Chapter 18.25
18.25.010   Permitted uses.
18.25.020   Conditional uses.
18.25.030   Development standards—General.
18.25.040   Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures.
18.25.050   Cluster development option.
18.25.060   Lot reduction option.
18.25.070   Lot development option.
18.25.010   Permitted uses.
   A.   Uses permitted:
      1.   All uses as permitted in Section 18.09.020(A) (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
      2.   Temporary trailer or mobile or manufactured home: In accordance with Section 18.17.020(A)(2)(SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      3.   Agriculture and horticulture, flower and vegetable gardening, nursery or greenhouse used only for propagation and culture and not for retail sales;
      4.   The keeping of small animals, such as rabbits, chickens, but not cockerels, and not for commercial purposes, provided not more than twenty-four such animals per eight thousand square feet of lot area are kept;
      5.   College or governmental structure: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(C)(6) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      6.   Community service agency: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(C)(7) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      7.   Library: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(B)(1) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      8.   Playground or athletic field: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(B)(2) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      9.   Community storage garage, provided:
         a.   Said garage is used for the storage of private passenger vehicles only, and
         b.   The entrances and exits for said garage are on a public alley or directly abut a public street;
      10.   Temporary real estate office: In accordance with Section 18.17.020(A)(8) (SR Suburban Ranch Zone);
      11.   Transitional use where side of lot abuts a business or industrial zone: Any residential use permitted in Section 18.27.010 (CR-4 Mixed-dwelling Type Zone), including CR-4 area and yard requirements, provided such use extends not more than one hundred twenty feet or two lots, whichever is the lesser, from the zone boundary;
      12.   Museum: In accordance with Section 18.17.030(D)(2)(SR Suburban Ranch Zone).
(Ord. 1998-36 § 9, 1998; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1985-153 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)
18.25.020   Conditional uses.