TABLE 2 Executive Regulation Number to Current COMCOR Number
Regulation Number | Current COMCOR Number | Title
Regulation Number | Current COMCOR Number | Title
54-84 | Removed - Chapter authorizing regulation was repealed by 1993 LMC ch. 4 | Fee Schedule for Child Care Facilities |
69-84 | 48.00.02 | Control of Refuse Collection Noise |
17-86 | 03.00.01 | Schedule of Permit Fees for Open Fires |
29-86 | 31B.00.01 | Procedures Governing the Measurement of Noise Levels in Montgomery County, Maryland |
43-86 | 42A.00.01 | Creation of a New Share-A-Ride Outreach Area |
24-87 | 33.37.01 | Elected Officials Plan |
44-87 | 02.39A.01 | Command and Communication Procedure for Fire and Rescue Corporation Directions to County Firefighter/Rescuer Employees |
1-88AM | 31B.00.03 | Control of Noise from Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners on Property in Residential Zones |
10-88AM | Removed - program terminated in 1990 | Vanpool Subsidy Program |
18-88 | 24B.00.01 | Reimbursement for Association Roadways |
13-89AMII | 21.02.01 | Drug Screening Procedure for Volunteer Applicants |
27-89AMII | 21.02.02 | Local and Non-Local Travel Guidelines for the Fire and Rescue Corporations |
29-89AM | 21.02.03 - removed; repealed 9/27/16 by Reg. No. 13-16 | Volunteer Firefighter Medical Standards |
41-89AMII | 21.02.04 | Safety while on Apparatus |
48-89 | 01.19.02 | Implementation of Civil Fines |
50-89 | Superseded by 20-16; see 44A.03.01 | Secondhand Personal Property |
53-89 | 08A.18.01 | Use of Public, Educational & Government (PEG) Cable TV Channels |
65-89 | 21.02.05 - removed; repealed 2/5/19 by Reg. No. 9-18 | First Response for Trench Collapse Incidents |
66-89 | 21.02.06 - removed; repealed 2/5/19 by Reg. No. 7-18 | Cave-In Team Response |
1-90 | 59.00.02 | Requirements for Registered Living Units |
4-90AM | 19.31.01 | Stormwater Management Waiver Contributions |
7-90 | Removed - 10/1/1991 sunset date | Administrative Guidelines for Child Care Property Tax Credit Program |
9-90 | 21.02.07- removed; repealed 4/20/21 by Reg. No. 5-21 | Pager Criteria Policy |
13-90 | 19.10.01 | Certificates of Guarantee for Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management |
14-90AM | 21.02.08 - removed; repealed 9/27/16 by Reg. No. 4-16 | Apparatus Staffing Policy |
29-90 | 21.02.09 - removed; repealed 5/10/16 by Reg. No. 1-16 | Workers Compensation Claims |
31-90AM | 08A.29.01 | Commercial Use of Public, Educational, and Government Access (PEG) Channels |
34-90 | Superseded by 17-08AM; see 52.47.01 | Development Tax for Major Highways |
35-90 | Superseded by 9-21; see
25A.00.01 | Sales Prices of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units - Moderately Priced Housing |
36-90 | 19.10.02 | Erosion and Sediment Control Rules and Regulations |
40-90 | 48.32.01 | Solid Waste Disposal |
41-90 | Removed - Development rights fund and its board of directors ceased to exist on October 29, 1995. | Transferable Development Rights, Rules and Regulations |
44-90 | Superseded by 12-13AM; see 31.48.01 | Residential Permit Parking Guidelines |
48-90 | Superseded by 21-19; see
30C.00.01 | Motor Vehicle Towing from Private Property |
49-90 | 52.07.01 | Department of Finance |
50-90 | 52.18C.01 | Administrative Guidelines for Tax Deferral on Residential Property Rezoned as a Result of Government-Initiated change |
51-90 | 52.41.01 | Administrative Guidelines for Real Property Historic Preservation Tax Credit |
32-91 | 08.28.01 | Schedule of Fees Related to Use and Occupancy Certificates |
39-91AM | Removed - Underlying law was rescinded by 1993 LMC ch. 45 | Guidelines for Compliance with South Africa Restrictions: Employees' Retirement System |
44-91 | 21.02.10 | Personnel Hair Safety and Grooming Standards |
48-91AM | 27.26.01 | Partnership Fund for Victims of Hate/Violence |
59-91 | Superseded by 2-12; see 23A.06.01 | Group Residential Care Facilities |
60-91 | Superseded by 14-14; see 24.09.01 | Smoking Prohibitions and Restrictions |
61-91 | Superseded by 22-12; see 51.00.01 | Manual on Public Swimming Pool Construction |
62-91AM | Superseded by 4-95AM; see 51.00.02 | Public Pool Operation |
63-91 | Superseded by 17-16; see 51A.00.01 | Tanning Facilities |
66-91 | Superseded by 3-09AM; see 02B.00.01 | Agricultural Land Preservation Districts and Easement Purchases |
68-91AM | 08.14A.01 | Building Energy Design Standards |
73-91 | 21.02.11 - Repealed 11/12/13 by Council Resolution 17-936 at County Executive’s request | Basic Life Support Quality Assurance Program for EMT-As |
85-91 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees: Silver Spring Parking Lot District |
1-92 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 31 | Residential Parking Permit Fees |
7-92 | 35.13B.01 | Drug Enforcement Forfeiture Fund |
8-92 | 08A.08.01 | Cable Television Application Filing Fees |
12-92AM | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Police Department Fines |
30-92 | 02.42A.02 - removed; repealed 4/20/21 by Reg. No. 19-20 | Statement of Age Card Fee |
31-92 | Superseded by 19-20; see 02.42A.03 | Montgomery County Health Department Fee Schedule for Clinic Services |
33-92 | 01.19.01 | Civil Fines |
38-92 | 05.404.02 | Riding School or Stable License Fee |
42-92 | 05.402.01 | Fee Schedule for Rabies Vaccination Clinics |
44-92 | 05.304.01 | Disposition of Unadopted Animals at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter |
45-92 | Removed - Underlying law repealed by 1999 LMC ch. 10 | Procedures for Collecting and Handling Rabies Vaccination Deposits on Underage Dogs |
47-92AM | 53.00.01 | Taxicab Industry Reporting Requirements |
50-92 | Superseded by 5-14; see 20.41.01 | Dishonored Check Fees |
52-92 | 52.18F.01 | Residential Real Property Tax Deferral Program |
53-92 | Superseded by 5-05; see 52.08.01 | Tax Certificate Fee |
54-92 | 31B.00.02 | Schedule of Fees for Exemption from the Noise Control Ordinance |
58-92AM | Superseded by 5-13AM; see 48.00.01 | Hauler and Collector Reporting |
61-92 | Superseded by 19-20; see 02.42A.04 | Death Certificate Fee Regulation |
63-92 | 33.60.01 | Maintaining Indicia of Ownership of Plan Assets of the Employees' Retirement System |
64-92 | 11A.06.01 | Condominium Disclosure Documents, Public Offering Statement and Consumer Guide |
65-92 | 11A.07.01 | Condominium Documents, Budgeted Reserves |
66-92 | 11A.06.02 | Notification to Tenants of Filing of Public Offering Statement and Consumer Guide |
67-92 | 11A.05.01 | Notice to Tenants of Extended Tenancy Provisions and Application Procedure |
68-92 | 11A.05.02 | Condominium Leasing Practices |
69-92 | Removed - “Solicitors” removed by 1995 LMC ch. 5 | Fee Schedule for Solicitors Licenses |
71-92 | Removed - “Hawkers and Peddlers” removed by 1995 LMC ch. 5 | Fees for Hawkers and Peddlers |
75-92 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Requirements for the Moderately Priced Housing Program |
76-92 | 11A.03.01 | Administrative Guidelines for Compliance with Right of First Refusal on Rental Facilities |
77-92 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Maximum Rental Limits for Moderately Priced Dwelling- Units |
78-92 | 26.00.01 | Security Measures Required by the Housing Code for Rental Apartments |
79-92 | 56.06.01 | Administrative Guideline for the Replacement Loan Fund |
80-92 | 26.00.02 | Standards for Accessory Apartments |
81-92 | Superseded by 4-22; see 13.19.01 | Intervention Program for Substance Abusers |
82-92 | Superseded by 14-08; see 13.27.01 | Alternative Community Services Fees |
83-92 | Superseded by 14-07; see 13.19.03 | Community Accountability Reintegration & Treatment Services Fee |
84-92 | 08.00.01 | Adoption of Family Day Care and Group Day Care Home Standards |
85-92AMII | 57.06.01 | Safety Guidelines for Target Archery Practice |
86-92 | 13.07.01 | Payment for Work and Program Participation |
88-92 | Removed - Underlying law was struck down by Md. Ct. of Appeals in Jakanna Woodworks |
License Fee - Closing out Sales |
89-92 | 49.00.01 | Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages on Public Roads Closed for Block Parties |
