Any contract for the sale or exchange of residential property subject to the provisions of this division, including escrow contracts, shall not be invalidated as a result of the information furnished in said report unless it reveals a material misrepresentation or concealment by the owner or unless it reveals a material mistake by both owner and prospective buyer or transferee which would justify a rescission of the sale or exchange in the absence of this division. Should such report reveal such misrepresentation, concealment, or mistake, the sale or exchange may be rescinded or cancelled at the option of the buyer or transferee.
For the first six months after the effective date of the ordinance creating this division, compliance with its provisions by owners of residential property or their agents shall be on a voluntary basis. After the expiration of the aforesaid six-month period, compliance with the provisions of this division shall be mandatory upon those owners of residential property or their agents to whom by its terms it applies.
For the purpose of this article, the following words are defined:
1. “Boiler” means any High Pressure Boiler, Low Pressure Boiler or Hot Water Boiler.
2. “Board” means the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners.
3. “Department” means the Department of Building and Safety.
4. “High Pressure Boiler” means any boiler furnishing steam in excess of 15 pounds per square inch or hot water at temperatures in excess of 250 degrees F. or at pressures in excess of 160 pounds per square inch.
5. “Low Pressure Boiler” means a boiler furnishing steam at pressures not exceeding 15 pounds per square inch.
6. “Hot Water Boiler” means a boiler greater than 120 gallons or 400,000 BTU per hour input furnishing hot water at pressures not exceeding 160 pounds per square inch or 210 degrees F. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,329, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
7. “Deputy Inspector” or “Deputy Pressure Vessel Inspector” means an inspector who has a valid California State Certificate of Competency to inspect boiler and pressure vessels, who has passed the Deputy Pressure Vessel Inspector exam administered by the City of Los Angeles and who is employed by an organization other than this Department. The organization shall be authorized by the State of California to inspect boilers and pressure vessels.
8. “Pressure Vessel” or “Unfired Pressure Vessel” means a closed container, having a nominal internal diameter, width, height, or cross section exceeding six inches regardless of length, containing liquids, gases or vapors subjected to pressures exceeding 15 pounds per square inch.
9. “Superintendent” means the Superintendent of Building or an authorized representative.