(A)   Application schedule. The Town Planner shall develop and maintain an annual application schedule, which is a calendar of meetings and filing dates for the Plan Commission, TAC, and any of its other committees. The existence of this calendar shall not be interpreted as prohibiting special meetings of the PC or its committees.
   (B)   Coordination of calendars. The calendars of the PC, TAC, and its other committees shall be coordinated to ensure the efficient processing of applications.
   (C)   Compliance with Indiana State Code. All meeting and filing dates shall be based on the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance and the laws of the State of Indiana.
   (D)   Approval of dates. The application schedule shall be prepared by the Town Planner and approved by the PC, wherein the PC shall be responsible for approving a coordinated calendar for the TAC and any of its other committees.
   (E)   Maintenance. The application schedule shall be reviewed and updated annually by the Town Planner and posted in the Paoli Town Hall and/or on the town's website.