91-92 | 49.40.01 | Procedure for Partial Bond Release |
92-92 | Superseded by 20-03; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees: Wheaton Parking Lot District |
93-92 | 31.00.01 | Assessment of Administrative Cost for Impoundment or Immobilization |
95-92 | 49.40.02 | Procedure for Certificates of Guarantee |
97-92 | Superseded by 14-03; see 19.67.02 | Permits for Grading, Construction and Driveway |
102-92 | 29.30.01 | Establishment of Contractual Obligations for Maintenance Costs in Single Family Rental Units |
104-92AM | 53.12.01 | Standards for Wheelchair Accessible Taxicab Vans |
105-92 | Removed - Underlying law contained a 1993 sunset provision | Pre-Trial Release Service Fees |
106-92 | 13.10A.01 | Procedure for Determining Fees for Weekend Prisoners |
108-92AM | 19.45.01 | Floodplain Regulations |
109-92AM | Superseded by 15-04AM; see 48.00.03 | Solid Waste & Recycling |
110-92 | superseded by 4-03; see 30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
5-93 | 31.62.01 | Abandoned Vehicle Storage Fee |
8-93 | 13.10A.02 | Fee Schedule for Weekend Prisoners |
9-93 | 05.304.03 | Procedures for Collecting and Handling Field Service Fees for Dogs/Cats Impounded by an Animal Control Officer or County Contractor |
10-93 | 41.10.03 | Schedule of Department of Recreation FY 94 Fees |
11-93 | Superseded by 22-20; see 15.00.01 | Food Service Facilities |
14-93AM | 41.10.02 | Senior Adult Program Activities Card Fee |
16-93 | Superseded by 34-08AM; see
57.04.01 | Procedure to Allow Discharge of a Firearm Within an Urban Area Under a Deer Control Permit Issued by Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Approved by the Chief of Police |
18-93 | 35.00.01 | Emergency Communication Center's Tape Charges |
19-93AM | Superseded by 17-03; see
22.00.01 | Hazardous Materials Use Permit |
20-93 | 21.16.01 - Repealed 11/12/13 by Council Resolution 17-935 at County Executive’s request | Fire and Rescue Corporation Personnel Regulations |
22-93 | 41A.09.01 | Disability Support Services |
24-93 | Removed - Program abolished by Council Resolution July, 1999 | Administrative Guidelines for the Child Care Revolving Loan Fund |
25-93AM | 48.08.01 | Recycling Center Access |
26-93 | 48.32.02 | Solid Waste Disposal - Public Drop Off Areas |
28-93AM | 27A.00.01 | On-Site Water Systems and On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems |
32-93AM | Removed - Underlying law repealed by 1999 LMC ch. 10 | Requirements and Fees for a Breeder's Permit |
33-93 | 05.404.03 | Commercial Kennel License Fees |
34-93AM | 05.404.04 | Dog and Cat Fanciers' License Fees |
36-93AM | 05.404.05 | Pet Shop License Fee |
39-93 | 05.00.01 | Terms for Dog and Cat Licenses |
43-93 | 33.103.01 | Collective Bargaining Regulation and Procedure |
47-93 | Removed - 6/30/95 Sunset Date | Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Districts |
50-93AM | 08A.29.02 | Regulation of Cable Television Basic Service and Equipment |
51-93AM | 25B.09.01 | Administration of the Montgomery Housing Initiative Program |
53-93 | Superseded by 23-03T; see 11B.00.02 | Formal Solicitation Copy Fees |
63-93 | Superseded by 15-03AM; see 08.14.01 | Fee for a Well Location Permit |
66-93AM | 56.30.01 | Opportunity Housing Program Income Limits |
2-94AM | Superseded by 12-05; see 41.10.01 | Department of Recreation Fee Procedure |
3-94 | Removed; repealed 8/6/98
Allocation of Parking Fines |
4-94 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Handicapped and Fire Lane Parking Fines |
5-94 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Housing Opportunities Commission MPDU Tax Credit Program |
6-94 | Superseded by 5-03AM: see 21.02.12 | Restrictions on Volunteering by County Firefighter/Rescuers |
7-94 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Alternative Methods of Meeting the MPDU Requirements |
9-94 | superseded by 24-03T; see 11B.00.03 | On Line Procurement Subscription Fee |
14-94 | Removed - sunset date July 1, 1995 | Solid Waste Management Service Charges |
15-94AM | Superseded by 27-03AM; see 11B.00.01 | Montgomery County Procurement Regulations |
16-94 | 13.19.02 | Inmate Medical Fees |
17-94AM | 31.69.01 | Through Traffic Volume Access Restrictions in Residential Areas |
22-94 | 21.02.13 | Requirements for Emergency Medical Services Membership |
29-94 | Superseded by 21-01; see 31A.03.01 | Fee Schedule for Registration of Businesses Engaged in Vehicle Services |
1-95 | Superseded by 19-20; see 02.42A.05 | Fee Schedule for DAVMHS Programs |
2-95 | 52.18I.01 | Tax Credit for Property Leased by Religious Organizations |
4-95AM | Superseded by 21-12AM; see 51.00.02 | Public Pool Operation |
7-95 | 42A.00.02 | Amendment of North Bethesda Share-A-Ride District |
23-95 | 41.10.04 | Fee Schedule for Commercial Campgrounds |
25-95AM | 42A.29.01 | Establishment of Transportation Management Fee in North Bethesda |
29-95 | 19.67.01 | Regulations for Water Quality Review - Special Protection Areas |
30-95 | Superseded by 08-03; see 31.33.02 | Public Parking Fees in North Bethesda |
31-95 | Superseded by 14-03; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees Related to Water Quality Review and Monitoring in Special Protection Areas |
32-95 | 33.122.01 | Participation of Agencies in the Retirement Savings Plan Disability Benefits Plan and Severance Pay Plan |
33-95 | Superseded by 16-09; see 33.140.01 | Severance Pay for Certain Retirement Savings Plan Participants |
34-95 | 33.132.01 | Disability Benefits for Certain Retirement Savings Plan Participants |
39-95 | Removed - repealed 2/24/04 by Res. No. 15-515 | Position Description for Chief, Accountability and Customer Service |
40-95 | Removed - repealed 2/24/04 by Res. No. 15-515 | Position Description for Chief, Public Health Services |
41-95 | 01A.104.03 | Position Description for Chief, Children, Youth and Family Services |
42-95 | 01A.104.04 | Position Description for Chief, Aging and Disability Services |
43-95 | Removed - repealed 2/24/04 by Res. No. 15-515 | Position Description for Chief, Crisis, Income and Victim Services |
44-95 | Superseded by 32-03; see 01A.104.06 | Position Description for Chief, Adult Mental Health, Substance Abuse Services |
47-95 | Superseded by 9-14AM; see 20.73.01 | Economic Development Fund |
50-95 | Superseded by 23-08; see 01A.104.07 | Position Description - Deputy Director Department of Public Works and Transportation |
1-96 | 01A.104.08 | Position Description - Director, Animal Control and Humane Treatment Division |
3-96 | 01A.104.09 | Position Description for Marketing Manager, Department of Economic Development |
6-96 | Superseded by 25-04; see 17.02.01 | Adoption of the 1996 National Electrical Code |
9-96 | 47.02.01 | Vendor Operation and Licenses |
10-96 | 47.02.02 | Certification of Agricultural Producers |
11-96 | Superseded by 15-03AM; see 08.14.01 | Vendor Fees |
15-96 | Superseded by 26-97; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
16-96 | Superseded by 25-97; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
19-96 | Superseded by 24-97; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charge - Residential |
21-96AM | 49.79.01 | Rustic Roads |
22-96 | 10B.07.01 | Establishment of Dispute Filing Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
25-96 | 21.02.14 | Purchasing Contracting and Fixed Asset Management Procedures |
27-96AM | 36.00.01 | Pond Safety |
29-96 | 30C.11.01
- removed; repealed 10/29/19 by Reg. No. 20-19 | Maximum Rate for Motor Vehicle Immobilization on Private Property |
5-97 | 02.64L.01 | Silver Spring Enterprise Zone |
8-97 | Superseded by 14-03; see 19.67.02 | Fee Schedule for Benefit Performances |
9-97 | Superseded by 34-03AMIV; see 30C.00.02 | Tow Truck Rules and Regulations |
10-97 | Superseded by 6-06AM; see 22.00.02 | Regulations Adopting and Amending Certain Standards of the National Fire Code Regarding Fire Protection Systems |
12-97AM | 25B.10.01 | Closing Cost Assistance Program - Administration |
