When required to effect gravity flow to the City's system, lift stations shall be constructed and maintained by the owner. It is not the general policy of the City to accept by dedication or any other instrument the ownership and subsequent operation and maintenance responsibilities of a sewage lift station.
   (a)   Should it become necessary to construct a sewage lift station to serve property that cannot be served by an existing gravity system, the lift station shall be constructed to the City's standard and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the Ohio EPA and the City. The City shall require that the following basic concerns be addressed: safety, physical layout, access and auxiliary equipment for the proper operation and maintenance of the proposed lift station.
   (b)   The Ohio EPA may require the owner/developer to obtain a PTI certificate prior to the construction of the lift station and the PTI shall be presented to the Director of the Wastewater Department or the City Engineer prior to the commencement of construction of the lift station. All costs associated with the construction of a sewage lift station shall be borne by the owner/developer.
   (c)   Private, as opposed to publicly owned, sewage lift stations shall continue to be owned by the individuals now owning them with the exception of sale to another private individual or firm. The lift station shall be controlled by the Director but shall be operated, maintained, repaired or replaced by the owner of same. Should the lift station become inoperable so as to cause a health and safety hazard or nuisance and the owner fails to make the necessary repairs, the City reserves the right to make the necessary repairs either by City personnel or outside contractor to eliminate the hazard or nuisance and bill the owner for such repairs and correction of hazard or nuisance.
      (Ord. 90-1343. Passed 11-6-90.)