(Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
Chapter 1 of the California Electrical Code (CEC) is adopted by reference for the purpose of providing definitions and requirements for electrical installations except as those definitions are modified or new definitions added as provided herein.
ACCESS FLOOR. An assembly consisting of panels mounted on pedestals to provide an underfloor space for the installation of electrical, communications, or mechanical systems.
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE. (Added by Ord. No. 181,561, Eff. 3/22/11.) The air temperature of locations in the City of Los Angeles as described in the Table below:
In normally heated building | 30°C (86°F) |
Poorly or unventilated rooms or spaces such as attics, transformer, machinery (refrigeration) or elevator rooms*, etc. | 45°C (113°F) |
Ventilated transformer rooms, machinery (refrigeration) rooms, elevator rooms* or spaces, etc | 37°C (99°F) |
In buildings with major heat sources such as power stations or industrial processes | 45°C (113°F) |
Furnace and boiler rooms | 60°C (140°F) within 2 ft. of a furnace or boiler 40°C (104°F) |
In thermal insulation | 45°C (113°F) |
Outdoors un-shaded areas | 39°C (102°F) |
Outdoors in shaded areas | 34°C (93°F) |
Outdoors lowest expected temperature | -7°C (20°F) |
Behind stand-off (i.e., parallel to the roof) or integral flat photovoltaic crystalline-silicon cell module, panel or array (up to 6 inches, add 4°C to the ambient temperature, where channels (rails) are installed under the modules as part of the mounting system) | Within 1 inch = 60°C (140°F) Over 1 to 3 inches = 56°C (133°F) Over 3 to 6 inches = 55°C (131°F) Over 6 inches = 39°C (102°F) |
Behind rack mounted (i.e., at an angle to the roof) flat photovoltaic crystalline-silicon cell module, panel or array | Within 1 inch = 54°C (129 °F) Over 1 inch = 39°C (102°F) |
Behind direct mounted flat photovoltaic crystalline-silicon cell module, panel or array | 63°C (145°F) |
* Lower ambient temperature in elevator room is permitted when it is required to be maintained at a specified maximum ambient temperature per equipment manufacturer as permitted in the Los Angeles Elevator Code.
APPROVED LABORATORY. A laboratory that is approved by the Department when it complies with the provisions of LAMC Section 98.0503. (Added by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
CEC. California Electrical Code
CORD WIRING. The use of cord as substitute for the wiring methods permitted by this Code.
DEPARTMENT. The Department of Building and Safety.
DESIGN LOAD. The maximum connected and expected future loads. This load shall not exceed the branch circuit, feeder or service respective overcurrent protective devices or conductor ratings. (Added by Ord. No. 182,851, Eff. 1/3/14.)
ELECTRIC WIRING. Any device or equipment constituting a part of, or connected to, any electrical installation attached or fastened to any building, structure or premise and which installation, or some portion thereof, is designed, intended or used to generate, transmit, transform, utilize or control electrical energy.
EXISTING. (As applied to electric wiring, buildings or portions of buildings) Having a final approval by the Department of Building and Safety.
FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING SYSTEM. A system or portion of a system that consists of equipment and circuits arranged to monitor, supervise (or unsupervised), and annunciate the status of the system by indicating appliances (i.e., bell, horn, speaker, light, or text display, etc.) as a result of the activation of any signal initiation device (i.e., manual pull station, water flow switch, smoke detector, heat detector, etc.); provide emergency communications systems (when installed or required); and to control emergency control functions (i.e., fan control, smoke damper operation, elevator recall, elevator power shutdown, door holder release, shutter release, door unlocking, etc.) when required. These systems may incorporate an approved means (such as a dialer) to inform the status of the system to a remote location. (Added by Ord. No. 182,851, Eff. 1/3/14.)
GROUND RESISTANCE. The resistance of the ground soil, as determined by field measurement by a qualified engineer, and the associated grounding electrode system as determined by calculation. (Added by Ord. No. 174,828, Eff. 10/27/02, Oper. 11/1/02.)
HAZARDOUS WIRING. Any wiring which did not conform with all applicable laws in effect at the time of installation, or wiring which is not in good condition or is being used in an unsafe manner.
INSTALL. The act of attaching or fastening electric systems, temporarily or permanently, in any manner, including the attaching or connecting of portable equipment even though designed to be moved, removed or disconnected at will.
INSTALLATION. That which is installed, regardless of whether or not it is energized.
N.E.C. National Electrical Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
NFPA 72. The National Fire Alarm Code published by the National Fire Protection Association. (Added by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
NON-RESIDENTIAL. Where used in this Code, the term “non-residential” shall apply to any building or premises other than hotels, motels, lodging houses, apartment houses, dwellings, or portions thereof, or buildings and structures accessory thereto.
