(A) Purpose. The Floodplain Overlay District is applied as a supplemental regulation on existing zoned areas that fall within the flood hazard areas, including planned developments (PUDs) if enacted. The Floodplain Overlay District is superimposed on the existing zoning districts and the restrictions and requirements are in addition to those of the underlying zone. All land use review processes that apply to the underlying zoning district shall remain in full force and effect. In the case of overlapping or conflicting requirements, the most restrictive provision shall apply. Reference the Flood Hazard Ordinance 2014-14 (codified in Chapter 151) for additional requirements for development in the floodplain.
(B) Uses.
(1) Permitted uses.
(a) Farm;
(b) Outdoor recreation facility;
(c) Publicly owned park or recreational facility;
(d) Public camp ground or recreational vehicle park;
(e) Public golf course; and
(f) Outdoor shooting range, public or private.
(2) Special exceptions. None.
(C) Development standards. The development standards of the underlying zoning district shall apply.