Editor's note:
This Chapter 155 was originally enacted by an ordinance on May 7, 2015. Said ordinance was amended by ordinances and resolutions passed on: April 8, 2015; September 22, 2015; July 5, 2016; August 1, 2017; February 5, 2019; October 6, 2020; August 17, 2021; and April 5, 2022. Subsequent amendments to the resolution passed on April 5, 2022 will be indicated by legislation histories placed at the end of the affected sections.
General Provisions
155.001 Applicability
155.002 Purpose
155.003 Intent
Plan Commission
155.015 Jurisdiction and authority
155.016 Membership
155.017 Duties and powers
155.018 Actions and decisions
155.019 Meeting schedule
155.020 Petition hearing procedures
155.021 General meeting conduct and procedures
155.022 Filing of petitions
155.023 Public notice
155.024 Docketing of cases
155.025 Officers, Plan Commission records
155.026 Amendments of rules and procedures
155.027 Adoption and amendment history of rules and procedures
Board of Zoning Appeals
155.040 Jurisdiction and authority
155.041 Membership
155.042 Duties and powers
155.043 Actions and decisions
155.044 Meeting schedule
155.045 Petition hearing procedures
155.046 General meeting conduct and procedures
155.047 Filing of petitions
155.048 Public notice
155.049 Docketing of cases
155.050 Officers, Board of Zoning Appeals records
155.051 Amendments of rules and procedures
155.052 Adoption and amendment history of rules and procedures
Zoning Districts
155.065 General
155.066 Uses not listed
155.067 Development standards
155.068 Agriculture
155.069 Single-Family Residential
155.070 Multi-Family Residential
155.071 Mixed-Use Residential
155.072 Highway Commercial
155.073 General Commercial
155.074 Town Square
155.075 General Industrial
155.076 Light Industrial
155.077 Buffer
155.078 Floodplain Overlay District
Site Standards
155.090 Landscaping and bufferyards
155.091 Location, maintenance, planting size and landscape plan
155.092 Determination of bufferyard requirements
155.093 Bufferyard requirements, uses and ownership
155.094 Lighting, lots and setbacks
155.095 Parking and loading
155.096 General sign standards
155.097 Agriculture sign standards
155.098 Single-Family Residential sign standards
155.099 Multi-Family Residential sign standards
155.100 Town Square sign standards
155.101 Commercial and Industrial sign standards
155.102 Storage
155.103 Structures
Use Standards
155.115 General
155.116 Cemetery or crematory
155.117 Confined feeding operations
155.118 Home occupations
155.119 Junk yard
155.120 Kennels
155.121 Mobile home park
Zoning Administration and Procedures
155.135 Ordinance administration
155.136 Plan Commission
155.137 Board of Zoning Appeals
155.138 Development plans
155.139 Improvement location permits
155.140 Complaints, violations and remedies
155.141 Fee schedule
155.155 Commercial
155.156 Industrial
155.157 Residential
Subdivision Design Regulations
155.170 General
155.171 Drainage and erosion control
155.172 Lots and setbacks
155.173 Open space
155.174 Plat sheets
155.175 Spaces set aside for public use
155.176 Streets
155.177 Utilities
155.190 Lots, structures and uses
155.191 Lots of record
155.192 Structures
155.193 Uses of land
Subdivision Administration and Procedures
155.205 Residential subdivisions; minor
155.206 Residential subdivisions; major
155.207 Commercial subdivisions
155.208 Industrial subdivisions
155.209 Waivers
155.210 Performance and maintenance sureties
General Definitions
155.220 Definitions