§ 54A-1. Definitions.
§ 54A-2. Prohibited conduct.
§ 54A-3. Carrier's right to refuse transport.
§ 54A-4. Interference with operation of facilities and vehicles.
§ 54A-5. Bicycles, motorcycles and similar vehicles.
§ 54A-6. Violations.
[Note] | *Editor's note-Section 1 of 1987 L.M.C., ch. 46, amended ch. 54A to read as set forth in §§ 54A- 1-54A-6. Where necessary, editor's notes following affected sections will explain the effect of the act on the chapter. Cross references-Special mass transit facilities tax, § 52-13; transit development area zones, § et seq.; animal boarding places and transit stations zones, § ; Washington Suburban Transit District, Ch. 87. |
As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) Public passenger vehicle or vehicle means a bus or rapid rail passenger car owned or operated by WMATA, or owned or operated by the county or on behalf of the county, while the vehicle is transporting passengers in regular, contract, special or community service.
(2) Rail transit station or station means a place regularly used for pickup and discharge of passengers from rail passenger vehicles. "Station" includes all fare-paid areas and enclosed areas of a rail transit station owned or operated by WMATA.
(3) Fare means the amount to be paid for rail or bus transit services, and the time and manner of payment, established by WMATA or the county.
(4) Operator means an operator of a public passenger vehicle, or an employee or agent of WMATA or the county responsible for a vehicle or station.
(5) WMATA means the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 46, § 1.)
Editor's note-Section 54A-1 was formerly entitled "Purpose and Intent" and was derived from 1976 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 1.
A passenger in a public passenger vehicle or a person in a rail transit station must not:
(1) Smoke or carry a lighted or smoldering pipe, cigar or cigarette;
(2) Consume food or drink;
(3) Spit;
(4) Discard litter, other than in an approved receptacle;
(5) Play any radio, tape recorder or similar instrument, unless the instrument is connected to an earphone that limits the sound to the individual user;
(6) Carry any flammable liquids not in a sealed container, live animals, birds, reptiles, explosives, acids or any other item inherently dangerous or offensive to others, except:
a. Guide dogs properly harnessed and accompanied by handicapped passengers; and
b. Small animals properly packaged and hand-carried;
(7) Stand, sit, or lie in front of the white line marked on the forward end of the floor of a vehicle, or otherwise obstruct the vision or function of the operator;
(8) Board any vehicle through the rear exit door or a signed emergency exit, unless so directed by an operator;
(9) Knowingly board a vehicle or knowingly enter or leave a fare-paid area of a rail transit station without paying the fare or presenting a valid transfer;
(10) Run, climb through windows or on seats, obstruct passage, obstruct the use of elevators or escalators, or otherwise endanger a passenger or operator;
(11) Wear or use roller skates, skateboards, baby carriages or strollers that are not readily collapsible, wagons or carts, unless permitted by an operator;
(12) Walk with bare feet;
(13) Sell or try to sell anything;
(14) Operate, carry, or park any bicycle, tricycle, unicycle, motorcycle, motorbike or similar vehicle, unless:
a. The person carries a valid permit from WMATA or the county to transport the vehicle; and
b. The person complies with all conditions of the permit;
(15) Be on a track, tunnel, catwalk, or any other part of the rail transit system without the express written permission of WMATA;
(16) Ride on top of or on the side of any vehicle, or between two (2) rail transit cars, without the express written permission of WMATA or the county; or
(17) Mark or draw on a station or vehicle. (1976 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 1; 1977 L.M.C., ch. 34, § 1; 1987 L.M.C., ch. 46, § 1.)
Any public carrier transporting passengers may refuse to transport any person who disturbs the public peace, as defined in state law. A person must not refuse to leave a vehicle or station after an operator or police officer who reasonably believes that the person is disturbing the public peace directs the person to leave. (1976 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 1; 1987 L.M.C., ch. 46, § 1.)