The Waste Department is responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of the sewage collection system. If upon routine inspection, or by any other means of detection, a stoppage in the public sanitary sewer is discovered, the stoppage shall be considered an emergency situation and immediate steps shall be taken to remove the stoppage.
(a) The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of the service connection from the clean-out at the property line to the tap at the sewer main if that portion of the service connection from the clean-out at the property line to the sewer tap at the main is in a condition to meet current City standards. The City shall not be responsible for the maintenance of any sewer connection that lacks a clean-out located at the property line.
(b) The property owner is responsible for the maintenance of his service connection in its entirety should there be no clean-out located at the property line. Before any maintenance is performed, the affected party is encouraged to contact the Department for an inspection of the sanitary sewer serving that property to determine the presence or absence of a stoppage in the City system.
(c) The City shall assume responsibility of that portion of the sewer connection from the property line to the sewer tap at the sewer main upon installation of a clean-out at the property line and as long as conditions set forth in subsection (a) hereof are met. The remainder of the sewer connection shall remain the responsibility of the property owner.
(d) The Department shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by any property owner for the maintenance of the owner’s portion of the sewer connection regardless of existing conditions in the public sewer system.
(e) The Department shall assume, upon request and proper inspection by the Department, responsibility for the clean-up and disinfection of any premises inundated by raw sewage as a direct result of a stoppage in the City’s sewer system. The Department shall not assume responsibility for clean-up or disinfection for any premises inundated by storm water carrying raw sewage originating from their property. (Ord. 95-1641. Passed 6-6-95.)