off-street Parking Standards),
c. Hours of operation shall be between six a.m. to nine p.m.,
d. License: The child care center shall be licensed to operate as a child care center by the Office of Child Day Care of the Arizona Department of Health Facilities.
I. Assisted Living Home.
1. License: That the establishment is licensed to operate as an assisted living home by the state of Arizona.
2. Gross floor area: An assisted living home shall have a minimum gross floor area of two thousand square feet for six to ten residents.
3. Compliance review:
a. An assisted living home shall obtain a certificate of occupancy if required by county building codes.
b. An assisted living home is subject to issuance of a zoning use permit or zoning construction permit by the zoning inspector which establishes compliance with the requirements of this section.
J. Secondary Dwelling.
1. Application: In RH and GR-1 zones, a property owner may apply for a permit to allow a secondary dwelling for the use of an ill, handicapped, or elderly person in need of special care or supervision, or a care provider for such person, if the ill, handicapped or elderly person is the owner or resident of the main dwelling or a relative of the owner or resident of the main dwelling. The application shall include:
a. Legal description,
b. Signatures of the property owners of record or the authorized agent of the owner,
c. A letter of authorization if the property owner is represented by an agent,
d. A sketch plan of the subject property showing existing and proposed structures, access, parking, and distances from structures to property lines and to other structures,
e. The names of persons who will occupy the secondary dwelling and a statement signed by a physician that special care or supervision is required by the ill, handicapped or elderly relative,
f. Any other information reasonably necessary to evaluate the application which is required by the zoning inspector,
g. A fee per subsection (J)(7) of this section.
2. Standards: A secondary dwelling permit shall be subject to the following standards:
a. Property owner shall provide a statement signed by the physician of the ill, handicapped, or elderly relative stating that special care or supervision is required by the affected person,
b. Only one secondary dwelling per lot is permitted,
c. Secondary dwelling shall meet the minimum setback requirements prescribed in the development standards—general of the property's zoning classification,
d. The same access which serves the main dwelling shall be used for the secondary dwelling,
e. The owner shall record a covenant running with the land stating that the secondary dwelling unit shall be removed from the property within ninety days of the date the secondary dwelling is no longer occupied by the person specified in the secondary dwelling permit, and
f. The secondary dwelling will not cause adverse effects to surrounding properties.
3. Additional conditions: The zoning inspector may attach additional conditions to the permits to mitigate possible adverse effects to surround properties.
4. Appeals: Prior to the issuance of a secondary dwelling permit, property owners within three hundred feet of the subject property shall be notified by mail and given fifteen days from the date of mailing of notice to file written protest with the zoning inspector.
a. The notification shall include the approved sketch plan and the procedure and requirements for submitting an appeal;
b. The written protest shall include the name and address of the person submitting the appeal and reasons why the application does not meet the secondary dwelling standards in subsection (J)(2) of this section;
c. The board of adjustment shall hear the appeal in accordance with Chapter 18.93 (Board of Adjustment Variances, Temporary Use Permits, and Interpretations).
5. Action by the zoning inspector: A secondary dwelling permit may be issued by the zoning inspector if no written protest is received and the standards in subsection (J)(2) above are met. The secondary dwelling permit shall be in accordance with Section 18.93.050(A) and (B).
6. Validity and renewal of permit: A secondary dwelling permit shall be valid for up to three years and may be renewed by the zoning inspector. A property owner requesting renewal of the permit shall submit to the zoning inspector evidence that the secondary dwelling is still needed and that conditions of the permit have been met.
7. Fee: The fee shall be in accordance with the standard fee for variances as specified in the board of adjustment filing fee of the development services fee schedule.
K. Factory-built (modular) buildings. Except as otherwise restricted by this code, residential factory-built buildings are permitted in all zones in which residential uses are permitted, except as follows:
1. Factory-built residential buildings are permitted in the SR, SR-2, CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4, CR-5, TR, ML, SP, CB-1 and CB-2 zones, subject to the following standards:
a. The building shall not be designed to be moved once installed on the foundation.
b. The building shall be designed only for installation on a site-built permanent foundation.
c. The permanent foundation shall be constructed prior to placement of the building on the site, and inspected and approved by the county for compliance with this section.