15-97 | Superseded by 14-03; see 19.67.02 | Fee Schedule for to Individual Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems |
16-97 | 19.06.01 | Schedule of Fees Related to Sediment Control, Stormwater Management, and Floodplain Districts |
17-97 | Superseded by 20-07; see 08.24B.01 | Overtime Offset Fees |
24-97 | Superseded by 9-98; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charge - Residential |
25-97 | Superseded by 4-98; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
26-97 | Superseded by 3-98; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
27-97 | 24A.04.01 | Historic Preservation Commission: Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures |
30-97 | Superseded by 27-03AM; see 11B.00.01 | Amendments to Procurement Regulations - Minority Owned Business Contracting |
31-97 | Superseded by 11-13AM; see 11B.45.01 | Disposition of Real Property |
41-97 | 21.09.01 Repealed 12/9/14 by Council Resolution 18-15 at County Executive’s request | Fire and Rescue Service Disaster Plan |
42-97 | 53.40.01 | Taxicab Insurance |
43-97AM | 57.08.01 | Child Safety Handgun Devices |
44-97AM | 10B.06.01 | Dispute Resolution Procedures |
45-97 | 53.44A.01 | Comparative Ranking System for Issuance of Taxicab Fleet Passenger Vehicle Licenses |
2-98AMII | Superseded by 18-05AM; see 21.02.15 | Certification Standards for Training and Experience Requirements |
3-98 | Superseded by 15-99; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
4-98 | Superseded by 16-99; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
5-98 | Superseded by 13-13; see 08.24B.02 | Adoption of an Automation Enhancement Fee |
6-98 | Superseded by 15-03AM; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Permit and License Fees Related to Building Construction |
9-98 | Superseded by 8-99; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charge - Residential |
10-98 | Superseded by 18-03; see 22.00.03 | Fire Safety Code - Fee Schedule for Permits, Licenses and Exceptions |
12-98AM | Superseded by 12-00AMII; see 33.07.01 | Amendment to Personnel Regulations |
14-98AM | Removed - repealed 3/22/2005 by Res. No. 15- 929 | Position Description for Chief, Division of Fire and Rescue Services |
15-98AM | 01A.104.11 | Position Description for Chief, Division of Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services |
19-98 | 25B.18.01 | Productivity Housing Administrative Regulations |
21-98AM | Superseded by 19-20; see 02.42A.01 | Crime Victim Compensation Fund |
22-98AM | Superseded by 7-06AM; see 22.00.04 | Regulation Adopting and Amending Certain Editions of the National Fire Codes Re Building Construction |
24-98 | Superseded by 22-17; see 05.304.02 | Redemption Fees for Animals Impounded at Montgomery County Animal Shelter |
2-99 | 25B.10.01 | Closing Cost Assistance Program - Eligibility |
3-99AM | 02.64L.02 | Administration of Wheaton Enterprise Zone |
4-99AM | 11B.45.02 | Reuse, Leasing, and Sale of Closed Schools |
6-99AM | 48.47.01 | Leaf Vacuuming District |
5-99AM | 56.01A.01 | Financial Assistance to Demolish Commercial Properties |
7-99AM | Superseded by 12-00AMII; see 33.07.01 | Amendment to Personnel Regulations: Fire/Rescue Management Salary Schedule |
8-99 | Superseded by 10-00; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charge - Residential |
9-99 | 48.08.02 | System Benefit Charge |
12-99 | 25B.12.01 | Closing Cost Assistance Program - Interest Rate |
15-99 | Superseded by 16-00; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
16-99 | Superseded by 15-00; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
17-99 | 05.104.01 | Animal Matters Hearing Board Fees |
18-99AM | 05.404.01 | Standards for Animal Business Licenses |
19-99 | 08.25A.01 | Notice Requirements for Certain Residential Building Permits |
22-99 | Removed - Function now handled by Humane Society per 1999 LMC ch. 10 | Spay-Neuter Service Fee |
25-99 | Superseded by 27-03AM; see 11B.00.01 | Procurement Regulations - Amending Regulation No. 15- 94AM |
26-99 | 24B.00.02 | Easement and Maintenance Requirements for Receipt and Use of State Highway User Revenues for Private Maintenance Roads |
23-99 | 20.73.02 | Technology Growth Program |
1-00 | Superseded by 12-00AMII; see 33.07.01 | Amendment to Personnel Regulations: Sunset March 1, 2001 |
2-00 | Superseded by 12-00AMII; see 33.07.01 | Amendment to Personnel Regulations: Sunset March 1, 2001 |
3-00 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 53.38.01 | Taxicab Fees |
4-00AM | Removed - Contained a June 30, 2000 sunset date | County Recycling Facility - Access Fee for Paper |
5-00 | Superseded by 26- 12AM; see
01A.104.12 | Position Description for Assistant Chief of Police |
7-00AM | Superseded by 12-00AMII; see 33.07.01 | Amendment to Personnel Regulations: Performance-based Pay for Employees in the Management Leadership Service |
8-00 | Removed – Contained a July 1, 2001 sunset date; see 35.03.01 | Regulations of Secondary Employment |
10-00 | Superseded by 6-01; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charge - Residential |
11-00AM | 19.29.01 | Stormwater Management Loan Program |
12-00AMII | 33.07.01 | Montgomery County Personnel Regulations, 2001 |
15-00 | Superseded by 19-01; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
16-00 | Superseded by 9-02; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
17-00 | Superseded by 15-17; see 21.02.16 | Administration of the LOSAP Program |
18-00 | 21.02.17 | Reassignment of LOSAP Program Responsibility |
19-00 | 42A.00.03 | Creation of a Friendship Heights Share-A-Ride District |
21-00 | Removed - repealed 2/24/04 by Res. No. 15-515 | Position Description for Chief, Early Childhood Services |
22-00AM | 21.02.18 | Code of Ethics and On-Duty Personal Conduct |
23-00 | Superseded by 25-03; see 53.17.01 | Taxicab Rates |
25-00 | Superseded by 8-02, see 25A.00.02 | Maximum Income Limits for Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
26-00 | Superseded by 14-03; see 19.67.02 | Fee Schedule for Storage of Vendor Confiscated Goods |
28-00 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees: Bethesda Parking Lot District |
1-01 | 49.62.01 | Application Filing Fee for Abandonment and Closure of Public Rights-of-Way |
2-01 | Superseded by 16-05AM; see 21.03.01 | Integrated Emergency Command Structure (IECS) |
5-01 | Superseded by 10-10AM; see 05.201.01 | Anti-Cruelty Conditions for Dogs |
6-01 | Superseded by 3-02; see 48.08.03 | Residential Waste Estimates for System Benefit Charges |
7-01 | 23A.09.01 | Fee Schedule for Group Residential Facilities |
8-01 | 25.18.01 | Fee Schedule for Nursing Homes, Domiciliary Care Homes, and Hospitals |
9-01 | Superseded by 9-11; see 15.12.01 | Fee Schedule for Food Service Facilities |
10-01 | Superseded by 5-18; see 54.00.01 | Fee Schedule for Transient Lodging Facilities |
11-01 | Superseded by 13-11; see 51A.05.01 | Fee Schedule, Signs and Temperature Requirements for Tanning Facilities |
12-01 | Superseded by 11-11; see 30.11.01 | Fee Schedule for Bingo and Raffles |
13-01 | 44.22.01 | Fee Schedule for Private Educational Institutions and Camps |
14-01 | Superseded by 10-11; see 51.11.01 | Fee Schedule for Swimming Pools, Pool Operators, and Pool Management Companies |
15-01 | Superseded by 12-11; see 56A.05.01 | Fee Schedule for Video Games |
16-01 | 24.11.02 | Fee Schedule for Massage Establishment Managers and Workers |
17-01AM | Superseded by 13-15; see 24.11.01 | Massage |
18-01AM | Superseded by 3-21; see 22A.00.01 | Forest Conservation |
19-01 | Superseded by 10-02; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
20-01 | Superseded by 4-08; see 44A.08.01 | Fee for Secondhand Personal Property License |
21-01 | Superseded by 16-02; see 31A.03.01 | Fee Schedule for Registration of Businesses Engaged in Vehicle Services |
22-01 | Superseded by 5-08; see 38A.03.01 | Fee Schedule for Registration of Businesses Engaged in the Installation, Repair and Maintenance of Radio and Television Equipment and Electrical Appliances |
25-01 | Removed; superseded by 22-16AM; see 19A.12.01 | Administrative Policies and Procedures for Outside Employment |
