The Director of the Wastewater Department shall issue orders, as needed, to notify dischargers of their responsibility to comply with these Rules and Regulations, State or Federal pretreatment regulations or to cease and desist from discharging substances which, in the opinion of the Director or OEPA, are adverse to human health, safety or general welfare.
   (a)   Industrial dischargers subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall submit to the Director any self monitoring reports required by 40 CFR 403.12 "b" and "g" and shall submit a satisfactory or approved schedule for complying with the requirements of the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
   (b)   In addition to the above, the Director may require any discharger into the sewerage system subject to the constraints of an IWPT program to submit monthly or other periodic reports concerning the nature and characteristics of their discharges and to develop and submit for approval a schedule for complying with requirements of these Rules and Regulations and pretreatment standards.
   (c)   Where additional pretreatment facilities or improved operation and maintenance of existing facilities are indicated, the affected discharger shall provide same with the submittal of a schedule for approval for achieving compliance with the foregoing.
      (Ord. 90-1343. Passed 11-6-90.)