Secs. 2-129-2-133. Repealed by 1978 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 3.
Secs. 2-134, 2-134A. Repealed by 1997 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1.
[Note] | *Editor's note-Resolution No. 9-695, adopted March 28, 1980, provided for specific posting and public notification requirements to be met prior to the holding of a public hearing on any proposal for the use of any property or site under the provisions of this article. |
It is hereby found and declared that Montgomery County, the State of Maryland, and other public agencies operating within Montgomery County face very large and continuing expenditures for the provision of highways, schools, health centers, rapid transit lines and stations, and other public facilities to serve a growing population; that the benefits and costs of such major public facilities may be significantly affected by securing the orderly, planned development of land adjacent to those public facilities; that the costs and benefits at issue are (1) efficiency and economy in the provision of public services, both in capital cost and in operating cost, by means of the functional use and usefulness of the public facility plus the impact of the facility upon the overall land and facility development pattern proposed in the general plan of the county, and (2) attractiveness and amenity of the physical environment, and (3) growth in the local economy and tax base. It is further found and declared that these benefits derived from orderly development adjacent to public facilities can be secured much more reliably by a process whereby land adjacent to the proposed public facility is purchased at the time that land for the facility itself is acquired, a site plan is prepared for the public facility and the adjacent land together, and the adjacent land made available at the proper time for private development according to that plan; and that the acquisition of private property for such public facility area development projects is necessary and is hereby declared to be for a public purpose. (1968, ch. 607, § 1; 1970, ch. 471, § 1.)
The following terms in this Article have the meanings indicated, unless a different meaning is clearly indicated in the context:
Public facility means any parcel of land of one (1) acre or more, with or without buildings or other capital improvements, devoted to public use, including roads, highway interchanges, rapid transit lines and stations, parking garages, schools, colleges, hospitals, health centers, government office buildings, fire and police stations, parks, recreation centers, golf courses, sanitary landfills, and any other significant facility whose construction is an established public purpose.
Public facility area means a public facility site plus that limited land area adjacent to an existing or proposed major public facility where at least one of the following conditions exists:
(1) The nature of the public facility is or will be such that adjacent private development may reasonably be expected to have a definite impact on the use and usefulness of the facility and its potential contribution to the attractiveness of the environment.
(2) There is an approved master plan of land use, transportation, and public facilities which identifies certain strategic and limited areas, the development of which for the use shown on the master plan is desirable to the implementation of the basic concepts of that master plan.
(3) The owner of the parcel needed for the proposed public facility is unwilling to sell only that part of his land needed for the public facility alone.
(4) One (1) public agency purposes to transfer a parcel of land to a second public agency which needs most but not all of the parcel for one (1) or more specific public facilities.
Public facility area plan means a site development plan, as it exists from time to time, specifying generally or in exact detail, as may be judged appropriate in specific instances by the county council and county executive, the location and types of land uses, activities, and improvements directed or permitted to take place both on the site occupied by the public facility and on the adjacent land acquired within the public facility area.
Public facility area development project means all of the following actions, taken in the following order:
(1) The council holds a public hearing on the designation of a proposed public facility area. The council or county executive may propose a designation before a binding contract to purchase a public facility is signed. Any proposal to designate an area as a public facility area requires the affirmative vote of 5 members of the council for approval. The approval is subject to veto by the county executive. The council may approve the proposal over the disapproval of the county executive by the affirmative vote of 6 members;
(2) Acquisition of land within a public facility area;
(3) Preparation of a public facility area plan, which plan may be proposed by either the county executive or the county council;
(4) Holding of land pending a suitable time for disposition;
(5) Conducting a public hearing on the public facility area plan prior to disposition of any land for private development, provided, however, that any such plan shall be approved and be subject to veto and reapproval in the same manner as provided in subsection (e)(1) of this section, provided, however, that once a public facility area plan has been approved, the county executive shall execute that plan in accordance with its terms and conditions; and
(6) Disposition of land for development according to the public facility area plan. (1968, ch. 607, § 1; 1970, ch. 471, § 1; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 11, § 1; 2016 L.M.C., ch. 8, § 1; 2017 L.M.C., ch. 12, §1.)