COMCOR 42A.00.01 Creation of a Share-A-Ride Outreach Area
COMCOR 42A.00.02 Amendment of North Bethesda Share-A-Ride District
COMCOR 42A.00.03 Creation of a Friendship Heights Share-A-Ride Distric
COMCOR 42A.23.01 Establishment of an Advisory Committee in the Greater Shady Grove Transportation Management Districtt
COMCOR 42A.29.01 Establishment of Transportation Management Fee in North Bethesda
Under the authority of Chapter 42A, titled "Ridesharing," of the Montgomery County Code, 1972, as amended, the County Executive is establishing regulations for the creation of two new Outreach Areas for the Share-A-Ride program. The regulations facilitate the, participation in the Share-A-Ride program of individual office developments located within the boundaries of the new Outreach Areas.
Under Chapter 59, Article E of the Montgomery County Code, 1972, as amended, an office development located within an Outreach Area may obtain a reduction in its minimum parking requirements if it participates in the Share-A-Ride program or provides certain private ridesharing incentives.
A. Area specifications
Section 42A-3, titled "Share-A-Ride Outreach Areas," allows Share-A-Ride Outreach Areas to be established by the County Executive at locations where concentrations of employment provide opportunities for a significant number of new ridesharing arrangements. Each Outreach Area shall be an employment center that has a minimum of 200,000 gross square feet of existing office spaces within a one-quarter square mile area.
B. Definitions
RIDESHARING: commuting in a motor vehicle as a group of two or more individuals. Ridesharing arrangements include carpooling, vanpooling, and use of transit.
C. Findings
The following areas meet the above requirements and are hereby established by the County Executive as Outreach Areas of the Share-A-Ride program.
The boundaries of the Medical Centers Outreach Areas are as follows:
Beginning on the east line of Wisconsin Avenue where it intersects with the south line of Cedar Lane; then eastward along the south line of Cedar Lane to its intersection with the National Medical Center boundary; then south along this boundary to its intersection with the Capital Beltway; then along the Capital Beltway to the easternmost boundary of the Naval Medical Command; then directly due south to the north line of Jones Bridge Road; then westward along the north line of Jones Bridge Road to its intersection with the east line of Wisconsin Avenue; then south on the east line of Wisconsin Avenue to a midpoint between South Chelsea Lane and Chestnut Street; then west along the southern boundary of the National Institutes of Health to Old Georgetown Road; then west along the southern boundary of Suburban Hospital; then north along the western boundary of Suburban Hospital; then east along the south line of Lincoln Street; then north along the west line of Old Georgetown Road to its intersection with the south line of Cedar Lane; then east along the south line of Cedar Lane to its intersection with the west line of Wisconsin Avenue; to the point of beginning.
Editor’s note—This Regulation does not contain a “Section 3".