The Suburban Ranch Estate zone is a low density single-family residential zone in which undisturbed natural areas are preserved. This zone provides a transition between SR zoned properties and more densely zoned neighborhoods. A limited range of agricultural and ranch uses is permitted.
(Ord. 1994-147 § 4 (part), 1994)
A. The following uses are permitted in the SR-2 zone:
1. All uses as permitted in Section 18.09.020(A) (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
2. A temporary trailer, mobile or manufactured home, located on a lot for no more than one year during the construction of a permanent residence on the same lot. Applications for extensions of the one-year time period are considered in accordance with the procedures established in Section 18.17.020(A)(2)(SR Suburban Ranch Zone).
B. The following are permitted as accessory uses in addition to those uses that would customarily be permitted as uses under Section 18.09.020(A)(1):
1. Agricultural and horticultural uses, not for retail sale:
a. Agricultural uses such as field crops, truck gardening, berry or bush crops, tree crops, flower gardening, nurseries, orchards or aviaries;
b. The raising of poultry, rabbits, and similar small animals, and the raising and grazing of ratites and livestock, including horses, cattle, sheep, and goats, but excluding swine, subject to the following requirements:
(1) A minimum of ten thousand square feet of lot area is required for each livestock animal or ratite that is more than six months of age,
(2) A minimum of four hundred square feet of fenced area must be provided for each animal,
(3) All animals must be confined in corral or pen areas surrounded by stock-tight fences in accordance with Section 18.07.030(B);
(Ord. 2017-36 § 13, 2017; Ord. 1996-59 § 2 (part), 1996; Ord. 1994-147 § 4 (part), 1994)
A. The following are permitted as conditional uses subject to the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.97 (Conditional Use Procedures).
B. Permitted uses subject to the Type I conditional use procedure:
1. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facility subject to Section 18.09.020(N).
C. Permitted uses subject to the Type II conditional use procedure:
1. Club or lodge (private, athletic, sport, or recreational) subject to all the following requirements:
a. Minimum lot area: Ten acres;
b. Minimum building setback from all lot lines: One hundred feet;
c. All outdoor lighting shall be arranged to eliminate glare towards streets and adjoining properties, in compliance with the Light Pollution Code, Title 15 of the county code;
d. No amplifiers or loudspeakers of any kind may be installed outside any structures on the lot;
2. Community stable as defined in Section 18.03.020(S)(7), subject to all the following requirements:
a. Minimum area for a community stable site: Ten acres;
b. Minimum community stable area for each horse that is more than six months of age: Ten thousand square feet;
c. Minimum setback from boundaries of the subdivision in which the community stable is located: Five hundred feet;
d. Minimum setback from any residence on an abutting property: Fifty feet;
e. All driveways and parking areas shall be:
(1) Maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust, and
(2) Approved by the department of transportation and the flood control district;
f. No amplifiers or loudspeakers of any kind may be installed outside any buildings constructed on the site;
g. All outdoor lighting shall be arranged to eliminate glare towards streets and adjoining properties, in compliance with the Light Pollution Code, Title 15 of the county code;
h. A conditional use permit for a community stable may be revoked when the stable:
(1) Is no longer owned by a nonprofit community organization, or
(2) Is maintained in a manner which violates public health regulations, or which constitutes a public nuisance.
(Ord. 2007-81 § 7, 2007; Ord. 1994-147 § 4 (part), 1994)