Article I. In General.
§§ 2-1-2-4. Reserved.
§ 2-5. Use of consular registration cards for identification.
§ 2-6. Special deputy sheriffs.
§ 2-7. Location of Sheriff's office; compensation of Sheriff; required use of vehicle.
§ 2-8. Agreements for establishing emergency plans and procedures.
§ 2-9. County vehicles-Storage, parking, markings or identification, designation and use generally.
§ 2-10. Same-Unauthorized use or use for other than official business.
Article II. Powers of County Generally.
§ 2-11. Corporate powers generally.
§ 2-11A. Evaluation of reorganization.
§ 2-12. Police powers generally.
§ 2-13. Public emergency powers-Generally.
§ 2-14. Same-Appropriations.
§ 2-15. Same-Arms and ammunition; civilian defense personnel; regulations, etc.
§ 2-16. Borrowing money.
§ 2-17. State of emergency.
§ 2-17A. Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
§ 2-18. Continuity of government.
§ 2-19. Authority to provide legal assistance to indigent defendants.
§ 2-20. Power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths.
§ 2-21. Soil erosion.
§ 2-22. Firearm regulations.
§ 2-23. Regulation of obstructions on public property.
Article III. Executive Branch.
Division 1. Generally.
§ 2-24. District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority-County representatives.
§ 2-25. Planning implementation.
Division 1A. Office of the County Executive
§ 2-25A. Office of Internal Audit — Functions.
§ 2-25B. Business Advancement Team.
§ 2-25C. Director of County Climate Policy.
§ 2-25D. Office of Labor Relations.
§ 2-26. Non-merit positions.
Division 2. Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
§ 2-27. Functions and organization.
§ 2-27A. Procedures to monitor, review and coordinate the county housing and development authorization process.
Division 3. Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.
§ 2-28. Functions.
Division 4. Department of Environmental Protection.
§ 2-29. Functions.
§ 2-29A. Non-merit position.
Division 5. Department of General Services.
§ 2-30. Department of General Services — Functions.
§§ 2-31 — 2-39. Reserved.
Division 5A. Montgomery County Fire and Rescue System.
§ 2-39A. Structure.
Division 6. Reserved.
§§ 2-40-2-41B. Reserved.
Division 7. Health Officer.
§ 2-42. Health officer.
Division 7A. Department of Health and Human Services
§ 2-42A. Functions, powers, and duties.
Division 7B. Department of Permitting Services.
§ 2-42B. Functions; Advisory Committee.
Division 8. Department of Police.
§ 2-43. Organization and functions.
Division 9. Department of Public Libraries.
§ 2-44. Reserved.
§ 2-45. Powers, duties and functions.
§ 2-46. Library board-Established; composition; term of members.
§ 2-47. Same-Powers and duties generally; recommendations.
§ 2-48. Same-Election of chairman, etc.; adoption of bylaws.
§ 2-49. Library Board-Compensation of members; meetings.
§ 2-50. Same-Services and facilities.
§ 2-51. Library Board-Local advisory committees.
§ 2-52. Transfer of facilities of existing libraries to county.
§ 2-53. Annual payment of county library tax to certain municipalities.
§ 2-54. Adoption of administrative rules.
Division 10. Department of Transportation.
§ 2-55. Functions.
§ 2-56. Non-merit positions.
§ 2-57. Bus advertising.
§ 2-57A. Fees and Charges
Division 11. Department of Recreation.
§ 2-58. Functions.
Division 11A. Reserved.
§ 2-58A. Reserved.
Division 11B. Reserved.
§ 2-58B. Reserved.
Division 11C. Office of Animal Services.
§ 2-58C. Functions.
Division 11D. Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions.
§ 2-58D. Functions.
§ 2-58E. Transmission facility coordination.
Division 12. Advisory Boards or Commissions.
Subdivision I. In General.
§ 2-59. Domestic Violence Coordinating Council
§ 2-60. Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission.
§ 2-61. Assistance to boards.
Subdivision II. Reserved.
§§ 2-62-2-64. Reserved.
Subdivision III. Reserved.
Division 13. Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice.
§ 2-64A. Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice.
§ 2-64B-2-64G. Reserved.
Division 14. Office of Public Information.
§ 2-64H. Functions.
Division 15. Office of Human Resources.
§ 2-64I. Functions.
Division 16. Office of Intergovernmental Relations.
§ 2-64J. Functions.
Division 17. Office of Management and Budget.
§ 2-64K. Functions.
Division 18. Reserved.
§ 2-64L. Reserved.
Division 19. Office of Community Use of Public Facilities.
§ 2-64M. Functions and Duties.
Division 20. Office of Procurement.
§ 2-64N. Functions.
Division 21. Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
§ 2-64O. Functions and organization
Division 22. Office of Grants Management.
