A. Suburban ranch is intended as a low density zone principally for single-family residences and associated conditional uses on large lots. A wide range of agricultural and ranch uses are permitted. The large minimum lot size requirement of this zone insures a considerable reservation of open space.
(Ord. 1986-66 § 1 (part), 1986)
A. Permitted Uses:
1. All uses as permitted in Section 18.09.020A (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
2. Temporary mobile home: For one year during construction of a residence on the same property.
a. Upon application this period may be extended for an additional one hundred eighty days, after the property owner provides the zoning inspector with a valid building permit for the construction of a residence on the same property. The zoning inspector shall notify adjoining property owners within one hundred feet of the subject property. If a written protest to the issuance of the one hundred eighty day extension is received within fifteen days of the date of mailing of notice, the board of adjustment shall hear the case in accordance with Section 18.93.040. If no written protests are received at the end of fifteen days, the zoning inspector shall issue the one hundred eighty day extension.
b. The board of adjustment shall hear any requests for additional time extensions in accordance with Section 18.93.040;
3. Commercial agricultural uses such as field crops, truck gardening, berry or bush crops, tree crops, flower gardening, nurseries, orchards and aviaries; in accordance with Section 18.21.010A3a (CR-1 Single Residence Zone);
4. Farm products stand, provided:
a. The stand does not exceed two hundred square feet in area,
b. The sale of farm products shall be grown or produced on the premises,
c. There be a minimum of twenty feet to any street line,
d. There be a minimum of thirty feet to any other lot line,
e. A designated parking area to be provided that is set back a minimum of twenty feet from any property line,
f. A designated driveway, no wider than thirty feet be provided, and
g. All driveways and parking areas shall be properly maintained and approved by the department of transportation and flood control district;
5. The raising and marketing of poultry, rabbits and small animals, but no slaughtering of other than those raised on the premises: In accordance with Section 18.21.010(A)(3)(a) (CR-1 Single Residence Zone);
6. The grazing and raising of livestock and ratites, provided there is no more than one head of cattle, horse, sheep, goat, or other animal more than six months of age per ten thousand square feet of lot area;
7. The raising of hogs, in accordance with Section 18.14.020(A)(8) (GR-1 Rural Residential);
8. Temporary real estate office on any subdivision of record, provided:
a. Any real estate broker licensed in the state of Arizona may apply for a temporary and revocable permit for a real estate office from the zoning inspector,
b. Such use shall be terminated at the end of one year from the date of the issuance of the permit for said office,
c. The zoning inspector may allow additional twelve-month extensions as long as sales activity is continued and ten percent or more of the lots remain unsold,
d. It is located on a full size lot and meets all zoning requirements applicable to the lot,
e. Sale of lots be only for the subdivision not separated by more than one street or alley,
f. A manufactured or mobile home shall not be permitted for this use,
g. The zoning inspector may require appropriate deed restrictions to insure that these conditions are complied with,
h. On or before the date of expiration of the permit period or any extension the real estate office shall be removed from the premises,
i. This structure may continue to be used for the following purposes:
1) A water company office servicing that subdivision, provided there is no outside storage of material or equipment,
2) An office for a functioning nonprofit homeowners' association, or
3) Community activities center under the homeowners' association.
(Ord. 2017-36 § 12, 2017; Ord. 1994-146 § 4, 1994; Ord. 1991-34 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-66 § 1 (part), 1986)
A. Procedures. In accordance with Chapter 18.97 (Conditional Use Procedures).
B. Uses Conditionally Permitted (Type I Procedure).
1. Library:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Maximum site coverage: Thirty percent,
c. All driveways and parking areas shall be properly maintained and approved by the department of transportation and flood control district,
d. Screening: In accordance with Chapter 18.73 (Landscape, Buffering and Screening Standards), and
e. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15);
2. Playground or athletic field:
a. Minimum setback to any property line: One hundred feet,
b. In accordance with Section 18.17.030(B)(1);
3. Veterinary hospital:
a. Minimum site: Five acres,
b. Minimum setback from adjacent rural or residential zone for any structure: One hundred feet,
c. In accordance with Section 18.17.030(B)(1) (subsections b, c, d and e only).
4. Off-road vehicle facility for personal use only:
a. Subject to the standards of 18.07.030(M).
5. Swimming school:
a. Minimum setback to any property line from the edge of the swimming pool: fifty feet,
b. No more than twelve students shall be in attendance at any one time at the swimming school.
6. Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Facilities in accordance with Section 18.09.020(N).