26-01 | Superseded by 4-04, which was superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Parking Fines |
27-01AM | Misc. 01 | Requests under the Maryland Public Information Act |
28-01 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees - Shady Grove Metro Parking Garage |
29-01AM | 05.401.01 | Dog and Cat License Fees |
31-01AM | 35.07.01 | Fingerprint and Report Reproduction Service Fee |
32-01AMII | Superseded by 23-16AM; see 33B.00.01 | Pesticides |
33-01 | Removed; superseded by 22-16AM; see 19A.17.01 | Content of Limited Public Financial Disclosure Statement |
34-01AM | 27.02.01 | Human Rights Commission Rules of Procedure |
35-01 | Superseded by 24-04; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of Building Construction Standards — IBC, IECC, IMC and IFGC/2000 |
36-01 | Superseded by 24-04; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of Building Construction Standards |
37-01 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendment to Montgomery County Personnel Regulations, 2001, to Incorporate Administrative Procedures on Sick Leave Donor Program and Temporary Promotions |
38-01 | Superseded by 10-05, which was superseded by 11-06, which was superseded by 15- 07; see 59.00.01 | Permit Fees and Requirements Related to Construction Debris Reclamation Facility |
1-02AMII | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR 2001 to Incorporate Administrative Procedures on RIF and Furlough |
2-02AM | Superseded by 16-23; see
53A.00.01 | Tenant Displacement |
3-02 | Superseded by 9-03; see 48.08.03 | Residential Waste Estimates for System Benefit Charges |
4-02AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR 2001 to Incorporate Medical Standards and Administrative Procedure No. 4-2 on Classification |
5-02AM | Superseded by 18-20AM; see
41A.05.01 | Requirements for the Rental Assistance Program |
6-02AM | Superseded by 17-12AM; see 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
7-02AM | 19.00.01 | Stormwater Management |
8-02 | Superseded by 14-04, which was superseded by 13- 05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Maximum Income Limits for Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program a/k/a Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Income Eligibility Requirements |
9-02 | Superseded by
AM, see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
10-02 | Superseded by 11-04; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
11-02AM | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Maximum Rental Rates for Garden Apartments (MPDU Program) |
12-02AM | Superseded by 1-19; see
03A.00.01 | Policies, Procedures and Fees for Alarm Businesses and Alarm Users |
15-02 | 01A.104.14 | Director, Go Montgomery Program |
16-02 | Superseded by 3-08; see 31A.03.01 | Registration Fees for Businesses Engaged in Vehicle Services |
17-02 | Superseded by 6-08; see 31C.00.01 | New Home Warranty and Builder Licensing |
18-02AM | Superseded by 27-06; see 52.18M.01 | Payment in Lieu of Taxes |
19-02 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Establishment of Priority System for the Sale of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDU Program) |
20-02AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR 2001 to Incorporate Administrative Procedures on Sand-by Status, Flextime, Job Sharing and Compressed Work Schedule |
21-02AM | 02.58E.01 | Telecommunications Transmission Facilities Coordination Requirements |
1-03AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR 2001 to Incorporate Administrative Procedures on Inclement Weather/General Emergencies |
2-03AM | Superseded by 4-05AM; see 21.02.19 | Procedures for FRC Appeal Hearings |
3-03AM | 29.00.01 | Ratio Utility Billing System |
4-03 | Superseded by 2-08; see 30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
5-03AM | 21.02.12 | Conditions and Restrictions on Volunteering by Division of Fire and Rescue Services Firefighter/Rescuers in the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service |
7-03 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees in Montgomery Hills |
8-03 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees in North Bethesda |
9-03 | Superseded by 7-04; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
11-03AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Section 34 to Incorporate AP No. 4-4, Grievance Procedure; Other Amendments to MCPR Sections 7, 10, 16, and 35 |
12-03 | Superseded by 22-22; see 01A.104.15 | Position Description for Chief Operating Officer Department of Health and Human Services |
13-03 | 02.58E.02 | Telecommunications Transmission Facilities Coordination Fees |
14-03 | Superseded by 9-05; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
15-03AM | Superseded by 11-05, which was superseded by 16- 05AM; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
16-03AMII | 02.42A.06 | Requirements for the Working Parents Assistance Program |
17-03 | Superseded by 3-12AM; see 22.00.01 | Hazardous Materials Use Permit |
18-03 | Superseded by 28-03; see 22.00.03 | Fire Safety Code - Fee Schedule for Permits, Licenses and Exceptions |
20-03 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees in the Wheaton Parking Lot District |
22-03 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fees - Silver Spring Parking Lot District |
23-03 | Superseded by 20-09; see
11B.00.02 | Formal Solicitation Copy Fees |
24-03 | 11B.00.03 | On-Line Procurement Subscription Fee |
25-03 | Superseded by 19-05; see 53.17.01 | Taxicab Rates |
26-03AMII | Superseded by 26-06AM; see 11.04A.01 | Cable Modem Service Standards |
27-03 | 11B.00.01 | Procurement Regulations |
28-03 | Superseded by 5-06AM; see 22.00.03 | Fire Safety Code - Fee Schedule for Permits, Licenses and Exceptions |
29-03 | Superseded by 27-13; see 02.64L.03 | Long Branch/Takoma Park Enterprise Zone |
31-03 | Superseded by 20-20; see 01A.104.05 | Position Description for Chief, Special Needs Housing |
32-03 | 1A.104.06 | Position Description for Chief, Behavioral Health and Crisis Services |
33-03 | 52.14.01 | Fuel Energy Tax for Agricultural Producers |
34-03AMIV | 30C.00.02 | Executive Towing Rules and Regulations |
1-04AM | 21.03.02 - Repealed by Council Resolution 16-292 at County Executive’s request | Enforcement Procedures for the Fire Administrator Regarding LFRD Personnal |
2-04 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Section 9, Classification, and Section 18, Disability Leave |
3-04 | 02.05.01 | Use of Consular Registration Cards for Identification |
4-04 | Superseded by Council Resolution; see 31.33.01 | Public Parking Fines |
5-04 | 11B.04.01 | Electricity Procurement Regulations |
6-04AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Section 17, Sick Leave |
7-04 | Superseded by 7-05, which was superseded by 4-06; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit - Residential Waste Estimates |
9-04AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Section 6, Recruitment and Application Rating Procedures; Section 10, Employee Compensation; Section 11, Performance Planning and Evaluation; Section 12, Service Increments; Section 16, Annual Leave; Section 17, Sick Leave; Section 21, Administrative Leave; and Section 27, Promotion |
10-04 | 05.00.02 | Possession, Sale, or Release of Northern Snakehead Fish |
11-04 | Superseded by 4-13; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
14-04 | Superseded by 13-05AM; see 25A.00.02 | Maximum Income Limits for Moderately Priced Housing Program a/k/a Maximum Income Limits for Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program a/k/a Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Income Eligibility |
15-04AM | Superseded by 1-15; see 48.00.03 | Residential and Commercial Recycling |
18-04 | 48.00.05 | Collection, Transportation, and Disposition of Solid Waste |
19-04AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Sections 9, Classification; 10, Employee Compensation; 15, Work Schedules, Attendance, Hours of Work; 16, Annual Leave; 21 Administrative Leave; 30, Reduction-in-Force and Furlough; 32, Prevention of Prohibited Drug Use and Alcohol Misuse by Safety-Sensitive Transit Employees Under Federal Transit Administration Regulations |
