§ 155.170 GENERAL.
   (A)   Conditions for approval. The subdivision layout shall be of such a character that it protects the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents in the jurisdiction of the PPC. Considerations for approval, in addition to the other criteria and requirements in this chapter include:
      (1)   Protection of all primary conservation areas;
      (2)   Preservation and maintenance of woodlands, existing fields, pastures, meadows, and orchards and creation of sufficient buffer areas to minimize conflicts between uses, including residential and agricultural uses; and
      (3)   Protection of wildlife habitat areas and sites of historic, archaeological or cultural value.
   (B)   Exemptions.
      (1)   Commercial subdivisions. Reserved.
      (2)   Industrial subdivisions. Reserved.
      (3)   Residential subdivision; minor. The following subdivisions are exempt from the requirements of this section for minor residential subdivisions if the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviews and approves the plan. If the applicant disagrees with the TAC recommendation, the petition must be presented to the PPC as a minor plat.
         (a)   Agricultural sales: A subdivision where the resulting lots are intended solely for agricultural uses, are at least 20 acres in area, and abut existing public ways.
         (b)   Two-lot subdivision: A subdivision resulting in only two building lots where the parent lot, tract or parcel existed prior to the passage of this UDO.
         (c)   Adjoining transfers: A subdivision resulting in the transfer or sale of land between adjoining lot owners that does not create additional building sites.
      (4)   Residential subdivisions; major. Reserved.