(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to allow light industrial uses in which all operations, including storage of materials would be confined within a building, and would include warehousing operations. Development in this district requires connection to public water and public sewer as well as development plan approval.
   (B)   Uses.
      (1)   Permitted uses.
         (a)   Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping service;
         (b)   Anhydrous ammonia storage and distribution;
         (c)   Anhydrous ammonia storage and distribution;
         (d)   Animal day care facility;
         (e)   Auction sales yard (excluding livestock);
         (f)   Automatic car wash;
         (g)   Automobile or motorcycle sales;
         (h)   Automobile parts supply;
         (i)   Automobile repair, service station;
         (j)   Banks and branch banks;
         (k)   Blueprinting and photocopying;
         (l)   Bowling alleys;
         (m)   Business associations;
         (n)   Cemetery or crematory;
         (o)   Charitable institutions;
         (p)   Civic, social, or religious organizations;
         (q)   Commercial facility for breeding non-farm fowl;
         (r)   Commercial testing laboratories;
         (s)   Composting facility;
         (t)   Contractors storage;
         (u)   Customary home occupation (accessory use);
         (v)   Day care center;
         (w)   Department store;
         (x)   Diaper service;
         (y)   Electrical repair shop;
         (z)   Electrical supply store;
         (aa)   Engineering and architectural service;
         (bb)   Fairgrounds;
         (cc)   Farm;
         (dd)   Farm and garden supply;
         (ee)   Farm implements and equipment sales;
         (ff)   Farm product processing;
         (gg)   Farm seasonal worker housing;
         (hh)   Food processing;
         (ii)   Fuel dealers;
         (jj)   Golf and country clubs;
         (kk)   Golf driving range and miniature golf course;
         (ll)   Hardware or variety stores;
         (mm)   Hay, grain, and feed stores;
         (nn)   Indoor recreation facility;
         (oo)   Industry, general;
         (pp)   Junk yard;
         (qq)   Life care facility;
         (rr)   Light industrial park;
         (ss)   Light industry;
         (tt)   Linen supply;
         (uu)   Liquefied petroleum gas, bottled gas dealers;
         (vv)   Lodge or private club;
         (ww)   Manufactured home, travel trailer, camper sales and service;
         (xx)   Monument sales;
         (yy)   Municipal or government buildings;
         (zz)   Newspaper publishing;
         (aaa)   Open material storage;
         (bbb)   Outdoor shooting range, public or private;
         (ccc)   Paint, glass and wallpaper store;
         (ddd)   Parking garage;
         (eee)   Parking lot;
         (fff)   Passenger car rental;
         (ggg)   Petroleum tank farm;
         (hhh)   Plant nursery;
         (iii)   Plumbing, heating and air conditioning dealer;
         (jjj)   Police, postal, or fire station;
         (kkk)   Professional office;
         (lll)   Public golf course;
         (mmm)   Publicly owned park or recreational facility;
         (nnn)   Race track;
         (ooo)   Real estate service;
         (ppp)   Reducing and health salons;
         (qqq)   Reupholster and furniture repair;
         (rrr)   Roadside produce stand;
         (sss)   Sale barn for livestock;
         (ttt)   Sanitary landfill, publicly owned;
         (uuu)   Skating;
         (vvv)   Slaughter house;
         (www)   Stable, private;
         (xxx)   Stable, public;
         (yyy)   Stadium, coliseum;
         (zzz)   Tailoring and pressing shops;
         (aaaa)   Temporary manufactured home;
         (bbbb)   Theater, outdoor;
         (cccc)   Tire, battery and accessory dealers;
         (dddd)   Trade or business school;
         (eeee)   Transfer station;
         (ffff)   Truck freight terminal;
         (gggg)   Truck sales, rental, leasing, repair;
         (hhhh)   Truck service center;
         (iiii)   Veterinary animal hospital;
         (jjjj)   Warehouse (general);
         (kkkk)    Warehouse (grain storage);
         (llll)   Wholesale business;
         (mmmm)   Wholesale produce terminal; and
         (nnnn)   Warehouse/self-storage facilities.
      (2)   Special exceptions.
         (a)   Compost/digester facility;
         (b)   Construction/demolition site;
         (c)   Incinerator;
         (d)   Kennel;
         (e)   Landscape contractor;
         (f)   Manufacturing, use, or storage of explosives;
         (g)   Mineral extraction;
         (h)    Outdoor recreation facility;
         (i)   Penal or correctional institutions;
         (j)   Sanitary landfill, privately owned; and
         (k)   Dwelling, single- or two-family.
   (C)   Development standards.
Development Standards: Light Industrial (LI)
Development Standards: Light Industrial (LI)
Structure Standards
Maximum height of buildings
35 ft.
Lot Standards
Minimum lot width
Minimum road frontage
45 ft.
Minimum front yard setback
20 ft.
Minimum side yard setback
Minimum rear yard setback
Primary structure
Accessory structure
Minimum open space
Maximum lot coverage
Utility Standards
Municipal water and sewer required