20-04AM | 05.00.03 | Microchipping of Animals |
21-04AMII | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to MCPR Sections 10, Employee Compensation; 11, Performance Planning and Evaluation; 12, Service Increments; and 16, Annual Leave |
22-04 | 01A.104.16 | Chief, MCFRS Volunteer Services, County Fire and Rescue Service |
24-04 | Superseded by 28-07; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2003 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Fuel-Gas, and Energy Conservation Codes |
25-04 | Superseded by 15-09; see 17.02.01 | Adoption of the 2002 National Electrical Code |
01-05AM | 21.02.03 - removed; repealed 9/27/16 by Reg. No. 13-16 | Medical Standards for Operational Members and Candidates of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service |
02-05 | 45.02.01 | Comprehensive Water Supply & Sewerage System Plan: Service Area Category Amendment Application Fees |
4-05AM | 21.02.19; repealed by Council Resolution 16-1244 | Procedures for FRC Appeal Hearings |
5-05 | 52.08.01 | Certificate of Payment of Taxes |
6-05 | 53.603.01 | Taxicab Fines |
7-05 | Superseded by 4-06; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit - Residential Waste Estimates |
9-05 | Superseded by 12-06; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
10-05 | Superseded by 11-06, which was superseded by 15-07; see 59.00.01 | Permit Fees & Requirements Related to Construction Debris Reclamation Facility |
11-05 | Superseded by 26-05AM, which was superseded by 10- 06AM; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications |
12-05 | 41.10.01 | Department of Recreation Fee Procedures |
13-05AM | Superseded by 11-18AM; see 25A.00.02 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
16-05AM | 21.03.01 | Integrated Emergency Command Structure (IECS) |
18-05AM | Superseded by 21-06AM; see 21.02.15 | Certification Standards for Training, Experience, and Credentialing Requirements |
19-05 | Superseded by 30-08; see 53.17.01 | Taxicab Rates |
20-05 | 44.00.01 | Community Use of School and Other Public Facilities |
21-05AM | Superseded by 2-09 and 6-15; see 11B.65.01 | Local Small Business Reserve Program |
24-05 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments to Include a Salary Schedule for Medical Doctors |
25-05 | 41.00.01 | Disruptive Behavior — Recreation Programs |
26-05AM | 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications |
1-06 | 01A.104.17 | Position Description for Minority, Female, and Disabled Persons Business Affairs Manager, Department of Economic Development |
2-06AM | Superseded by 26.08; see
18A.11.01 | Clean Energy Rewards |
3-06 | Incorporated into 11B.00.01 | Purchases from Minority Owned Businesses |
4-06 | Superseded by 13-07; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
5-06AM | Superseded by 12-12; see 22.00.03 | Fire Safety Code - Fee Schedule for Inspections, Permits, Licenses, Certificates & Exceptions |
6-06AM | 22.00.02 | Adopting and Amending Certain Standards of the National Fire Code Regarding Fire Protection Systems |
7-06AM | 22.00.04 | Adopting and Amending Certain Editions of the National Fire Codes Regarding Building Construction and Protective Features |
8-06 | 52.18O.01 | Home Computer Telecommuting Incentive Personal Property Business Tax Credit |
10-06AM | Superseded by 17-07; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
11-06 | Superseded by 15-07; see 59.00.01 | Permit Fees and Requirements Related to Construction Debris Reclamation Facility |
12-06 | 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections — Method 3 |
14-06 | 53.110.01 | Taxicab Geographic Areas of Service |
16-06 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment to Extend the Sunset Date |
17-06AM | Superseded by 20-12; see 02.42A.07 | Requirements for the Supportive Housing Rental Assistance Program |
18-06AM | 25B.24.01 | Workforce Housing Program |
19-06AM | Superseded by 13-08; see 59.00.03 | Non-Profit Organization Sign Permit and Sign Variance Fees |
20-06 | 47.02.03 | Sidewalk Vendor Operation and License |
21-06AM | Superseded by 36-08AM; see 21.02.15 | Certification Standards for Training, Experience, and Credentialing Requirements |
22-06 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment on Temporary Transfers between Public Agencies |
24-06AM | 19.45.01 | Floodplain Regulations |
26-06AM | 11.04A.01 | Internet Access Service Standards |
27-06 | 52.18M.01 | Payment in Lieu of Taxes |
28-06AM | 50.35.01 | Schedule of Fees for Transportation-related Reviews of Subdivision Plans and Documents |
29-06 | 48.00.06 | Memorandum of Understanding for Solid Waste Collectors |
3-07 | Superseded by 16-07; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections |
7-07AM | 01A.104.18 | Director, Office of Community Partnership |
8-07 | Superseded by 22-08; see 01A.104.19 | Deputy Director for Special Projects, DPWT |
9-07 | 01A.104.20 | Assistant Chief Administrative Officer |
10-07AMII | 01A.104.21 | Director, Regional Services Center |
11-07 | 01A.104.22 | Chief Technology Officer, DTS |
12-07 | 01A.104.23 - repealed and replaced 3/12/24 by Reg. No. 2-20 | Director, Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission |
13-07 | Superseded by 15-08; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
14-07 | 13.19.03 | Home Confinement Service Fee |
15-07 | Superseded by 10-08; see 59.00.01 | Permit Fees and Requirements Related to Construction Debris Reclamation Facility |
16-07 | Superseded by 12-08; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
17-07 | Superseded by 11-08; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
18-07AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment on Active Fire and Rescue Volunteers to Apply for “Employees Only” Vacancies |
19-07AM | Superseded by 21-15AMII; see 08.00.03 | Buildings — Energy Efficiency and Environmental Design |
20-07 | Superseded by 9-08; see 08.24B.01 | Overtime Offset Fees |
21-07 | 53.223.01 | Taxicab Participation in User-sided Subsidy Programs |
22-07 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment to Extend the Sunset Date |
23-07AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Amendments to Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 21, 22 and 33 of the MCPR |
25-07AM | 53.229.01 | Taxicab Motor Vehicle Model Year |
26-07AM | Superseded by 16- 13AMII; see 33.07.01 | Comprehensive Amendments to the 2001 Montgomery County Personnel Regulations (Amendments to Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35) |
28-07 | Superseded by 26-09AM; see 08.00.02 |
Adoption of the 2006 IBC, IRC, IECC, IMC, IFGC |
29-07 | 53.506.01 | Temporary Replacement of Accessible Taxicabs |
2-08 | Superseded by 15-11; see 30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
3-08 | 31A.03.01 | Fee Schedule for Registration of Businesses Engaged in Vehicle Services |
4-08 | 44A.08.01 | Fee for Secondhand Personal Property Licenses |
5-08 | 38A.03.01 | Fee Schedule for Registration of Businesses Engaged in the Installation, Repair and Maintenance of Radio and Television Equipment and Electrical Appliances |
6-08 | Superseded by 15-23; see 31C.00.01 | New Home Warranty and Building Licensing |
8-08 | 40.12C.01 | Advertisements Subject to Property Tax Disclosure Requirements |
9-08 | 08.24B.01 | Overtime Offset Fees |
10-08 | 59.00.01 | Permit Fees and Requirements Related to Construction Debris Reclamation Facility |
11-08 | Superseded by 5-11AMII; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
12-08 | Superseded by 6-11; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
13-08 | 59.00.03 | Non-Profit Organization Sign Permit and Sign Variance Fees |
14-08 | Superseded by 5-22; see 13.27.01 | Alternative Community Service Fee |
15-08 | Superseded by 6-09; see
48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
17-08AM | Superseded by 9-09; see 52.47.01 | Development Impact Tax for Transportation |