2. Within the SR, SR-2, CR-1 and CR-2 zones, a factory built building, other than a caretaker's unit used in conjunction with a nonresidential use, shall not be used for residential purposes, unless the building is located within a subdivision approved after a public hearing by the board of supervisors for modular building development. Notice of hearing shall be sent by mail to all owners of record within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed subdivision, or, in the case of an existing subdivision, to all owners of record within the subdivision and within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision.
L. Bed and breakfast establishments.
1. Bed and breakfast establishments are permitted in the TR, CB-1 and CB-2 zones and as a conditional use in the RVC zone and all rural and residential zones.
a. Mailed written notice shall be sent to all property owners within one thousand feet of the proposed use when a conditional use permit is required.
b. The hearing administrator shall approve the floor plan and site plan for the bed and breakfast establishment to be in compliance with the standards in subsection L of this section. A development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.71 is not required.
2. There shall be no alteration to the exterior residential appearance of the dwelling and subject property, including the creation of separate or exclusive business entrances.
3. Bed and breakfast establishments containing up to four guest bedrooms shall require a Type I conditional use permit in all rural and residential zones. Bed and breakfast establishments containing five to eight guest bedrooms shall require a Type II conditional use permit in all rural and residential zones.
4. There shall be two off-street parking spaces for permanent residents and one space per guest room. An additional parking space shall be provided if the bed and breakfast establishment has a non-resident employee. Spaces within garages and carports shall be counted toward the total number of spaces. All guest parking shall be screened from view from any adjacent properties by natural features, landscaping, fencing, or walls no more than six feet in height.
5. Not more than one full-time equivalent nonresident of the premises shall be employed in the bed and breakfast establishment use in addition to typical household contract labor.
6. Bed and breakfast establishments shall be located a minimum of twelve hundred feet apart as measured between the closest points of each property.
7. No social activities such as receptions, weddings, private parties, retreats or other similar events shall be held at bed and breakfast establishments for attendance by anyone other than overnight guests.
8. One free standing identification sign shall be permitted on the property. The sign area shall not exceed two square feet and the sign structure shall not exceed four feet in height.
9. Bed and breakfast establishments permitted as a home occupation prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall be legal nonconforming uses.
10. Except in the CB-1, CB-2, TR, RVC and ML zones, bed and breakfast establishments shall have a minimum lot size of one acre.
M. Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities.
1. Scope: Wildlife rehabilitation facilities are permitted in any zone.
2. Requirements:
a. The facility must be operated, maintained, and under the direct supervision of an individual who possesses a valid license from the state of Arizona to operate a wildlife rehabilitation facility or to operate a facility to hold wildlife for purposes of education, scientific or humane treatment when the animal is unable to meet its own needs in the wild.
b. The facility must be in compliance with the development standards of the zone in which the facility is located.
N. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facilities.
1. Scope:
a. Animal rescue and sanctuary facilities are allowed as conditional uses in the following zones: IR, RH, GR-1, SR, SR-2, SH, CR-1, CR-2, and MU. MU facilities shall be limited to dogs, cats and small household pets.
b. Animal rescue and sanctuary facilities are allowed as a permitted use in CI-1 and CI-2. CI-1 and CI-2 facilities shall be limited to dogs, cats and small household pets.
2. Requirements:
a. Facilities in the IR, RH, GR-1, SR, SR-2, SH, CR-1 and CR-2 zones must obtain a Type I conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 18.97.
1) With the exception of animal limits under the applicable zoning district altered by the hearing administrator, the facility must be in compliance with the development standards of the zone in which the facility is located, or obtain approval for a variance or modification of setback requirements prior to submittal of the conditional use permit application.
2) A site plan shall be submitted which clearly depicts how the development standards will be met. A site plan of approximately 24 × 36 should be drawn at a standard engineering scale and show, at a minimum, the following information:
a) All existing and proposed structures on the property;
b) All animal housing, exercise, training and containment areas;
c) Setback distances for existing and proposed structures in the front, side and rear yards;
d) Animal waste handling and storage areas.
e) Any screening or buffering from adjacent properties.
