Article I. In General.
Division 50.1. Purpose.
§ 1.1. Purpose of Chapter 50.
Division 50.2. Interpretation and Defined Terms.
§ 2.1. Rules of Interpretation.
§ 2.2. Definitions.
Division 50.3. General Requirements.
§ 3.1. Applicability of the Chapter.
§ 3.2. Record Plat Required.
§ 3.3. Exemptions to the Requirements of this Chapter.
§ 3.4. Approving Authority.
§ 3.5. Effect of Chapter on Other Ordinances.
§ 3.6. Submission Procedures for Subdivision Plans.
Article II. Subdivision Plans.
Division 50.4. Preliminary Plan.
§ 4.1. Filing and Specifications.
§ 4.2. Approval Procedures.
§ 4.3. Technical Review.
Division 50.5. Pre-Preliminary Submissions.
§ 5.1. Filing and Specifications.
§ 5.2. Approval Procedure.
Division 50.6. Administrative Subdivision Plan.
§ 6.1. Applicability.
§ 6.2. Filing Requirements.
§ 6.3. Approval Procedures.
Division 50.7. Minor Subdivision.
§ 7.1. Applicability.
§ 7.2. Procedure for Platting Minor Subdivisions.
Article III. Plats.
Division 50.8. Plats – Generally.
§ 8.1. Filing and Specifications.
§ 8.2. Approval Procedure.
§ 8.3. Recording Procedure.
§ 8.4. Abandonment of Land Dedicated for Public Use.
Article IV. Administration.
Division 50.9. Waivers from this Chapter.
§ 9.1. Authority of Planning Board.
§ 9.2. Application.
§ 9.3. Findings.
§ 9.4. Conditions.
§ 9.5. Procedure for Granting Waivers.
Division 50.10. Administrative Procedures.
§ 10.1. Regulations.
§ 10.2. Bonding and Surety.
§ 10.3. Establishment of Adequate Public Facilities Guidelines.
§ 10.4. Establishment of a Development Review Committee.
§ 10.5. Establishment of Fees.
§ 10.6. Enforcement of Chapter.
§ 10.7. Amendment of Chapter.
[Note] | *Editor's note-In Irvine v. Montgomery County, 239 Md. 113, 210 A.2d 359 (1965), the County was found to be immune from liability for damage allegedly caused by continuous diversion of surface waters and denial of use of public road as result of excavation, grading and paving of streets pursuant to requirements and under supervision of County Department of PublicWorks and Transportation, which had approved the subdivision plat. This chapter is cited in Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission v. TKU Associates, 281 Md.1, 376 A.2d 505 (1971). This chapter is mentioned in Badian v. Hickey, 228 Md. 334, 179 A.2d 873 (1962). See County Attorney Opinion dated 5/20/91 indicating that the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is exempt from listed local permits, including Chapters 8, 19, 22, 50, and 59, but must comply with State law regarding sediment control and fire safety. Cross references-Buildings, ch. 8; condominiums, ch. 11A; cooperative housing, ch. 11C; permit for land-disturbing activities, § 19-2 et seq.; storm water management, § 19-20 et seq.; homeowners' associations, ch. 24B; planning procedures, ch. 33A; real property, ch. 40; streets and roads, ch. 49; zoning, ch. 59; subdivision signs, § 59-F-1.32(b), (c). State law reference—Land Use Article of the Maryland Code. |