18-08 | 48.29.01 | County Solid Waste Collection Subdistricts |
19-08AM | Superseded by 8-09; see 52.87.01 | Development Impact Tax for Public School Improvements |
21-08 | 19A.23.01 | Lobbyist Registration Fee |
22-08 | Superseded by 24-22; see
01A.104.19 | Position Description for Special Projects Manager, Office of Chief Administrative Officer |
23-08 | 01A.104.07 | Position Description for Deputy Director Department of Transportation |
| 21.02.08 - removed; repealed 9/27/16 by Reg. No. 4-16 |
Apparatus Staffing Policy
26-08 | 18A.11.01 | Clean Energy Rewards Program |
| 22.00.05 - removed; repealed 8/1/16 by Reg. No. 9-16 |
Fire Safety - Fire Department Apparatus Access and Water Supply
30-08 | 53.17.01 | Taxicab Rates |
31-08AM | 49.28.01 | Context Sensitive Road Design Standards |
32-08 | Superseded by 1-18AM; see 49.30.01 | Speed Humps |
34-08AM | 57.04.01 | Weapons - Discharge of Guns Within Montgomery County |
36-08AM | 21.02.15 | Certification Standards for Training, Experience, and Credentialing Requirements |
2-09 | Superseded by 6-15; see 11B.65.01 | Local Small Business Reserve Program |
3-09AM | 02B.00.01 | Agricultural Land Preservation Easement Purchases |
6-09 | Superseded by 4-10; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
7-09 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Military Family Leave and Other Family and Medical Leave Amendments to the 2001 Montgomery County Personnel Regulations - Sec. 19; replacing Appendix P with P-1 and P-2 adding Appendices Q, R, S, T and U |
8-09 | 52.87.01 | Development Impact Tax for Public School Improvements |
9-09 | Superseded by 26- 13AMIII; see 52.47.01 | Development Impact Tax for Transportation Improvements |
12-09AM | Superseded by 3-16; see 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
14-09 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments to Establish Procedures for the MSPB to Hear and Decide Appeals of Disciplinary Actions Filed by Volunteer Firefighters and Rescuers |
15-09 | Superseded by 6-16AM; see 17.02.01 | Adoption of the 2008 National Electrical Code |
16-09 | 33.140.01 | Severance Pay for Certain Participants in the Retirement Savings Plan and the Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan |
18-09AM | 59.00.04 | Additional Stories on Sloping Lots |
19-09AM | Incorporated into 11B.00.01 | Procurement Regulations |
20-09 | 11B.00.02 | Formal Solicitation Copy Fees |
23-09 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Probationary Period for Noncompetitive Reappointments |
26-09AM | Superseded by 14-10; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2009 International Building, Energy Conservation, Mechanical, Fuel-Gas, and Residential Codes |
27-09AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | General Applicability of Personnel Regulations to Employees of Local Fire and Rescue Departments |
28-09 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Gain Sharing Program and Performance- Based pay for MLS Employees |
2-10AMII | 18A.29.01 | Montgomery County Home Energy Loan Program |
3-10 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Hiring Preference for Persons with Disabilities |
4-10 | Superseded by 4-11; see 48.08.03 | Residential System Benefits Charge |
5-10AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Furloughs |
6-10AM | Removed: Underlying law petitioned to referendum and rejected by voters on 11/21/2010 | Emergency Medical Service Transport Fees |
7-10 | Superseded by 21-20; see 15.15A.01 | Eating and Drinking Establishments - Nutrition Labeling |
9-10 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on Employee Drug and Alcohol Use and Drug and Alcohol Testing |
10-10AM | Superseded by 17-17; see 05.201.01 | Anti-Cruelty Conditions for Dogs |
11-10AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Employee Training and Tuition Assistance |
12-10 | 52.96.01 - Removed; underlying law repealed by 2011 L.M.C. ch. 15
Excise Tax: Major Emitters of Carbon Dioxide |
13-10AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Retaliation Against County Employees for Disclosing Illegal or Improper Actions in County Government |
14-10 | Superseded by 8-12; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2009 IBC, IRC, IECC, IMC, IFGC |
1-11 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Miscellaneous Amendments to the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations |
2-11 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment to Allow Customized Employment Public Interns to Apply for “Employees Only” Vacancies |
3-11 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment on Administrative Leave for Bereavement for Relatives Outside of the Employee’s Immediate Family |
4-11 | Superseded by 5-12; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
5-11AMIII | Superseded by 11-12; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses, and Certifications - Method 2 |
6-11 | Superseded by 15-13; see 19.67.02
Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections |
7-11 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment on Administrative Leave for Organ Donors |
8-11 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on County Grievance System |
9-11 | 15.12.01 | Fee Schedule for Food Service Facilities |
10-11 | 51.11.01 | Fee Schedule for Swimming Pools, Pool Operators, and Pool Management Companies |
11-11 | 30.11.01 | Fee Schedule for Bingo and Raffles |
12-11 | 56A.05.01 | Fee Schedule for Video Games |
13-11 | Superseded by 18-16; see 51A.05.01 | Fee Schedule, Signs and Temperature Requirements for Tanning Facilities |
14-11 | Superseded by 6-12; see 48.26.01 | Licensing and Permitting Fees for Solid Waste Collectors and Haulers |
15-11 | Superseded by 19-19; see
30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
2-12 | 23A.06.01 | Group Residential Care Facilities |
3-12 | 22.00.01 | Hazardous Materials Use Permit |
5-12 | Superseded by 3-13; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
6-12 | 48.26.01 | Licensing and Permitting Fees for Solid Waste Collectors and Haulers |
Solid Waste and Recycling
8-12 | Superseded by 4- 15AMII; see 08.00.02 |
Adoption of the 2012 IBC, IRC, IECC, IMC, IFGC |
9-12AM | Superseded by 19-13; see 22.00.06
Fire Safety Code - Fire Protection Systems |
10-12AM | Superseded by 20-13; see 22.00.07
Fire Safety Code - Building Construction |
11-12 | Superseded by 14-13; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses, and Certifications - Method 2 |
12-12 | Superseded by 8-18; see 22.00.03 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Fee Schedule for Fire Safety Code Inspections, Permits, Licenses and Exceptions |
13-12 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on Employee Drug and Alcohol Use and Drug and Alcohol Testing |
14-12 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Miscellaneous Amendments to MCPR |
15-12 | Superseded by 6-20; see
21.23A.01 | Emergency Medical Services Reimbursement Program |
17-12AM | Superseded by 10-13; see 19.35.01
Water Quality Protection Charge |
18-12 | 52.101.01 | Excise Tax on Disposable Carryout Bags |
19-12 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment to Allow QUEST and Project SEARCH Interns to Apply for “Employees Only” Vacancies |
| Superseded by 7-17; see 02.42A.07 |
Requirements for the Supportive Housing Rental Assistance Program
21-12AM | Superseded by 12-17; see 51.00.02 | Public Swimming Pool Operation |
| Superseded by 21-17; see 51.00.01 |
Manual on Public Swimming Pool Construction
Incorporated into 33.07.01
Miscellaneous Amendments to MCPR
24-12AM | Superseded by 17-19; see 20.76B.01 | Small Business Assistance Program |
26-12AM | Superseded by 4-20; see 01A.104.12 | Position Description for Assistant Chief of Police |
1-13AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Miscellaneous Amendments to MCPR |
3-13 | Superseded by 7-14; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
4-13 | Superseded by 10-15; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees |
5-13AM | 48.00.01 | Hauler and Collector Reporting |