A development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.71 is not required for the Type I conditional use permit.
3) The applicant is required to provide information that is sufficient for the hearing administrator to evaluate the following:
a) Type and number of animals proposed. The hearing administrator has the authority to: (i) set a limit on the number of animals cared for at the facility; and (ii) approve reasonable exceedances in the number of animals allowed under the applicable zoning district after considering the proposal in its entirety, its effect on surrounding land uses, and compliance with other sections of the Pima County Code, including Title 6, "Animals."
b) Any known space requirements and care standards for the type of animal(s) to be cared for on the property.
c) Possession of, or plans to acquire, accreditation or certification.
d) Facility operating procedures, including hours and staffing.
e) A disposal plan for animal waste that describes how waste will be handled, stored, and disposed of for the maximum number of animals at the facility. The plan shall include (i) frequency of animal habitat cleaning; (ii) methods of waste containment; (iii) storage capacity; (iv) odor control; (v) vector control; (vi) drainage protection; (vii) disposal method; and (viii) disposal frequency.
f) Size of the property.
g) Existing land uses within the required hearing notification area.
h) Potential impacts to surrounding areas (e.g., noise and odor).
i) Procedures and measures that will be employed to mitigate potential impacts.
j) Information about other land uses on the property, including all animal-related uses.
k) Any other information that the hearing administrator determines necessary for evaluating the application in relation to Pima County Code requirements.
b. Facilities in the MU zone must obtain a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 18.37. Applications shall include the information required in subsection 18.09.020(N)(3) above.
c. Facilities in the CI-1 and CI-2 zones must obtain approval for a development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.71. Development plan submittals shall include the information required in subsection 18.09.020(N)(3) above.
3. Eligibility:
a. Any person who has been convicted of animal abuse, cruelty, neglect or abandonment, whether as a misdemeanor or felony, is prohibited from owning or operating an animal rescue and sanctuary facility.
b. To demonstrate eligibility to obtain a conditional use permit or development plan approval for an animal rescue or sanctuary facility, owners and operators must submit a notarized affidavit certifying that they have no misdemeanor or felony convictions for animal abuse, cruelty, neglect or abandonment.
4. Recordation of Conditional Use Approval. The applicant shall record the conditional use approval document with the county recorder and provide proof of such recordation prior to the issuance of the conditional use permit.
5. Change of Ownership or Operation:
a. A conditional use permit or development plan approval for an animal rescue and sanctuary facility shall continue to be valid upon a change of ownership or operation provided that the new owners and operators successfully demonstrate that they meet the eligibility requirements of subsection 18.09.020(N)(3). Prior to continuing the use of the premises as an animal rescue and sanctuary facility, the new owners and operators must provide a notarized affidavit to the chief zoning inspector certifying that they have no misdemeanor or felony convictions for animal abuse, cruelty, neglect or abandonment. If a new owner or operator does not meet the eligibility requirements of subsection 18.09.020(N)(3), the conditional use permit or development plan approval for the Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facility shall become null and void.
O. Combined Wildlife Rehabilitation/Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facilities. Should any premises operate as both a wildlife rehabilitation facility and an animal rescue and sanctuary facility, the requirements of 18.09.020(N) apply to the extent that care is provided for domestic animal(s) and/or any other animal(s) not under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
P. Home Auto Repair.
1. Non-commercial home auto repair of motor vehicles is permitted in TH, RH, GR-1, SR, SR-2, SH, CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4, CR-5, TR, CMH-1, CMH-2, and MU zones as an accessory use to a dwelling unit provided that the vehicle being repaired belongs to the resident of the dwelling unit and further provided that the vehicle and property are in compliance with this section.
2. No more than one unscreened, inoperable motor vehicle can be stored on a lot containing less than eight thousand square feet of lot area.
3. No more than two unscreened, inoperable motor vehicles can be stored on a lot containing more than eight thousand square feet of lot area.
