(A)   Minimum lot area.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: five acres for the entire park project.
      (2)   A lot on which the restricted use is located may not be smaller in area than the area prescribed for that use.
   (B)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Minimum front setback: The minimum front setback for the zoning district shall apply.
      (2)   Minimum side setback: The minimum front setback for the zoning district shall apply.
      (3)   Minimum rear setback: The minimum front setback for the zoning district shall apply.
      (4)   Setbacks for the restricted use shall include necessary bufferyards. If a setback is not listed, then the standard setback and bufferyard for the zoning district shall apply.
   (C)   Separation from residential districts.
      (1)   Minimum distance from a residential district: The standard building setback for the zoning district shall apply.
      (2)   The restricted use may not be located closer to residential districts than the distance shown, which will include necessary bufferyards. Similarly, residential development shall not be placed closer than the distance shown.
   (D)   Landscaping and bufferyards.
      (1)   Required bufferyards.
         (a)   Minimum bufferyard required: The standard landscaping and bufferyard requirement for the zoning district shall apply.
         (b)   The restricted use shall provide the bufferyards required at the discretion of the PPC or BZA and shall meet the size requirements specified within five years after installation.
      (2)   Bufferyards abutting residential uses.
         (a)   Minimum bufferyard required: The standard landscaping and bufferyards requirement for the zoning district between residential uses shall apply.
         (b)   Bufferyards shall be installed to block the specific restricted use from adjacent residential uses. Screen plantings shall be effective during all seasons and shall meet the size requirements specified within five years after installation. A variance may be granted from the requirements of this section by the BZA.
   (E)   Access to primary or secondary streets.
      (1)   Maximum number of entrances: The number of entrances is not restricted.
      (2)   This standard does not apply to entrances for emergency use only.
      (3)   As used in this section the term "entrance" means a passageway generally 30 feet wide from a premises to a thoroughfare by which vehicles enter or leave.
   (F)   Performance standards. Mobile homes may be permanently occupied when located in a mobile home park. Such mobile home parks require development plan approval and shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Mobile homes for permanent occupancy shall have the following requirements:
      (1)   The placement of any mobile home requires an ILP.
      (2)   No electric lines shall pass over any mobile home.
      (3)   All mobile homes shall be skirted prior to being occupied.
      (4)   When applicable by the terms of this chapter, accessory structures for storage on individual sites are subject to all applicable setback requirements and require an ILP.
      (5)   Driveways shall be provided on the site where necessary for convenient access to service entrances of buildings, to delivery and collection points for refuse and other material, and elsewhere as needed.
      (6)   Resident parking shall be provided either on the trailer site or in common parking facilities, and shall be designed so as not to interfere with pedestrian walkways and to allow adequate space for visitor parking either along the street or in common parking areas.
      (7)   Walkways.
         (a)   Where possible, walkways leading to frequently used public facilities should be through interior areas removed from the vicinity of streets. Public pedestrian sidewalks should be at least four feet in width and paved with a suitable material for use in all weather conditions.
         (b)   Individual walkways shall be provided from a public walkway, street, or parking area to the individual mobile home stands. These walkways shall be at least 18 inches in width and should be paved with a suitable material for use in all weather conditions.
      (8)   Covenants. Covenants shall be submitted and recorded with the development plan approval of the mobile home park. Such covenants must contain/address the following:
         (a)   The mobile home park owner shall furnish each occupant of a mobile home site with a copy of the recorded covenants.
         (b)   The placement or replacement of each mobile home shall be in accordance with and shall follow the procedures set forth by the Unified Development Ordinance.
         (c)   When applicable by the terms of this chapter, accessory structures are subject to all applicable site setbacks and require an ILP.
         (d)   It shall be the responsibility of the mobile home park owner to see that all sites and open spaces are kept in a neat and orderly condition at all times.
         (e)   In order not to impede safety vehicles, no on-street parking of boats, trailers, semi-trucks, etc. shall be permitted.