(Division 70 Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.7001 Purpose.
91.7002 Scope.
91.7003 Definitions.
91.7004 Grading Designation.
91.7005 General Requirements.
91.7006 Conditions Precedent to Issuing a Grading Permit.
91.7007 Safety Precautions During Grading.
91.7008 Professional Inspection and Certification for Engineered Grading.
91.7009 Professional Inspection for Regular Grading.
91.7010 Excavations.
91.7011 Fills.
91.7012 Planting and Irrigation of Cut and Fill Slopes in Hillside Areas.
91.7013 Erosion Control and Drainage Devices.
91.7014 Construction Requirements and Limitations.
91.7015 Buttress Fills.
91.7016 Areas Subjected to Slides and Unstable Soil.