4. An unscreened, inoperable motor vehicle may be stored for a period of time not to exceed sixty calendar days.
5. Inoperable motor vehicles stored longer than one period of sixty calendar days shall be screened by either mature vegetation as defined below or screened by a built or assembled self-supporting enclosure which has no openings through which a spherical object of one inch in diameter can pass. The screening must effectively block the view of the stored objects from an observer at adjacent grade five feet from the enclosure. For the purposes of this section an enclosure or screen must meet one or more of the following requirements:
a. Be any mature non-deciduous vegetation.
b. Be a built or assembled self-supporting structural screen or fence that is maintained and that is composed of one or more of the following materials:
i. Slatted materials through which a one-inch sphere cannot pass, including: ocotillo, chain link with wood, metal or plastic slats, wood fencing, or metal fencing.
ii. Masonry, rock or other material that would comply with Pima County building codes for fences over six feet in height.
c. Tarps, hardware cloth, expanded metal, car covers, tires, or vehicle parts are not permitted as fence or screening materials.
6. Any motor vehicle fully enclosed within a garage is exempt from the requirements of this section.
7. Any motor vehicle subject to the provisions in Section 18.09.020(P) or (Q) shall remain locked or shall be rendered incapable of being locked.
8. Screened inoperable motor vehicles may be kept on a property in addition to the two hundred square feet of allowed open storage, notwithstanding Section 18.03.020(J)(1) provided that the following requirements have been met:
a. The parcel is larger than one acre in size;
b. No more than two screened inoperable motor vehicles may be kept per acre;
c. No more than five screened inoperable motor vehicles are kept on any property regardless of its size.
Q. Open Storage.
1. The use of up to two hundred square feet of area of any lot for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap or used materials, or for the dismantling, demolition, abandonment of automobiles, inoperable motor vehicles or other motor vehicles or machines or parts thereof; provided that the items are screened as defined in this section by an enclosure that has no openings through which a spherical object of one inch in diameter can pass. The screening must effectively block the view of the stored objects from an observer at adjacent grade five feet from the enclosure.
2. For the purposes of this section an enclosure or screen must meet one or more of the following requirements:
a. Be any mature non-deciduous vegetation.
b. Be a built or assembled self supporting structural screen or fence that is maintained and that is composed of one or more of the following materials:
i. Slatted materials through which a one-inch sphere cannot pass, including: ocotillo, chain link with wood, metal or plastic slats, wood fencing, or metal fencing.
ii. Masonry, rock or other material that would comply with Pima County building codes for fences over six feet in height.
c. Tarps, hardware cloth, expanded metal, car covers, tires, or vehicle parts are not permitted as fence or screening materials.
R. Adaptive Reuse.
1. Purpose. Adaptive Reuse allows the reuse of a one-family dwelling located on a lot abutting a major street, as designated on the major streets and scenic routes plan, while:
a. Protecting existing neighborhoods through the provision of low intensity uses as buffers between neighborhoods and major streets;
b. Preserving the residential aesthetic along major streets; and
c. Allowing, but not requiring, the continued one-family dwelling use in conjunction with the adaptive reuse.
2. Adaptive Reuse is permitted on any lot in all rural and residential zones abutting a major street, as designated on the major streets and scenic routes plan, as a Type I conditional use.
3. Development Standards.
a. One-family dwelling located on a lot abutting a major street, as designated on the major streets and scenic routes plan.
b. Minimum lot size: Thirty-six thousand square feet.
c. Parking.
i. Parking is limited to no more than six spaces;
ii. All parking in conjunction with the use must be on the lot;
iii. Parking spaces must retain a residential character and shall not include wheel stops, paving, parking lanes or striping;
iv. No more than one commercial vehicle is permitted in conjunction with the use. Any commercial vehicle must comply with home occupation vehicle standards in Section 18.09.030.
d. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, one unlit, non-illuminated sign is permitted if the maximum sign area does not exceed four square feet and the maximum sign height does not exceed four feet. Any sign must be monument style.