PREMISES. Any parcel of land, regardless of the number of contiguous lots, occupied by or under the control of the same person or firm and including all buildings, structures or improvements thereon.
SALE OR SELLING. Any act of selling, offering for sale, advertising or displaying for sale, disposing of by way of lease or premium any equipment as defined therein.
SATISFACTORY. Acceptable to the Department.
SERVING AGENCY. A public or privately owned electric utility authorized by the City of Los Angeles to distribute electric energy to 100 or more separate premises.
SIGNALING EQUIPMENT. Any contrivance which produces an audible or visual signal, including doorbells, buzzers, code calling systems and signal lights. This equipment shall not include those audible or visual signals which are part of motor control circuits, data processing systems, fire-warning systems and nurse call systems.
SPECIAL PERMISSION. The express permission in writing from the Superintendent of Building, obtained prior to the commencement of any work for which special permission is required.
STATION. (Industrial or Commercial.) A building, room or outside enclosure on a customer’s premises designed, intended or used to house or enclose the electric distribution and control equipment of the serving agency.
USED MATERIAL. Previously used equipment as defined in Article 100 of the California Electrical Code. (Added by Ord. No. 174,828, Eff. 10/27/02, Oper. 11/1/02.)
VAULT. A chamber (over 80 cubic feet in volume) in an underground conduit distribution system containing sufficient working space and an entrance for personnel. (Added by Ord. No. 174,828, Eff. 10/27/02, Oper. 11/1/02.)
VOLTAGE, NOMINAL. A nominal value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of conveniently designating its voltage class (e.g., 120/240, 480Y/277, 600). The actual voltage at which a circuit operates can vary from the nominal within a range that permits satisfactory operation of equipment. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
93.0700 The California Electrical Code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
Chapters 1 through 9, Annex C, H, G and I of the National Electrical Code (NEC), as published by the National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A. 70), the California Electrical Code (CEC) and the California Building Standards Code are adopted by reference as part of the Code. When there is a conflict between the NEC, the CEC and the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), LAMC Section 93.0105 shall prevail. Except as specified in Divisions 1 through 7 of Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC, all electrical installations and materials shall be in conformity with the California Electrical Code, as adopted by reference to be part of this Code; and Subsections 93.0700.19, 93.515.17 and 93.515.18 are added as provided here.
EXCEPTION: Unit equipment branch circuits as permitted in CEC Section 700.12(I).
(a) This subsection shall be applicable to oil or gas wells located over water, on human-made islands offshore or at land-based locations. Area adjacent to oil or gas wells shall be classified as Class I locations as outlined below, and installations shall comply with the requirement for those locations.
(b) Definitions.
ADEQUATE VENTILATION. (as applied to enclosed areas) A mechanical ventilation system supplied from a nonhazardous source that provides for a minimum of 12 air changes per hour.
ENCLOSED AREA. Roofed areas having at least three walls, or open sumps or pits into which highly volatile liquids are run, or areas surrounded by buildings or walls in which flammable vapors may accumulate.
LOCOMOTIVE CABLE. Cable having the physical property of being oil resistant and constructed as to be suitable for application on power and control circuits in diesel or electric locomotives and suitable for oil rigging applications.
POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION. A mechanical ventilation system capable of providing a minimum outward air velocity of 60 feet per minute through all openings.
(c) Drilling Wells.
1. Class I, Division I Locations. The following areas shall be classified as Class I, Division I locations:
A. Below-grade well cellars, sumps or ditches. See Figures 2 and 6 of Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
B. Enclosed and inadequately ventilated areas below the derrick floor. See Figure 1 of Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
C. Enclosed areas containing mud tanks or shale shakers. See Figures 3 through 6 of Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
1. Adequately ventilated enclosed areas shall be permitted to be classified as Class I, Division 2 locations.
2. (Over 600 volts, nominal): Oil or gas well in the process of drilling shall have a Division 2 classification within 25 feet (7.62 m) of the casing, with the 18 inch (457.2 mm) height limitation adjacent to the drilling platform. The entire area directly above and below the drilling platform proper shall be considered as Division 2 without height limitation.
2. Class I, Division 2 Locations. The following areas shall be classified as Class I, Division 2 locations:
A. Within 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontally and 18 inches (457.2 mm) vertically from the edge of the well cellars or other below grade, Class I, Division I locations.