7. Trail-Oriented Development: In accordance with Section 18.07.030(V) (Land use regulations).
C. Uses Conditionally Permitted (Type II Procedure).
1. Commercial riding stable or school:
a. Minimum site area: Twenty acres,
b. Minimum setback for stables, barns, animal sheds or shelters: One hundred feet,
c. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15),
d. Minimum setback from adjacent residential zones: Six hundred feet,
e. No more than one horse be kept for each ten thousand square feet of land area, and
f. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust and shall be approved by the department of transportation and flood control district;
2. Club or lodge (private, athletic, sport or recreation):
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Minimum building setback: One hundred feet,
c. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15),
d. No amplifiers or loud speakers of any kind shall be installed outside any buildings erected on the site
3. Commercial kennel:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Minimum setback from adjacent rural or residential zone for commercial kennel facilities: One hundred feet, and
c. Dog runs shall be within enclosed buildings;
4. Community stable:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Minimum setback from subdivision boundaries: Five hundred feet,
c. No more than one horse be kept for each ten thousand square feet of land area,
d. Minimum setbacks for community stable facilities and fencing: One hundred feet,
e. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust and shall be approved by the department of transportation and flood control district,
f. No amplifiers or loudspeakers of any kind shall be installed outside any buildings erected on the site,
g. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15),
h. Such permit may be revoked when the nonprofit community organization ceases to function or when the community stable is not properly maintained, and
i. Minimum setback from adjacent residential zones: Six hundred feet;
5. Minor resort: In accordance with Section 18.07.030(F) (General Regulations and Exceptions);
6. College or governmental structure:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Maximum site coverage: Thirty percent,
c. Minimum setback for playground or athletic field: One hundred feet,
d. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust and shall be approved by the department of transportation.
e. Screening: In accordance with Chapter 18.73 (Landscape, Buffering and Screening Standards), and
f. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15);
7. Community service agency:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Maximum site coverage: Thirty percent,
c. Minimum setback for playground or athletic field: One hundred feet,
d. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust and shall be approved by the department of transportation,
e. Screening: In accordance with Chapter 18.73 (Landscape, Buffering and Screening Standards), and
f. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15);
8. General aviation airstrip: In accordance with Chapter 18.57;
9. Ultralight airstrip: In accordance with Chapter 18.57.
10. Nursery with restricted retail sales:
a. Minimum site area: One hundred forty-four thousand square feet,
b. Minimum setback for nursery buildings and the storage of related materials: 100 feet,
c. The principal nursery use is the on-site propagation and cultivation of plant stock which may include desert plants salvaged from off-site locations,
d. A minimum of sixty percent of the nursery site must be allocated to the principal use,
e. Retail sales shall be primarily of on-site cultivated or off-site salvaged nursery stock. Sales of nursery products cultivated or produced off-site shall be a minor portion of retail sales. Retail sales shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total sales for the nursery use,
f. Retail sales areas, including customer parking areas and display areas may not exceed one and a half acres,
g. Retail sales shall not include power tools and equipment, including farm equipment,
h. Access to the site shall only be from a major street as designated on the Major Streets & Scenic Routes plan. Access from the site to any abutting street that is not designated a major street is prohibited,
i. Landscaping and screening must meet the requirements of Chapter 18.73. A bufferyard type "D" is required. If possible, the bufferyard requirement shall be satisfied with plants in cultivation (in-ground) or natural desert,
j. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15),
k. The use of amplifiers or public address systems is prohibited,
l. All access lanes and parking areas within the nursery site shall be of a paved or concrete surface,
m. A development plan is required pursuant to Chapter 18.71.
D. Uses Conditionally Permitted (Type III Procedure).
1. Museum:
a. Minimum site area: Ten acres,
b. Maximum site coverage: Thirty percent,
c. All driveways and parking areas shall be maintained with a dust-proof material which will minimize the generation of dust and shall be approved by the department of transportation,
d. Screening: In accordance with Chapter 18.73 (Landscape, Buffering and Screening Standards),
e. All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15),
f. Minimum natural or revegetated buffer setback: One hundred feet from any property line, and
g. Notification area: Six hundred feet;
2. Residential substance abuse diagnostic and treatment facility:
a. Minimum site: Ten acres,
b. Minimum setback: One hundred feet from any property line,
c. Height: One story or eighteen feet,
d. Maximum lot coverage by structures: Fifteen percent,
e. Maximum number of patient rooms: Seventy-five.
(Ord. 2020-24, § 4, 2020; Ord. 2011-2 § 8, 2011; Ord. 2007-81 § 6, 2007; Ord. 2005-85 § 5, 2005; Ord. 1998-36 § 7, 1998; Ord. 1997-20 § 5, 1997; Ord. 1992-23 (part), 1992; Ord. 1986-215 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-188 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-125 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 1986-66 § 1 (part), 1986)