4. Conditions.
a. The adaptive reuse shall not cause any sustained, unpleasant, or unusual noises or vibrations, or noxious fumes or odors, or cause any traffic congestion in the immediate neighborhood.
b. The residential character of the existing one-family dwelling and property shall not be changed by the adaptive reuse.
c. Substantial remodeling of the existing one-family dwelling and accessory structures are prohibited unless it is in keeping with the existing residential architecture of the existing one-family dwelling.
d. Removal of existing vegetation is not permitted unless removal is necessary for safety or general maintenance. Existing vegetation may be enhanced with drought tolerant vegetation.
e. Equipment or material associated with the adaptive reuse must be stored in compliance with requirements for the zone and in a way that maintains the residential aesthetic of the property.
f. The hearing administrator may impose limitations on business and delivery hours of operation.
g. The hearing administrator may require submittal of a development plan.
5. Adaptive Reuse Review Procedure.
a. Adaptive reuse requires a Type I conditional use permit, obtained in accordance with Chapter 18.97.
b. Submittal of a development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.71 is not required for the adaptive reuse unless it is required as a condition by the hearing administrator.
c. Compliance Certification. From the issuance of certificate of occupancy, every three years thereafter, the applicant must send a certification demonstrating that the terms of the conditional use permit are being complied with to the chief zoning inspector. The chief zoning inspector may revoke the adaptive reuse conditional use permit if a timely compliance certification is not received, or if there is evidence that the applicant is not in compliance with the terms of the conditional use permit.
S. Animal Shade Structure. An animal shade structure or shelter under two hundred square feet completely located in a corral is subject to the same setback as a corral located in that zone provided that the shade structure be located as far as possible within the corral from the neighboring properties.
T. Food Access.
1. Keeping chickens in the TH, CR-4, CR-5, CMH-1, CMH-2, and MU zones:
a. Keeping female chickens to provide eggs for personal food production is permitted in conjunction with a permitted residential use in the TH, CR-4, CR-5, CMH-1, CMH-2, and MU zones,
b. Cockerels and roosters are not permitted,
c. The number of chickens permitted shall not exceed the following:
i. One-family dwelling lots or manufactured home dwelling unit area of six thousand square feet and greater in area: Eight female chickens per dwelling unit; or,
ii. One-family dwelling lots or manufactured home dwelling unit area of less than six thousand square feet in area, or duplex or multiple dwelling property: Four female chickens per dwelling unit,
d. The numbers of chickens may be increased by half the number permitted upon the submittal of a written recorded agreement of the adjacent property owners abutting side and rear yards,
e. Any structures used to shelter chickens are prohibited in front yards, but allowed in other perimeter yards under the accessory building and structure development standards for that zone. Requests to increase lot coverage or reduce setbacks for accessory structures for chickens may be made through the modification of setback requirements or lot coverage limits process (Section 18.07.070).
2. Community food pantries shall be permitted in the following zones:
a. Type I conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 18.97 in the RH, GR-1 and SH zones;
b. Permitted use in the TR zone;
c. Permitted use under the MU special use permit in the MU zone.
(Ord. 2023-19 § 1, 2023; Ord. 2019-5 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2017-36 § 1, 2017; Ord. 2012-71 § 2, 2013; Ord. 2012-22 § 2, 4-17-12; Ord. 2011-60 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2011-2 § 4 (part), 2011; Ord. 2009-98 § 2 (part), 2009; Ord. 2009-70 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2008-70 § 4, 2008; Ord. 2007-81 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2007-3 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2005-1 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2004-59 § 4 (part), 2004; Ord. 2003-85 § 2, 2003; Ord. 2003-72 § 1, 2003; Ord. 2003-42 § 2 (part), 2003; Ord. 1999-78 § 3, 1999; Ord. 1998-36 § 2, 1998; Ord. 1994-147 § 3 (part), 1994; Ord. 1991-46 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1991-33 § 1 (part), 1991; Ord. 1990-11 § 1 (part), 1990; Ord. 1989-1 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-43 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-187 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
A. General Standards. Home occupations are permitted so long as they meet the following standards:
1. A home occupation permit is required to be obtained from the chief zoning inspector:
a. The home occupation permit shall apply only to a full time occupant of the dwelling.
b. If there is a change in use, a new home occupation permit shall be required.
2. The home occupation must be conducted and visible only from within a dwelling or an accessory building of not more than two hundred square feet.
