Wastewater Department Rules and Regulations
925.01   Authority and compliance.
925.02   Definitions.
925.03   Prohibited substances.
925.04   Discharge of hazardous substances in sewer system prohibited.
925.05   System composition and purpose.
925.06   Service connections.
925.07   Line extensions.
925.08   Subdivisions.
925.09   Sewage lift station.
925.10   Water meters.
925.11   System purpose; connections required if system available.
925.12   New sewer services.
925.13   Existing sewer services.
925.14   Department and owner responsibilities.
925.15   Sewer manholes purpose and use.
925.16   Construction of sewer manholes.
925.17   Maintenance of sewer manholes.
925.18   Tapping of sewer manholes.
925.19   Private sewage disposal system (PSDS) purpose.
925.20   PSDS decommission procedure.
925.21   Industrial waste pretreatment program (IWPT) purpose.
925.22   Authority to establish an IWPT program.
925.23   Sewerage parameters descriptions.
925.24   Imposition and basic requirements of an IWPT program.
925.25   National Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
925.26   Responsibilities of dischargers subject to an IWPT program.
925.27   IWPT program compliance inspections.
925.28   Accidental discharges.
925.29   Establishment of sewer service charges.
925.30   Minimum charge.
925.31   IWPT program surcharges.
925.32   Billing periods.
925.33   Bill payment.
925.34   Disconnection and re-connection of service.
925.35   Estimated bills.
925.36   Disputed bills.
925.37   Returned checks.
925.38   Final billing.
925.39   Miscellaneous charges and fees.
925.40   City Manager rules and regulations.
925.41   Reference prohibitions and restrictions.
925.42   Notice to remedy violation; enforcement.
925.43   Criminal damaging.
925.44   Separability.
925.99   Penalty.
Sewer Department - see CHTR. Sec. 6.05
Power to construct sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 715.40, 717.01
Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Sanitary sewer specifications - see S. & P.S. 901.02
Sewer rates and charges - see S. & P.S. Ch. 927
Line extension costs - see S. & P.S. 927.06