Manholes, publicly and privately owned, are for the purpose of determining sewage flow volume and velocity, routine observation to facilitate proper maintenance and to provide access to the collector pipe for sampling purposes.
   (a)   The Wastewater Department reserves the right to uncover or access any manhole, public or private, at any time for the reasons stated above or for any reasons deemed necessary by the Director of the Wastewater Department.
   (b)   No unauthorized person is permitted to uncover or access any manhole, publicly owned, for any reason and failure to comply with this specific rule may result in the filing of criminal charges against the offender; that is, criminal mischief.
   (c)   No person is permitted to uncover or access a manhole, privately owned, without prior authorization of the Director, or in his absence, Department personnel and failure to comply with this specific rule shall carry the same penalty as stated in subsection (b) hereof. (Ord. 90-1343. Passed 11-6-90.)