B. Within 10 feet (3048 mm) radially of the center of the bell nipple in open derricks.
C. The entire area above the derrick floor in enclosed derricks.
D. Areas adjacent to mud tanks as required in Figures 3 and 4; pits as required in Figure 2; shale shakers as required in Figure 5; or openings as required in Figure 2. The figures referenced in this paragraph are located in Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
EXCEPTION: In enclosures classified as Class I, Division I locations in Subsection (c) 1 above.
(d) Producing Wells.
1. Class I, Division I locations. The following areas shall be classified as Class I, Division I locations:
A. Below-grade well cellars. See Figures 7 and 9 of Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
B. Enclosed areas such as, wellhead, compressor or pump rooms where volatile, flammable liquids or gases may be present in concentrations sufficient to render the area a hazardous location.
1. Adequately ventilated enclosed areas shall be permitted to be classified as Class I, Division 2 locations.
2. (Over 600 volts, nominal): In case of producing oil wells, the Division 2 classification shall include an area within 3 feet (914.4 mm) of the well casing to a height of 3 feet around the stuffing box or lubricator, and the area extending 10 feet (3048 mm) from the well casing to a height of 18 inches (457.2 mm) above the grade level of all producing oil wells (pumped, flowing or gas injected) having a gas pressure sufficient to cause gas to be liberated to the atmosphere in quantities to create a hazard to employees should liberated gas become ignited. Producing gas wells shall have a similar classified area.
2. Class I, Division 2 Locations. The following areas shall be classified as Class I, Division 2 locations:
A. Within 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontally and 18 inches (457.2 mm) vertically from the well casing and three feet radially from the stuffing box of all producing wells equipped with beam pumping units.
B. Within ten feet horizontally and 18 inches (457.2 mm) vertically above grade from the edge of well cellars or other below grade Class I, Division I locations.
C. Within 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontally and vertically from openings in enclosed areas classified as Class I, Division I locations in Subsection (d) 1 above.
3. Class I, Division 1 and 2. Areas within a 10 foot (3048 mm) radius of oil field auxiliary equipment such as gas vents, oil-gas separator vessels, tanks, pumps, compressors and similar equipment shall be classified in accordance with Figures 11 through 19 of Division 7, Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
(e) Overload Protection. No overload protection will be required for drilling rigs using railroad locomotive power systems for the draw works, rotary tables and mud pumps.
NOTE: In this electrical system, generators, generator power leads, and DC motors are automatically protected against overload by inherent characteristics of compound and differential field windings in the DC motor and generator, respectively.
(f) Wiring Methods.
1. General. Where drilling platforms are not enclosed around the drilling operation, all wiring and equipment within 25 feet of the casing of the well being drilled shall be of the type required for Class I, Division 2 locations, or be installed in enclosed areas supplied with adequate ventilation. The electrical power supply to wiring and equipment within positive pressure ventilated areas shall be arranged to prevent energizing the electrical wiring and apparatus until air pressure has been established, for not less than two minutes, and arranged to automatically actuate an audible and visual alarm with a 5-minute shutdown time delay to allow safe operational shutdown prior to de-energizing the wiring and apparatus when the ventilation fails.
Enclosed areas supplied with positive pressure ventilation from a nonhazardous area shall be permitted to be classified as nonhazardous areas, provided no flammable vapor source exists within the enclosed areas.
2. Locomotive Type Cables. Special locomotive cables and other equivalent portable cables may be run in cable trays under the following conditions in all locations:
A. Open cable trays may be run horizontally under floors or ceilings.
B. In all locations, solid covers shall be installed on horizontal runs where persons or materials may accidentally contact the conductors.
C. Vertical runs of trays shall be totally enclosed.
D. Where the rig moves over a series of well holes and a transverse section of cable tray drops trailing cables in a long fixed runway tray, cleats or other means shall be used to secure the cable against shifting in the moving section of the tray.
E. For single hole setups onshore, cables may be buried in the earth or run in covered, wooden troughs between outdoor units of equipment. A substantial, nominal 2-inch thick wooden cover or equivalent, shall be installed over the trough.
(g) Lighting. Lighting systems for oil or gas well drilling rigs, production hoists, derricks or masts shall be permitted to be wired using an approved prefabricated assembly of flexible cables with vulcanized, molded or other approved terminating receptacle devices so designed that electric arcs will be confined within the receptacle enclosure which shall be the concealed contact-type. The lighting fixture shall be of the type permitted for Class I, Division I locations, or of the enclosed gasketed-type. These assemblies shall be securely fastened to the drilling rig or hoist structure and so located that they will be protected from physical damage.

(a) Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply in addition to the requirements of Article 515 of the CEC.
