(Amended by Ord. No. 182,850, Eff. 1/3/14.)
91.6302.1. General. This section shall apply to every building or portion thereof appropriated to the processing, storage or sale of food or drink for human consumption, but not including any private dwelling. Every food establishment shall conform to the requirements of this Code.
1. Food establishments that are used exclusively for the sale of farm produce sold at or on the premises where produced.
2. Food preparation units installed in school buildings with the following provisions:
A. A sign must be posted requiring all mouth utensils to be of single-use, disposable type.
B. The floor surface of the area must be of linoleum, asphalt tile, or equivalent nonabsorbent material.
C. A residential-type vent must be installed when a residential kitchen range is provided.
3. Employee lunch rooms if no food other than beverages is prepared on the premises, and provided all mouth utensils are of the disposable type. Heating devices limited to this use need not be vented.
4. Food establishments in which all food is to be sold in sealed packages, and in which there is to be no preparing or packaging of food, shall comply with all applicable food establishment regulations. The Certificate of Occupancy shall state “Packaged Food Only.”
91.6302.2. Ceiling Heights. Every room shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet between the finished floor and the finished ceiling.
1. Toilet rooms may have a ceiling height of not less than seven feet six inches.
2. Refrigerated cold storage rooms are exempted from this ceiling height requirement.
91.6302.3. Special Ventilation. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,758, Eff. 8/8/11.) A mechanical exhaust ventilation system capable of effectively removing cooking odors, smoke, steam, grease and vapors shall be provided at or above cooking equipment such as ranges, griddles, ovens, deep fat fryers, barbecues and rotisseries.
All hoods, ducts, fans and other devices provided to ventilate the cooking areas of commercial food preparation equipment in commercial food establishments shall be installed as required by and in compliance with the provisions of the Los Angeles Mechanical Code. Rooms in which exhaust systems are installed shall be provided with acceptable air inlets to admit at least as much air as is exhausted by these systems.
Ducts penetrating a ceiling or floor shall be enclosed in a shaft enclosure conforming to the requirements of CBC Section 713. Where a shaft enclosure is not required by CBC Section 713, ducts that convey grease vapors shall be enclosed in a one-hour fire-resistive shaft. The shaft shall be separated from the duct by a minimum 6 inch (152.4 mm) air space vented to the outside air. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
91.6302.4. Toilet Rooms and Vestibules. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.) Toilet rooms and vestibules for public or employees shall conform to the following standards:
1. Toilet Rooms Required. Toilet rooms shall be provided in accordance with the Los Angeles Plumbing Code.
2. Location. Toilet rooms shall be located on the premises of the food establishment. Toilet rooms for public use shall be readily accessible to customers. Toilet rooms shall be separated from other portions of the establishment by a tight-fitting, self-closing door.
Additional lavatories or equivalent hand-washing facilities shall be provided in all food preparation areas where the lavatories required in Item 1 are not conveniently located on the same floor and in or adjacent to the food preparation areas.
3. Privacy. Toilet rooms shall be so arranged or equipped with view screens as to protect users of toilets and urinals from view from outside the room when the door to the toilet room is open.
EXCEPTION: View screen is not required if the toilet room is only for single accommodation, unisex and a bathroom is provided.
4. Dimensions. Toilet rooms shall have dimensions and area as required in Division 11, Article 1, Chapter IX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
91.6302.5. Employee Storage Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Lockers or other suitable facilities within food establishments shall be provided in compliance with Section 114256 of the California Health and Safety Code as enforced by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
91.6302.6. Garbage Rooms. Restaurants with a seating capacity of 50 or more patrons shall be provided with a room or enclosed space for the keeping of garbage containers. The room shall have portland cement plaster, fireclay tile, ceramic tile or equally durable waterproof walls to a height of at least six feet above the floor. Doors and windows of such rooms shall be tight fitting and self-closing and all exterior openings shall be screened. Each such room shall be equipped with a hose or other suitable garbage can washing device connected to hot and cold running water and the floor shall slope to a drain and comply the requirements of the Los Angeles County Health Department.
EXCEPTION: Such garbage rooms need not be provided at places maintaining an approved device for discharging garbage to the sewer system.
91.6302.7. Rat Protection. Every food establishment shall be completely surrounded by a continuous exterior foundation wall not less than 12 inches below grade.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
Every service station located within 660 feet (201.16 m) of an accessible right-of- way of any interstate or primary highway, as defined in California Business and Professions Code Sections 5215 and 5220, shall provide, during business hours, public restrooms for use by its customers. The public restroom shall not be temporary or portable but shall be permanent and shall include separate facilities for men and women, each with toilets and sinks suitable for use by disabled persons in accordance with Division 11, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. This section shall not apply to service stations which are fully operational prior to January 1, 1990.
(Added by Ord. No. 172,592, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
91.6304.1. Interior Doors. In any residential building, every interior door in a doorway through which occupants pass shall have a minimum width of 32 inches.
EXCEPTION: The provisions of this section shall not apply to doors located in shower compartment and bathtub enclosures.
91.6304.2. Interior Illumination. All recreation or service rooms accessory to apartment houses shall be provided with an incandescent light bulb (minimum of 60 watts) or other artificial light at a maximum height of eight feet (2438 mm) and shall provide have a minimum average surface illumination of 0.2 footcandles (2.15 lx) at floor level. Where, in any specific case, different sections of the Los Angeles Municipal Code specify different requirements, the most restrictive shall govern.
EXCEPTION: Recreation or service rooms accessory to condominiums which comply with Article 2.9 (condominiums) of Chapter I of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
1. A permit is obtained from the Department and a fee is paid as required in LAMC Subdivision Any permit so issued shall be valid for a period of 90 days from its issuance. The Department may allow a "certified installer" to be used, in lieu of obtaining a permit, in accordance with LAMC Section 91.1710.
