The council shall sit in non-legislative regular business meetings for the adoption by resolution of rules and regulations which implement or provide for the administration or execution of legislation. Notice and hearing provisions prescribed by law shall be followed. In absence of any other law requirements, provisions for notice and hearing, if the council in its discretion determines the same is necessary, shall be as the council shall by resolution provide in considering the particular rule or regulation for adoption. (1970 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
Charter reference-Adoption of rules and regulations, § 109.
Subdivision II. Legislative Sessions and Other Meetings.
The first and third Tuesdays of each month and such additional days as the council may determine are designated as days for the enactment of legislation, but in no event shall the council sit for more than forty-five (45) days in each year for the purpose of enacting legislation. When a first or third Tuesday is an official holiday, the next succeeding Tuesday business day shall be a day for the enactment of legislation. The council shall meet at such times as it may determine for the conduct of other business and hearings. The council may adopt rules and regulations which implement or provide for the administration or execution of legislation under such procedures and provisions for notice and hearing prescribed herein or as otherwise prescribed by law. No business shall be transacted, or any appointments made, or nominations confirmed, except in public session. (1970 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1; 1981 L.M.C., ch. 39, § 1.)
Editor's note-In Montgomery Citizens League v. Greenhalgh, 253 Md. 151, 252 A.2d 242 (1969), it was held that the Council need not designate an emergency extra session a legislative day separate and apart from the call of the session.
Charter reference-Council sessions, § 109.
Reasonable seating facilities shall be provided for the general public at all sessions and public meetings, and the general public is encouraged to attend. During a session or meeting, time may be provided at the discretion of the president, or upon request of a majority of the council present, for members of the public to address the council on pertinent matters. Persons seeking to address the council on a specific subject should state reasons for an appearance in writing prior to the fixing of the agenda for the council; provided, that this rule may be suspended by a majority of the council members present. Public hearings upon pending legislation or the budget are convened for the express purpose of obtaining public participation and comment. Such hearings shall not constitute a legislative session. At all times, order and decorum shall be maintained in keeping with the dignity of the governmental process, and no person or groups shall interfere with this process, and the council shall take all necessary steps required to maintain order.
No signs, placards, posters or attention devices of any kind or nature shall be carried or placed within the council offices, hearing or conference rooms, nor within any building in which is located the council office or in which the council is meeting or conducting a public hearing. This prohibition shall not apply to armbands, emblems, badges or other articles worn on the personal clothing of individuals; provided, that such armbands, badges or emblems are of such a size and nature as not to interfere with the vision or hearing or other persons at a meeting nor extend from the body as may cause injury to another. Any person who shall violate the provision above, relating to signs, or who shall willfully interrupt or disturb council proceedings, after warning to desist, may be removed from the premises and shall be subject to punishment for a class A violation as set forth in section 1-19 of chapter 1 of the County Code. (1970 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1; 1983 L.M.C., ch. 22, § 4.)
(a) Definitions. In this Section, the following words and phrases have the following meanings:
Director means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Fiscal impact means an estimate of changes in future County revenue and expenditures attributable to a change in the law.
(b) Fiscal impact statements. The Director must submit a statement to the Council describing the fiscal impact, if any, of each bill under consideration by the Council. The Director must submit a separate statement for each bill.
(c) Time for submission. A fiscal impact statement should be submitted to the Council:
(1) no later than 7 days before the public hearing on each bill introduced by the Council President at the request of the County Executive; and
(2) no more than 21 days after a bill sponsored by a Councilmember is introduced.
If the Director is unable to submit the statement within the time required by paragraph (2), the Director must notify the Council President in writing of the delay, the reason for the delay, and the revised delivery date. If the Council President finds that the revised delivery date is unreasonable, the Council President may set a different delivery deadline.
(d) Content of fiscal impact statement. Each fiscal impact statement must include:
(1) the sources of information, assumptions, and methodologies used;
(2) an estimate of changes in County revenues and expenditures regardless of whether the revenues or expenditures are assumed in a recommended or approved budget;
(3) revenue and expenditure estimates covering at least the next 6 fiscal years;
(4) an actuarial analysis through the entire amortization period for each bill that would affect retiree pension or group insurance costs;
(5) later actions that may affect future revenue and expenditures if the bill authorizes future spending;
(6) an estimate of the staff time needed to implement the bill;
(7) an explanation of how the addition of new staff responsibilities would affect other duties;
(8) an estimate of costs when an additional appropriation is needed;
(9) a description of any variable that could affect revenue and cost estimates;
(10) ranges of revenue or expenditures that are uncertain or difficult to project; and
(11) if a bill is likely to have no fiscal impact, why that is the case.
(e) Compliance. Council action on a bill that is otherwise valid is not invalid because of any failure to follow the requirements of this Section. (2010 L.M.C., ch. 42, § 1.)
(a) Definitions. In this Section, the following words and phrases have the following meanings:
Director means the Director of the Office of Legislative Oversight.
Economic impact means an estimate of the costs and/or benefits to private organizations and individuals in the County attributable to a change in the law.
(b) Economic impact statements. The Director must submit a statement to the Council describing the economic impact, if any, of each bill under consideration by the Council. The Director must submit a separate statement for each bill.
(c) Time for submission.
(1) An economic impact statement should be submitted to the Council no more than 21 days after a bill is introduced.
(2) If the Director is unable to submit the statement within 21 days after the bill is introduced, the Director must notify the Council President in writing of the delay, the reason for the delay, and the revised delivery date. If the Council President finds that the revised delivery date is unreasonable, the Council President may set a different delivery deadline.
(d) Content of economic impact statement.
(1) Each economic impact statement must include:
(A) the sources of information, assumptions, and methodologies used;
(B) a description of variables that could affect economic impact estimates; and
(C) if a bill is likely to have no economic impact, why that is the case.
(2) Each economic impact statement should include the bill’s potential positive or negative effects, if any, on the County’s workforce, taxation policy, property values, incomes, operating costs to businesses and non-profits operating in the County, capital investment from the private sector, economic development, and the County’s competitiveness.
(e) Compliance. Council action on an expedited bill that is otherwise valid is not invalid because of any failure to follow the requirements of this Section.
(2010 L.M.C., ch. 43, § 1; 2019 L.M.C., ch. 23, §1; 2019 L.M.C., ch. 14, §1; 2021 L.M.C., ch. 26, § 1.)
Editor’s note—2019 L.M.C., ch. 14, § 2, states: Effective Date. This Act must take effect on March 1, 2020 and apply to each Bill that is introduced after this Act takes effect.