(b) Definitions. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
BULK STORAGE PLANT or TANKER LOADING DOCK DESIGNATIONS. The bulk storage plant and tanker loading dock designation shall also include locations where ships carrying bulk cargoes of gasoline or other volatile flammable liquids are loaded or unloaded.
WATER LEVEL. The water level shall be the measured mean value of the high tide lines.
(c) Loading and Unloading Tanker Ships. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
1. The interior of a building, any portion of which is located in a Class I, Division 2 location, shall be classified as a Class I, Division 2 location.
EXCEPTION: Buildings that are provided with satisfactory positive pressure ventilation, and safeguards, with air taken from a clean air source may be considered to be a nonhazardous location.
2. All electrical power drive pumps and transfer apparatus for flammable liquids shall be provided with an identified “stop” or normal control switch within sight and readily accessible to the person operating the equipment.
(d) Existing Tanker Loading Dock Installations. All existing electrical installations at tanker loading docks shall comply with the provisions of this section and Article 515 of the CEC.
(Amended by Ord. No. 182,847, Eff. 1/3/14.)
1 Administration
2 Definitions
3 General Regulations
4 Plumbing Fixtures and Fixture Fittings
5 Water Heaters
6 Water Supply and Distribution
7 Sanitary Drainage
8 Indirect Wastes
9 Vents
10 Traps and Interceptors
11 Storm Drainage
12 Fuel Gas Piping
13 Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems
14 Firestop Protection
15 Alternate Water Sources for Nonpotable Applications
16 Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment Systems
16A Nonpotable Water Reuse Systems
17 Referenced Standards
18 Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code
19 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code
20 Fire Protection Systems
21 Appendices
94.101.1. Title. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.) This article shall be known as the "Los Angeles Plumbing Code", a portion of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, and wherever the word "Code" is used in this article, it shall mean the "Los Angeles Plumbing Code" and whenever "LAMC" is used, it shall mean the Los Angeles Municipal Code. Whenever the word "City" is used in this article, it shall mean "City of Los Angeles". Whenever the word "Department" is used in this article, it shall mean "Department of Building and Safety".
The Los Angeles Plumbing Code adopts by indicated reference portions of the 2022 California Plumbing Code (CPC) of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
94.101.3. Purpose. The purpose of this Code is to safeguard health, life, property and public welfare by regulating the design, alteration, construction, installation, repair, and quality of materials for plumbing, fire sprinkler, rainwater piping, standpipe, subsurface drainage piping, swimming pool piping, reclaimed water piping, underground fire-protection piping, and graywater piping systems installed in the City.
94.101.4. Conflicts Between Codes. Where the requirements of this Code conflict with the requirements of the mechanical code, this Code shall prevail. In instances where the Code, applicable standards, or the manufacturer’s installation instructions conflict, the most restrictive requirement shall prevail. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall prevail. General. Before starting any work and at any time during the progress of any work regulated by this Code, the Department may require the submission of plans, specifications, drawings and other information it deems necessary. The issuance of a permit upon approved plans shall not prevent the Department from requiring the correction of errors in them and stopping work on construction based on these plans when in violation of this Code or of any other applicable ordinance or statute; or from revoking any approval when issued in error. Risers and Isometrics. System riser or isometric diagrams shall be provided for all drainage, waste and vent, fuel gas, potable water, storm drain, rain water, sump pump, combination waste and vent and standpipe systems. Plans shall be suitable for use by office engineers and field inspectors. Stamped Plans on Job. The set of plans and specifications stamped and issued to the applicant by the Department shall be kept at the site of the construction or work and shall be available to an authorized representative of the Department. There shall be no deviation from the stamped or approved applications, plans or specifications without Department approval.
1. Drainage systems.
a. Drainage and vent systems involving fixtures that discharge 217 or more fixture units.
b. Drainage pumps and ejectors.
2. Combination waste and vent systems.
3. Fuel gas piping with any of the following:
a. Systems having more than ten outlets.
b. Medium pressure gas systems.
c. High pressure gas systems.
d. Methane gas extraction systems.
4. Potable water piping with any of the following:
a. Systems requiring a 2-inch (50.80 mm) or larger supply.
b. Systems designed from the procedure in CPC Section 610.5.
5. Rainwater piping systems with more than ten interconnected rainwater or overflow drains, or a rainwater pump.
6. Siphonic roof drainage systems.
7. Special water piping for alternative water source system installations.
8. Non-potable rainwater catchment systems where the water is collected from the footprint of building or is reused in the building as alternative water source for non-potable applications into the building.
9. Swimming pool circulating water systems.
EXCEPTION: Private swimming pools.