7-13AM | Superseded by 10-16; see 20.76.01 | FY14-FY15 Economic Development Strategic Plan |
10-13 | Superseded by 8-14AM; see 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
11-13AM | 11B.45.01 | Disposition of Real Property |
12-13AM | Superseded by 24-16; see 31.48.01 | Residential Permit Parking Guidelines |
13-13 | Superseded by 15-16; see 08.24B.02 | Adoption of an Automation Enhancement Fee |
14-13 | Superseded by 9-15AMII; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses, and Certifications - Method 2 |
15-13 | Superseded by 8-15; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections |
16-13AMII | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Comprehensive Amendments to the 2001 Montgomery County Personnel Regulations |
18-13 | Superseded by 16-22; see 31.09B.01 | School Bus Safety Cameras |
19-13 | Superseded by 7-16; see 22.00.06 | Fire Safety Code - Fire Protection Systems |
20-13 | Superseded by 8-16; see 22.00.07 | Fire Safety Code - Building Construction |
21-13 | Misc. 02 | Administration of the Glenmont Enterprise Zone |
22-13 | 55.00.01 | Tree Canopy |
23-13 | 08.26.02 | Roadside Trees Protection - Building Permits |
24-13 | 19.71.01 | Roadside Trees Protection - Sediment Control Permits |
25-13 | 49.36A.01 | Roadside Trees Protection - Right of Way Permits |
26-13AMIII | 52.47.01 | Development Impact Tax for Transportation Improvement |
27-13 | 02.64L.03 | Long Branch/Takoma Park Enterprise Zone |
29-13 | superseded by 16-17; see 05.103.01 | Adoption Fees for Animal Services and Adoption Center Animals |
1-14AM | 33.05.01 | Office of Human Resources Service Provider Selection Process and Procedure |
2-14AM | 19A.17.01 - removed; repealed 1/17/17 by Reg. No. 21-16 | Financial Disclosure |
3-14 | 52.18T.01, 52.18U.01, 52.93.01 | Design for Life Tax Incentives |
4-14 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Extending the Sunset Date of the MCPR |
5-14 | 20.41.01 | Dishonored Check Fees |
6-14 | Misc. 03 | Burtonsville Enterprise Zone |
7-14 | Superseded by 7-15; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
8-14AM | 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
9-14AM | 20.73.01 | Economic Development Fund |
12-14 | 02.152.01 | Open Data Implementation Plan |
14-14 | Superseded by 6-17AM; see 44.04.01 | Smoking, Tobacco, and Nicotine Prohibitions and Restrictions |
15-14AMV | 44.04.01 | Before and After School Childcare Programs in Public Schools |
16-14AM | Superseded by 12-16AM; see 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
18-14AM | 01A.104.01; formerly at
02.27A.01 | Position Description for Development Ombudsman |
20-14 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Hiring Preference Points for Veterans Who Apply for Public Safety Positions |
1-15 | 48.00.03 | Residential and Commercial Recycling |
2-15 | Incorporated into 11B.00.01 | Procurement Regulations |
3-15 | 42A.23.01 | Greater Shady Grove Transportation Management District Advisory Committee |
4-15AMII | Superseded by 31-19; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2015 IBC, IRC, IECC, IMC, IFGC, ISPSC and 2012 IEBC |
5-15 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Extending the Sunset Date of the MCPR |
6-15 | 11B.65.01 | Local Small Business Reserve Program |
7-15 | Superseded by 2-16; see 48.08.03 | System Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
8-15 | Superseded by 16-16; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
9-15AMII | Superseded by 14-16; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
10-15 | Superseded by 16-19; see 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees for Processing Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 Apartment Licenses |
11-15 | 19A.17.01 - removed; repealed 1/17/17 by Reg. No. 21-16 | Financial Disclosure |
12-15 | Superseded by 2-21; see 16.21.01 | Public Election Fund |
13-15 | 24.11.01 | Massage |
14-15 | 24.11B.00 | Bodyworks |
15-15 | 24.11B.01 | Bodyworks Fee Schedule |
16-15 | 19.67.03 | Best Management Practices Monitoring Fees - Method 3 |
17-15 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment to Allow Social Worker Interns at HHS to Apply for “Employees Only” Vacancies at HHS |
21-15AMII | Superseded by 12-20; see 08.00.03 | International Green Construction Code |
2-16 | Superseded by 3-17; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
3-16 | 10B.07.02 | Establishment of Annual Registration Fee for Common Ownership Communities |
5-16AM | 11B.77.01 | Contracts and Procurement - Health Insurance Preference |
6-16AM | Superseded by 23-19; see 17.02.01 | Adoption of the 2014 National Electrical Code |
7-16 | 22.00.06 | Fire Safety Code - Fire Protection Systems |
8-16 | Superseded by 14-24; see 22.00.07 | Fire Safety Code - Building Construction |
10-16 | 20.76.01 | Montgomery County Comprehensive Economic Strategy |
11-16AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on Sick Leave Donor Program and Parental Leave |
12-16AM | Superseded by 4-18; see 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
14-16 | Superseded by 27-16; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
15-16 | 08.24B.02 | Adoption of an Automation Enhancement Fee |
16-16 | Superseded by 26-16; see 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
17-16 | 51A.00.01 | Tanning Facilities |
18-16 | 51A.05.01 | Fee Schedule, Signs and Temperature Requirements for Tanning Facilities |
20-16 | Superseded by 18-19; see 44A.03.01 | Secondhand Personal Property |
22-16AM | 19A.09.01, 19A.12.01, 19A.14.01, 19A.16.01, 19A.17.01 | Ethics |
23-16AM | 33B.00.01 | Pesticides - Invasive Species |
24-16 | Superseded by 13-23; see 31.48.01 | Residential Permit Parking Guidelines |
25-16AM | 02.64M.01 | Vulnerable Youth and Low-Income Persons |
26-16 | 19.67.02 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections - Method 3 |
27-16 | Superseded by 11-17; see 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
1-17 | Superseded by 11-19; see 53.801.01 | Transportation Services Improvement Fund |
2-17 | 29.20.02 | Establishing Inspection Fees |
3-17 | Superseded by 2-18; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
4-17AM | 35.03.01 | Police Outside Employment |
5-17AM | 29.40.01 | Troubled Properties |
6-17AM | 44.04.01 | Before and After School Childcare Programs in Public Schools |
7-17 | 02.42A.07 | Requirements for the Housing Initiative Program |
8-17AM | 29.27.01 | Leases - Tenant Rights and Responsibilities |
9-17AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendment: Telework |
10-17AM | 02.148.01 | Parliamentary and Maryland Open Meetings Act Training for Members of Boards, Commissions, and Committees |
11-17 | 08.14.01 | Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2 |
12-17 | 51.00.02 | Manual on Public Swimming Pool Operation |
13-17 | 26.00.03 | Unmaintained Vacant Dwellings |
14-17 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on Employee Drug and Acohol Use and Drug and Alcohol Testing |
15-17 | 21.02.16 | Administration of the LOSAP Program |
16-17 | 05.103.01 | Adoption Fees for Animal Services and Adoption Center Animals |
17-17 | 05.201.01 | Anti-Cruelty Conditions for Dogs and Other Pets |
21-17 | 51.00.01 | Manual on Public Swimming Pool Construction |
22-17 | 05.304.02 | Redemption Fees for Animals Impounded at Montgomery County Animal Shelter |
1-18AM | 49.30.01 | Speed Humps for Residential Streets |
2-18 | Superseded by 15-19; 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
3-18AM | 29.22.01 | Repair and Deduct |
4-18 | Superseded by 18-21; see 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
5-18 | 54.00.01 | Fee Schedule for Transient Lodging Facilities |
6-18AM | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | MCPR Amendments on Sworn Police Managers |
8-18 | Superseded by 22-19AM; see 22.00.03 | Schedule of Fees for Fire Safety Code Permits, Code Modifications, Inspections, and Licenses |
11-18AM | Superseded by 11-23; see 25A.00.02 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
