(A)   Lighting. In any district, outdoor lighting, where provided, shall be of a design and size that is harmonious with the design of the building, the type of land use, and the type of adjacent land uses. If external spot or flood lighting is used, the light source should be shielded and restrained in such a manner so as not to illuminate or intrude on surrounding properties. Excessive brightness, flashing lights, and brilliant colors are not permitted.
   (B)   Lots and setbacks.
      (1)   Lots. Every primary structure hereafter erected, except agricultural structures not used for human habitation, shall be located on an individual lot which fronts on a street or private drive. No building or structure shall hereafter be erected or located on a lot unless such lot conforms with the lot area regulations of the district in which it is located or in accordance with §§ 155.190 through 155.193 Non-conforming Uses.
      (2)   Setbacks.
         (a)   In the case of a through or corner lot, any property line abutting a street shall be considered a front property line and the setback from that line shall conform to the front yard setback regulations of that district. Corner lots shall have two front yard setbacks and two side yard setbacks.
         (b)   Where 25% or more of the lots in a block are occupied by buildings, the average setbacks of such buildings determine the front yard setback in the block. If there are no other buildings within 330 feet of the proposed building in either direction, then the standard setback for the district shall apply.
         (c)   Front yard setback lines established in recorded subdivisions establish the front yards in such subdivisions. After the adoption of this chapter, no subdivision shall be platted with building setback lines less than the required front yard of the district in which it is located.
         (d)   One-half of an alley abutting the rear or side of a lot may be included in the rear yard setback or side yard setback, respectively, but such alley space shall not be included for loading and unloading berths.
         (e)   Architectural features (cornices, chimney, eave, sill, canopy, or similar feature) or open platforms, porches, or landings may extend into a required side or rear yard not more than two feet, and may project into a required front yard not more than three feet.
      (3)   Driveways. An ILP shall be required for residential driveways that connect to any street owned by the Town of Paoli, Indiana. Driveways shall be adequately separated from roadway intersections in order to minimize conflict with intersection traffic. No driveway shall enter the adjoining street at a point closer than the distances shown below to the intersection of the street right-of-way lines, or in the case of a rounded property corner, from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines extended:
         (a)   Local street: 50 feet;
         (b)   Collectors: 75 feet; and
         (c)   Arterials: 100 feet.