10. Fire Protection.
a. Class H. Standpipes.
b. Standpipes: Class I, II, III.
c. Fire pump systems.
d. Fire hydrant systems.
e. Hand hose systems connected to fire sprinkler piping.
f. Monitor nozzle systems.
g. Underground fire protection piping.
h. Fire sprinkler systems.
1. Raising or lowering of sprinklers due to change in ceiling height.
2. Replacing of sprinklers of the same type, orifice size and temperature rating.
3. Relocation of sprinklers in previously occupied buildings or tenant spaces, when using the same or larger pipe sizes and the same material. Building Sewers and Drains. Existing building sewers and building drains shall be permitted to be used in connection with new buildings or new plumbing and drainage work where they are found on examination and test to be in accordance with the requirements governing new work, and the proper Authority Having Jurisdiction shall notify the owner to make changes necessary to be in accordance with this Code. No building, or part thereof, shall be erected or placed over a part of a drainage system that is constructed of materials other than those approved elsewhere in the LAMC for use under or within a building.
94.101.8. Existing Construction. No provision of this Code shall be deemed to require a change in a portion of a plumbing or drainage system, or other work regulated by this Code, in or on an existing building or lot where such work was installed and is maintained in accordance with law in effect prior to the effective date of this Code, except where a plumbing or drainage system or other work regulated by this Code is determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction to be in fact dangerous, unsafe, insanitary, or a nuisance and a menace to life, health, or property.
94.101.9. Additions, Alterations, or Repairs. Additions, alterations, repairs, and replacements of plumbing systems shall comply with the provisions for new systems except as otherwise provided in LAMC Subsection 94.101.11.
94.101.11. Application to Existing Plumbing System. Additions, alterations, or repairs shall be permitted to be made to a plumbing system without requiring the existing plumbing system to be in accordance with the requirements of this Code, provided the addition, alteration, or repair is in accordance with that required for a new plumbing system. Additions, alterations, or repairs shall not cause an existing system to become unsafe, insanitary, or overloaded. Health and Safety. Where compliance with the provisions of this Code fails to eliminate or alleviate a nuisance, or other dangerous or insanitary condition that involves health or safety hazards, the owner or the owner’s agent shall install such additional plumbing and drainage facilities or shall make such repairs or alterations as ordered by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Existing Installation. Plumbing system lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this Code shall be permitted to have their use, maintenance, or repair continued where the use, maintenance, or repair is in accordance with the original design and location, and no hazard to life, health, or property has been created by such plumbing system. Changes in Building Occupancy. Plumbing systems that are a part of a building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined in Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Code that are applicable to the new use or occupancy. Operating Condition. Plumbing systems, materials, and appurtenances, both existing and new, and parts thereof shall be maintained in operating condition. Devices or safeguards required by this Code shall be maintained in accordance with the code edition under which installed. The owner or the owner’s designated agent shall be responsible for maintenance of plumbing systems. To determine compliance with this subdivision, the Authority Having Jurisdiction shall be permitted to cause a plumbing system to be reinspected. No person shall add, alter, change, construct, install, locate, maintain, move, occupy, relocate, remove, renovate, repair, replace, or use any plumbing system, water-connected appliances, products or devices, fire sprinkler system, rainwater piping, standpipe, subsurface drainage piping, swimming pool piping, reclaimed water piping, underground fire protection piping, or graywater piping systems except as provided by this Code. No person shall use or maintain any private sewage disposal system on any lot or parcel of land, that has failed, is in an overflowing condition, or in the judgment of the Department is unsanitary or is a menace to life, health or property. If the private system fails, all drainage piping shall be connected to the public or private sewer when the lot or parcel of land abuts any public way or sewer easement in which a public or private sewer exists and is available.
1. Any plumbing fixture, appliance, apparatus, equipment, device, material or domestic gas appliance that has not been approved as to its fitness and safety for its intended use or purpose.
EXCEPTION: The sale of used gas ranges and used gas ovens is not prohibited.
2. Any water-operated or water-using device, mechanism or equipment, the use of which may cause the pollution or contamination of the domestic water supply. Any such device, mechanism or equipment may be allowed when properly equipped with approved backflow protection. Public Sewers. Any sewer entirely within a public way or any private sewer installed under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles City Department of Public Works or the Los Angeles County Flood Control District as an incident to improvement of a public way when no portion of the private sewer extends more than 6 feet (1828.8 mm) into private property, as measured from the property line abutting the public way. Manufactured Homes, Recreational Vehicles, Commercial Coaches, Special Purpose Commercial Coaches, Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Parks. Any work within any manufactured home, recreational vehicle, commercial coach, special purpose commercial coach, mobile home or any mobile home park, including accessory buildings, permanent buildings and on-site piping outside of buildings.