2. Any person who willfully or knowingly, with the intent to deceive, makes a false statement or representation, or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact in any documentation required by the Department to ascertain facts relative to this section, LAMC Subdivision or to Section 91.1710, including any oral or written evidence presented, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Added by Ord. No. 172,592, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
91.6305.1. Light. All parking garages serving dwelling units or guest rooms shall be provided with an incandescent light bulb (minimum of 60 watts) or other artificial light at a maximum height of eight feet (2438 mm) and shall provide a minimum average surface illumination of 0.2 footcandles (2.15 lx) at floor level. Where, in any specific case, different sections of the Los Angeles Municipal Code specify different requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. (Amended by Ord. No. 177,103, Eff. 12/18/05.)
91.6305.2 Exterior Illumination. All parking garages serving dwelling units or guest rooms shall be provided with an incandescent light bulb (minimum of 60 watts) or other artificial light at a maximum height of eight feet (2438 mm) and shall provide have a minimum average surface illumination of 0.2 footcandles (2.15 lx), however, exterior lighting that is brighter than 2 footcandles (21.5 lx) and affecting adjacent residential properties shall be activated by motion sensors for a period of not to exceed twenty minutes.
Exterior lighting shall be provided for areas accessory to apartment houses, such as, driveways, side yards, walkways, recreation areas and similar locations.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of the Los Angeles Municipal Code specify different requirements, the most restrictive shall govern.
(Amended by Ord. No. 180,895, Eff. 11/16/09.)
In all buildings, the first nine feet, measured from grade, of exterior walls and doors shall be built and maintained with a graffiti-resistant finish consisting of either a hard, smooth, impermeable surface such as ceramic tile or baked enamel, or a renewable coating of an approved anti-graffiti material, or a combination of both.
EXCEPTION: A building where the building owner files a "Covenant and Agreement Regarding Maintenance of Building (Graffiti Removal)" with the Department, agreeing to remove the graffiti within seven days of the graffiti being applied or within 72 hours of being notified by the Department to remove the graffiti. If the building owner fails to abide by the Covenant and Agreement, the Covenant and Agreement between the building owner and the Department may be terminated by the Department and the requirements of this section shall apply to the building owner.
(Added by Ord. No. 172,592, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
91.6307.1. Shower and Locker Facilities for Office Commercial, Business and Professional Uses. For office commercial, business and professional uses in the C and M zones, and for buildings owned by the City of Los Angeles and used by the City for government purposes, regardless of zone, shower facilities shall be available and accessible for all employees in new buildings and in existing buildings, when additions are made thereto, as follows:
1. For new buildings and additions to existing building with at least 50,000 square feet (4645 m
) of floor area, one shower for each gender;
2. For new buildings and additions to existing buildings with 150,000 square feet (13 935 m
) to less than 250,000 square feet (23 225 m
) of floor area, two showers for each gender.
3. For new buildings and additions to existing buildings with 250,000 square feet (23 225 m
) of floor area or more, one additional shower for each gender for each increment of 100,000 square feet (9290 m
) of floor area or portion thereof.
For the uses specified above, where bicycle parking spaces are required pursuant to Section 12.21-A16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, one locker facility shall be provided for each required bicycle parking space. Locker facilities required by this section shall be located to permit access by either gender.
91.6307.2. Shower and Locker Facilities for Industrial Uses. For industrial uses in the C and M zones, shower facilities shall be available and accessible for all employees in new buildings and in existing buildings, when additions are made thereto, as follows:
For new buildings and additions to existing building with 50,000 square feet (4645 m
) of floor area and greater, one shower for each gender.
For the uses specified above, where bicycle parking spaces are required pursuant to Section 12.21-A16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, one locker facility shall be provided for each required bicycle parking space. Locker facilities required by this section shall be located to permit access by either gender.
91.6307.3. Shower and Locker Facilities for Retail and Other Commercial Uses. For retail and other commercial uses in the C and M zones not specified herein, employee shower facilities shall be available and accessible for all employees in new buildings and in existing buildings, when additions are made thereto, as follows:
1. For new buildings and additions to existing building with at least 100,000 square feet (9290 m
) to less than 300,000 square feet (27 870 m
) of floor area, one shower for each gender;
2. For new buildings and additions to existing buildings with 300,000 square feet (27 870 m
) of floor area or greater, one additional shower for each gender for each additional increment of 200,000 square feet (18 580 m
) of floor area or portion thereof.
For the uses specified above, where bicycle parking spaces are required pursuant to Section 12.21-A16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, one locker facility shall be provided for each required bicycle parking space. Locker facilities required by this section shall be located to permit access by either gender.
(Division 67 Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.6701 Purpose.
91.6702 General.
91.6703 Limitations.
91.6704 Alternate Security Provisions.
91.6705 Definitions.
91.6706 Entry Vision.
91.6707 Appurtenant Access.
91.6708 Doors – General.
91.6709 Swinging Doors.
91.6710 Sliding Glass Doors.
91.6711 Overhead and Sliding Doors.
91.6712 Metal Accordion-grate or Grille-type Doors.
91.6713 Glazed Opening – General.
91.6714 Glazing.
91.6715 Windows.
91.6716 Openings Other than Doors or Glazed Openings.
91.6717 Tests – General.
91.6720 Glazed Opening – General.
91.6721 Glazing.
91.6722 Windows.
91.6723 Openings Other than Doors or Glazed Openings.
91.6730 Tests – General.
91.6731 Tests – Sliding Glass Doors.
91.6732 Tests – Sliding Glass Windows.