§ 2-64P. Office of Grants Management – Functions.
Division 23. Office of Food Systems Resilience.
§2-64Q. Office of Food Systems Resilience – Functions.
Article IV. Legislative Branch.
Division 1. Generally.
§ 2-65. Board of health designated.
Division 2. County Council.
Subdivision I. In General.
§ 2-66. Reserved.
§ 2-67. Election of officers.
§ 2-68. Order and decorum.
§ 2-69. Absence of the president.
§ 2-70. Duties of Clerk of the council.
§ 2-71. Reserved.
§ 2-72. Journal and minutes.
§ 2-73. Publication of bills and council proceedings.
§ 2-74. Permanent records.
§ 2-75. Appointments.
§ 2-76. Exercise of zoning, planning and subdivision powers.
§ 2-77. Adoption of rules and regulations.
Subdivision II. Legislative Sessions and Other Meetings.
§ 2-78. Schedule; adoption of rules and regulations; public sessions.
§ 2-79. Quorum.
§ 2-80. Public participation; sign limitation; willful disturbance.
§ 2-81. Yeas and nays.
§ 2-81A. Fiscal Impact Statements.
§ 2-81B. Economic Impact Statements.
§ 2-81C. Racial Equity and Social Justice Impact Statements.
§ 2-81D. Climate Assessments.
§ 2-82. Consideration of bills and budgets.
Division 3. Advisory Boards and Committees.
Subdivision I. Reserved.
§§ 2-83-2-87. Reserved.
Subdivision II. Reserved.
§§ 2-88-2-90. Reserved.
Subdivision III. Reserved.
§§ 2-91-2-94. Reserved.
Division 4. Ordinances, Resolutions, Codes, etc.
§ 2-95. Powers to adopt-Generally; administration and enforcement.
§ 2-96. Administration and enforcement of legislation in municipal corporations and special taxing districts.
§§ 2-97-2-105. Reserved.
§ 2-106. Existing requirements as to advertisement not affected.
§ 2-107. Distribution and sale of information.
Article V. County Board of Appeals.
§ 2-108. Established; composition; appointment and term of chair and members; disclosure of interests.
§ 2-109. Code of ethics.
§ 2-110. Qualifications of members.
§ 2-111. Reserved.
§ 2-112. Jurisdiction.
§ 2-113. Procedures.
§ 2-113A. Referrals to hearing examiner.
§ 2-114. Appeals from decisions.
§ 2-115. Limitation upon authority.
§ 2-116. Employees, etc.
Article VI. Local Management Board for Children, Youth, and Families.
§ 2-117. Declaration of Policy.
§ 2-118. Purposes; scope and mission.
§ 2-119. Designation.
§ 2-120. Board of Directors.
§ 2-121. Articles of Incorporation; Bylaws.
§ 2-122. Agreement with the State; Funding.
§ 2-123. Revocation of Designation as Local Management Board.
Article VII. State's Attorney and Assistants.
§ 2-123A. Compensation of the state's attorney.
§ 2-124. Duties of assistant generally.
§ 2-125. Courts in which assistant's appearance may be made.
§ 2-126. Appearance on behalf of state.
§ 2-127. Collection and disposition of fees.
§ 2-128. Appointment of County Attorney as Assistant State's Attorney; powers, duties.
Article VIII. Reserved.
§§ 2-129-2-134A. Reserved.
Article IX. Public Facility Area Development.
§ 2-135. Short title.
§ 2-136. Findings and declaration of public purpose.
§ 2-137. Definitions.
§ 2-138. Powers and authority of county executive and council generally.
Article X. Office of Hearing Examiner.
§ 2-139. Reserved.
§ 2-140. Powers, duties and functions.
Article XI. Boards, Committees and Commissions.
§ 2-141. Scope of article.
§ 2-142. Definitions.
§ 2-143. Reserved.
§ 2-144. Budget.
§ 2-145. Compensation; reimbursement.
§ 2-146. Terms of boards, committees, commissions, and task forces.
§ 2-147. Group reports; by-laws.
§ 2-148. Appointments, removals, and training.
§ 2-149. Procedures at meetings.
§ 2-149A. Open meetings – supplemental requirements.
Article XII. People's Counsel.
§ 2-150. People's Counsel-Functions.
Article XIII. Inspector General.
§ 2-151. Inspector General.
§ 2-151A. Montgomery County.
Article XIV. Open Data.
§ 2-152. Title.
§ 2-153. Definitions.
§ 2-154. Public data set availability.
§ 2-155. Web portal administration.
§ 2-156. Open data policy.
§ 2-157. Internet data set policy and technical standards.
§ 2-158. Open Data Implementation Plan.
§ 2-159. Public Information Act Responses.
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