1-19 | 03A.00.01 | Policies, Procedures and Fees for Alarm Businesses and Alarm Users |
2-19AM | 01A.104.32 | Position Description for Deputy Director, Department of General Services |
3-19 | 01A.104.33 | Position Description for Deputy Director, Department of Housing and Community Affairs |
4-19 | 01A.104.25 | Position Description for Transportation Policy Officer, Department of Transportation |
5-19 | Superseded by 7-24; see 01A.104.29 | Position Description for Chief Data Officer, Department of Technology Services |
6-19 | 01A.104.28 | Position Description for Chief Broadband Officer, Department of Technology Services |
7-19 | 01A.104.27 | Position Description for Chief Equity Officer, Office of the County Executive |
8-19AM | 01A.104.24 | Position Description for Chief Labor Relations Officer, Office of the County Executive |
9-19 | Superseded by 8-20; see 01A.104.30 | Position Description for Chief Digital Officer, Office of the County Executive |
10-19 | 01A.104.26 | Position Description for Deputy Director of Operations, Department of Transportation |
11-19 | Superseded by 10-22; see 53.801.01 | Transportation Services Improvement Fund |
12-19 | 01A.104.31 | Position Description for Deputy Director for Results, Office of Management and Budget |
15-19 | Superseded by 5-20; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
16-19 | 29.20.01 | Establishment of Annual Rental Facility License Fees for Processing Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 Apartment Licenses |
17-19 | 20.76B.01 | Small Business Assistance Program |
18-19 | 44A.03.01 | Secondhand Personal Property |
19-19 | Superseded by 19-23; see 30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
21-19 | 30C.00.01 | Motor Vehicle Towing from Private Property |
22-19AM | 22.00.03 | Schedule of Fees for Fire Safety Code Permits, Code Modifications, Inspections, and Licenses |
23-19 | 17.02.01 | Adoption of the 2017 National Electric Code |
25-19 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; adding Office of Labor Relations |
26-19 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Employee Compensation |
31-19 | Superseded by 13-24; see 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2018 IBC, IECC, IMC, IFGC, IRC, ISPSC, and IEBC |
2-20 | 01A.104.23 | Position Description for Director of Strategic Partnerships |
3-20 |
Superseded by 1-23; see
01A.104.34 | Position Description for Assistant Chief of Police (Civilian) |
4-20 | 01A.104.12 | Position Description for Assistant Chief of Police (Sworn) |
5-20 | Superseded by 7-21; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
6-20 | 21.23A.01 | Emergency Medical Services Reimbursement Program |
7-20T | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Retroactive Extension of the Sunset Date of the Montgomery Personnel Regulations |
7-20 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Retroactive Extension of the Sunset Date of the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations |
8-20 | 01A.104.30 | Position Description for Chief Digital Officer, Department of Technology Services |
9-20T | 20.76F.01 | Public Health Emergency Business Assistance Program |
11-20 | Incorporated into 24A.04.01 | Historic Area Work Permits |
12-20 | Superseded by 13-24; see 08.00.02 | International Green Construction Code |
15-20 | 49.11.01 | Use of Public Rights-of-Way in Construction |
18-20AM | Superseded in part by 10-21; see 41A.05.01 | Requirements for the Rental Assistance Program |
19-20 | 02.42A.03, 02.42A.04, 02.42A.05; partially superseded by 3-24; see 02.42A.01 | Crime Victim Compensation Fund; Department of Health and Human Services Fee Schedule; Death Certificate Fee; Ability to Pay Schedule |
20-20 | 01A.104.05 | Position Description for Chief, Services to End and Prevent Homelessness |
21-20 | 15.15A.01 | Eating and Drinking Establishments - Nutrition Labeling |
22-20 | 15.00.01; partially superseded by 18-23; see | Food Service Facilities |
2-21 | 16.21.01 | Public Election Fund |
3-21 | Superseded by 25-22; see 22A.00.01 | Forest Conservation |
4-21 | 29.30.02 | Obligations of Landlord - Air Conditioning |
6-21 | 52.24A.00 | Housing at Metrorail Stations Act - Payments in Lieu of Taxes - WMATA |
7-21 | Superseded by 6-22; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
9-21 | Superseded by 21-21AM; see 25A.00.01 | Sales Prices for Moderately Priced Dwelling Units - Moderately Priced Housing |
10-21 | Superseded by 20-22; see 41A.05.01 | Requirements for the Rental Assistance Program |
11-21 | 29.35D.01 | Obligations of Landlord - Window Guards |
14-21 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; adding an Official Holiday |
15-21 | 02.64A.01 | Racial Equity and Social Justice Action Plan |
16-21 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Disposition of Accumulated Sick Leave |
18-21 | 19.35.01 | Water Quality Protection Charge |
21-21AM | Superseded by 21-22; see 25A.00.01 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
2-22 | 52.102.01 | Montgomery College Germantown Campus Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone |
4-22 | 13.19.01 | Intervention Program for Substance Abuseres Fee |
5-22 | 13.27.01 | Alternative Community Service Fee |
6-22 | Superseded by 8-23; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
10-22 | 53.801.01 | Transportation Services Improvement Fund |
12-22T | Superseded by 12-22; see 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Temporary Extension of the Sunset Date |
12-22 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Extension of the Sunset Date |
16-22 | 31.09B.01 | School Bus Safety Cameras |
18-22 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Performance Based Pay |
20-22 | 41A.05.01 | Requirements for the Rental Assistance Program |
21-22 | Superseded by 10-23; see 25A.00.01 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
22-22 | 01A.104.15 | Position Description for Chief, Public Health Services |
24-22 | 01A.104.19 | Position Description for Special Projects Manager, Office of Chief Administrative Officer |
25-22 | 22A.00.01 | Forest Conservation |
1-23 | 01A.104.34 | Position Description for Assitant Chief of Police (Civilain) |
2-23T | Superseded by 2-23; see 20.76E.01 | Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program |
2-23 | 20.76E.01 | Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program |
3-23 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Reports to Inspector General Process Amendments |
4-23 | 35.13C.01 | Police-Private Security Camera Incentive Program |
5-23 | 01A.104.35 | Position Description for Deputy Director Enviromental Protection |
6-23 | 01A.104.36 | Postition Description for General Manager Transit Services, Depatment of Transportation |
8-23 | Superseded by 6-24; see 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
9-23 | Incorporated into 33.07.01 | Personnel Regulations; Employee Drug and Alcohol Use and Drug and Alcohol Testing |
10-23 | 25A.00.01 | Sales Prices of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units - Moderately Priced Housing |
11-23 | 25A.00.02 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program |
13-23 | 31.48.01 | Residential Permit Parking Guidelines |
15-23 | 31C.00.01 | New Home Builder and Seller Registration and Warranty |
16-23 | 53A.00.01 | Tenant Displacement |
19-23 | 30C.02.01 | Maximum Rates for Motor Vehicle Towing From Private Property |
1-24 | 31B.00.04 | Leaf Blower Rebate Program |
2-24 | 29.58.01, 29.59.01, 29.60.01, 29.61.01, 29.62.01 | Landlord-Tenant Relations - Rent Stabilization |
3-24 | 02.42A.01 | Crime Victim Compensation Fund |
4-24 | 35.13D.01 | Late-Night Safety Plan Program |
6-24 | 48.08.03 | Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates |
7-24 | 01A.104.29 | Position Description for Chief Operating Officer, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions |
12-24 | 20.76G.01 | Make Office Vacancy Extinct (MOVE) Program |
13-24 | 08.00.02 | Adoption of the 2021 IBC, IECC, IgCC, IMC, IFGC, IRC, ISPSC, and IEBC |
14-24 | 22.00.07 | Fire Safety Code - Building Construction |