3. There shall be no exterior public display of stock-in-trade upon the premises.
4. Not more than one nonresident of the premises is employed.
5. Not more than one-fourth of the floor area and one story of the main dwelling or an accessory building of not more than two hundred square feet in area shall be used for the home occupation.
6. No equipment or material associated with the home occupation shall be stored outdoors.
7. Any new structure or proposed changes to an existing structure used in conjunction with the home occupation must be in keeping with the residential character of the dwelling.
8. Such occupation shall not cause any sustained, unpleasant, or unusual noises or vibrations, or noxious fumes or odors, or cause any traffic congestions in the immediate neighborhood.
9. All parking used in conjunction with the home occupation shall be on site and shall not include commercial parking features such as wheel stops, parking lanes or striping.
10. No more than one vehicle shall be used in conjunction with the home occupation. This vehicle shall not exceed eighteen feet in overall length and seven feet in overall height and must be parked on the private property. If the vehicle displays any advertising or other indication of the home occupation or any product or service, it shall be stored in a carport or garage, or shielded from view from any adjoining properties and the street by landscaping, fencing or any other suitable material.
11. Home occupations shall not provide overnight accommodations.
12. Home occupations shall serve no more than five clients (including deliveries) in one day and no more than two clients at any one time.
13. In accordance with Section 18.79.070(A).
14. The following uses shall not be permitted as home occupations:
a. Auto repair and service.
b. Veterinarian service, kennels, and pet grooming.
c. Commercial food preparation.
d. Mortuary or embalming service.
e. Tattoo parlor.
f. Welding service.
g. Any commercial use not customarily associated with home occupations as a secondary use.
B. Child care home service and adult care home service conditions. A child care home service or adult care home service shall meet all of the conditions of subsection A of this section, except as modified as follows:
1. Child care home services or adult care home services shall be provided for no more than ten persons.
2. During the hours of activity of the child care or adult care use, the total amount of floor area of the dwelling and outdoor areas and equipment may be devoted to the use.
3. No more than two vehicles may be used in conjunction with the use. The vehicles must meet the requirements for a vehicle used in conjunction with a home occupation use.
4. For services providing care and supervision for seven to ten persons, or when additional employees up to a maximum of four, beyond the one allowed under Section 18.09.030(A) are required, the following additional requirements shall be met:
a. The applicant shall apply to the office of the zoning inspector for approval.
b. The application shall include the following:
1) Signature of the property owners of record or the authorized agent of the owner,
2) A letter of authorization if the property owner is represented by an agent,
3) Legal description of the property,
4) Site plan,
5) Proposed hours of operation of the home service,
6) County assessor's map showing the property and all properties within three hundred feet,
7) Verification of ownership,
8) Fee, in accordance with the standard fee for hearings before the board of adjustment.
c. The area where outdoor activities and equipment will be located shall be shown on the site plan submitted with the application. If this area is less than twenty-five feet from an adjacent residential use, it shall be screened by an opaque five-foot fence or wall.
d. No more than one child or adult care home service shall be permitted per lot.
e. If the zoning inspector determines that the application meets both the general home occupation and the specific home service requirements of this section, the zoning inspector shall send notice of the intent to issue the use permit for the proposed use to property owners within three hundred feet of the subject property.
f. If written protest is received within fifteen days of the date of mailing the notice, the application shall be heard by the board of adjustment to determine whether the application meets all requirements for a home service.
g. The zoning inspector may issue the permit fifteen days after the date of mailing the notice, if no written protest is received.
h. Upon receipt of a license, or certification from the state of Arizona, a copy of the license or certification shall be provided to the zoning inspector. The child care or adult care provider shall comply with the state of Arizona licensing or certification requirements and provide proof of compliance to Pima County at or before the time of completing the zoning approval process.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 1, 2020; Ord. 2016-21, § 2, 2016; Ord. 2011-59 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2004-59 § 4 (part), 2004; Ord. 2003-42 § 2 (part), 2003; Ord. 1997-74 § 2, 1997; Ord. 1988-78 § 1 (part), 1988; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)