(A)   Plan Commission authority. The authority to review, approve, and grant the petitions and permits listed in the Unified Development Ordinance shall rest with the Paoli Plan Commission (PC). Where permitted, the PC may, at its discretion, delegate such authority to the Town Planner.
   (B)   The PC shall have jurisdiction over all land within the established municipal boundary of the Town of Paoli as defined by description or map in the Orange County Recorder's Office.
   (C)   Town Planner. The Town Planner, including any staff members or other designee(s), shall have the principal responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance. Their duties shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Improvement location permits (ILP). Receiving, approving, or disapproving all improvement location permits and keeping permanent records of applications made and actions taken. An ILP, also referred to as a building permit, is a permit for the erection, alteration, or repair of any structure.
      (2)   Inspections. Conducting inspections of structures and properties to determine compliance with the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance and all approvals granted by the PC, Town Council, Committees, or other body in the execution of its duties as established by the Unified Development Ordinance and Indiana State Code.
      (3)   Record keeping. Maintaining permanent and current records documenting the application of the Unified Development Ordinance including, but not limited to, all maps, plats, amendments, and petitions.
      (4)   PC Applications. Receiving, processing docketing, and referring to the PC all appropriate applications.
      (5)   Clerical and technical assistance. Providing all such clerical and technical assistance as may be required by the PC, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), any of its other Committees, the Town Council, or other body in the execution of its duties as established by the Unified Development Ordinance and Indiana State Code.
      (6)   Committee applications. Receiving, processing, docketing, and referring all appropriate applications to the TAC and any of its other committees.
   (D)   Town Planner's right of referral. The Town Planner may, at their discretion, refer applicants for permits and petitions to the PC for review and approval.
   (E)   Roberts Rules of Order. Roberts Rules of Order are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of these rules and shall control on issues and procedures not expressly provided for herein.