Article I. School Facilities Utilization Act.
§ 44-1. Purpose.
§ 44-2. Definitions.
§ 44-3. Interagency coordinating board.
§ 44-4. Director of community use of public facilities.
§ 44-4A. Child care in public spaces.
§ 44-5. Advisory committee.
§ 44-5A. Enterprise fund established; accounts.
Article II. Public Schools.
§ 44-6. Annual expense allowance for members of board of education.
§ 44-7. Denominational and parochial school students entitled to transportation.
§ 44-8. Cost of transportation of students; levy and appropriation; charge to students.
§ 44-9. Acceptance of donations for school purposes; requirements and procedure; power of council to forbid.
§ 44-10. Biennial survey of school construction needs required.
§ 44-11. Teachers' salaries to be paid monthly; report.
§ 44-12. Annual levy; sums for various purposes to be specified.
§ 44-13. Board of education not to incur deficits.
§ 44-14. Payment of debts incurred in violation of article prohibited.
§ 44-16. Penalty for violation of section 44-13.
Article III. Private Schools and Recreational Camps.
Division 1. Licensing and Regulation of Private Schools Generally.
§ 44-17. Definitions.
§ 44-18. Requirements as to licenses generally.
§ 44-19. Renewal of licenses.
§ 44-20. License void upon change of location, etc.
§ 44-21. Transfer of license.
§ 44-22. License fees.
§ 44-23. Expiration of license.
§ 44-24. Procedure for issuance, etc., of license.
§ 44-25. Right of appeal from denial, revocation or suspension of license.
§ 44-26. Responsible adult person to be in charge at all times.
§ 44-27. Students working in laboratories, etc., where dangerous or explosive materials used.
§ 44-28. Right of entry of county officials.
§ 44-29. Administration and enforcement of division-Generally.
§ 44-30. Same-Department heads to provide assistance and services.
§ 44-31. Violations and penalty.
Division 2. Health Standards and Regulations.
§ 44-32. Definitions.
§ 44-33. Location generally; vermin control.
§ 44-34. Buildings, sleeping quarters, tents and equipment generally.
§ 44-35. Water supply.
§ 44-36. Bathing facilities and swimming pools.
§ 44-37. Toilet and sewage disposal facilities.
§ 44-38. Food and food handling.
§ 44-39. Garbage and waste disposal.
§ 44-40. Medical and nursing care generally.
§ 44-41. Communicable diseases.
§ 44-42. Examinations and health records.
§ 44-43. Infirmaries.
§ 44-44. Administration and enforcement of division.
§ 44-45. Violations and penalty.
Article IV. Workforce Investment Scholarship Program.
§ 44-46. Legislative findings.
§ 44-47. Workforce Investment Scholarship Program.
§ 44-48. Workforce Investment Scholarship Board.
§ 44-49. Duties of Board.
§ 44-50. Duties of the Director.
1 | *Cross references-Smoking prohibited in certain areas, § 24-9; hawking and peddling within five hundred feet of schools, § 49-28. |
[Note] | *Editor's note-1979 L.M.C., ch. 19, § 4 provides as follows: "The provisions of this act specified in section 44-3, title ‘interagency coordinating board’ shall be effective immediately upon authorization by the Maryland General Assembly under the bill presently designated as MC250-79. Until such bill becomes law, the board responsibilities specified herein shall be conducted to the extent authorized under state law and enabling resolution by the interim interagency committee on school facilities utilization. Section 44-3, title ‘interagency coordinating board’ and all other provisions of this act shall become operative by incorporation in an agreement executed among the county government, board of education, and other public agencies." |
It is the purpose of this article to achieve and maintain the following:
(a) Without interference with educational programs and activities or unless precluded by lease conditions between the board of education and private tenants under joint occupancy or similar arrangements, maximum utilization of gyms, playing fields, classrooms and other facilities of the Montgomery County public schools by public and nonpublic agencies, community groups and citizens generally throughout the county, toward the end that these public facilities serve the public on a year-round basis;
(b) Availability to actual and potential users of comprehensive and current information as to community activities and programs being conducted in school facilities and the conditions under which such facilities may be made available;
(c) Allocation and scheduling of facility space among users on an equitable basis;
(d) Improvement of coordination among common services utilizing school facilities;
(e) Identification of new and expanded facility use possibilities;
(f) Establishment of regulations for use, including fee schedules, replacement or repayment for damage to facilities and equipment and other necessary conditions for use; and
(g) Full consideration of community use factors in planning the construction or renovation of school facilities.
(h) It is the further purpose of this article to provide for maximum flexibility to communities and individual schools in the development of program activities in response to particular community needs. (1979 L.M.C., ch. 19, § 2.)
For the purposes of this Article, the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated:
Board. The Interagency Coordinating Board established by Section 44-3.
Committee. The advisory committee established by Section 44-5.
Director. The Director of Community Use of Public Facilities.
Schools. Buildings and grounds, playing fields, gymnasia and associated educational facilities and equipment under the ownership and operating control of the Montgomery County board of education, including but not limited to those schools currently or in the future designated as "community schools."
Superintendent. The superintendent of Montgomery County public schools.
Community school council. An existing body created to provide information and advice on community needs, program development, facility use and related matters at designated "community schools" or a body as may be created in the future to perform similar functions regarding other schools or groups of schools. (1979 L.M.C., ch. 19, § 2; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 1.)