(A)   Officers of the PC.
      (1)   President. A president shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the PC in each calendar year. The president shall preside at all PC meetings. Meetings shall be held at the call of the president or at other times which the PC deems necessary.
      (2)   Vice president. A vice president shall be elected in the manner prescribed for the president and shall have the authority to act as president during the absence or disability of the duly elected president.
      (3)   Secretary. The Town Planner shall serve as the secretary of the PC. A secretary shall be elected in the manner prescribed for the president who shall maintain responsibility with the Town Planner, for all records and correspondence for the PC. They shall cause minutes of the PC meeting to be maintained in permanent volume, notice to be served of all public hearings and notification to be served to all members of all meetings. The secretary, subject to the direction of the President and the supervision of the Town Planner or designee, shall record all important facts pertaining to each meeting and hearing, all resolutions acted upon by the PC, and all votes of members of the PC upon any resolution or upon the final determination of any questions, indicating the names of any members absent or facility to vote.
      (4)   In the absence of both the president and vice-president, a chairperson shall be selected from the legal voting quorum present at the meeting.
      (5)   A recording secretary may be used for keeping and transcribing minutes of regular or special meetings of the PC.
   (B)   Presiding officer. The presiding officer shall decide all points of order of procedure in accordance with these rules, unless otherwise directed by a majority of the quorum present.
   (C)   Recorded vote. In all cases heard by the PC, the vote shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
   (D)   Agenda preparation and distribution. The Town Planner shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of an agenda for each meeting of the PC. Agendas shall be distributed prior to the hearing to members of the PC, legal counsel, and the press. Other interested or affected parties may request agendas.
   (E)   Open Door Law. PC shall comply with I.C. 5-14-1.5, the Open Door Law, with respect to the use of agendas and requirements for meetings.