(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
In Group B, F, M, S Occupancies, panes of glazing with at least one dimension greater than six inches, but less than 48 inches, shall be constructed of fully tempered glass or approved burglary-resistant material or shall be protected by metal bars or grilles which are constructed to preclude human entry. Such bars or grilles shall have a pattern such that at least one dimension of any opening shall be no greater than six inches.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.6715.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Sliding glass windows shall be provided with locking devices and shall be so constructed and installed that they remain intact and engaged when subjected to the tests specified in LAMC Subsection 91.6717.2. A device shall be installed in the upper channel of the moving panel to prohibit the raising and removal of the moving panel from the track while in the closed or partially open position.
91.6715.2. Other openable windows shall be provided with substantial locking devices which render the building as secure as the devices required by this section. In Group B, F, M, S Occupancies, such devices shall be glide bars, bolts, cross bars and/or padlocks with minimum 9/32–inch hardened steel shackles and bolted, hardened steel hasps.
91.6715.3. Special. Louvered windows shall be protected by metal bars or grilles which are constructed to preclude human entry. Such bars or grilles shall have a pattern such that no less than one dimension of any opening shall be six inches or less.
91.6715.4. Any release for metal bars, grilles, grates or similar devices constructed to preclude human entry that are installed shall be located on the inside of the adjacent room and at least 24 inches from the closest opening through such metal bars, grilles, grates or similar devices that exceed two inches in any dimension.
EXCEPTION: Metal bars, grilles, grates or similar devices may be padlocked in position where such padlocks or similar devices are not prohibited by law.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.6716.1. Security openings other than doors or glazed openings shall be protected in accordance with the requirements of this section.
91.6716.2. Hatchway covers of less than 1-3/4-inch thick solid wood construction shall be covered on the inside with 16–gauge sheet metal attached by screws around the perimeter spaced at six-inch maximum centers.
91.6716.3. Hatchway covers shall be secured from the inside with slide bars, slide bolts, and/or padlocks with hardened steel shackles. Hasps shall be hardened steel and bolted.
91.6716.4. Outside pin-type hinges shall be provided with non-removable pins.
91.6716.5. Openings within 40 inches of the required locking device of the door when said door is in the closed and locked position and when said door is openable without the use of a key shall not exceed two inches in their greatest dimension or shall be protected by metal bars or grilles having a pattern such that the openings of which do not exceed two inches in the greatest dimension.
91.6716.6. All other openings shall be protected by metal bars or grilles constructed to preclude human entry. Such bars or grilles shall have a pattern such that no less than one dimension of any opening shall be six inches or less.
EXCEPTION: Openings which are more than 40 inches from the required locking device of a door in the closed and locked position when the door is openable from the inside without the use of a key, and which do not exceed 96 square inches in area, with no less than one dimension thereof being six inches or less.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
Doors, windows, and similar closures of security openings regulated by the provisions of this division, including the frames, jambs, hardware and locking devices of such closures, shall be shown to satisfactorily pass the tests specified in this division. The tests shall be performed by an approved testing laboratory on the units as installed at the jobsite or installed in test assemblies constructed according to the manufacturer’s details. Each typical job installation shall be tested or the units shall be constructed and installed in conformance to a General Approval issued by the Department.
1. Test A. With the panels in the normal position, a concentrated load of 300 pounds shall be applied separately to each vertical pull stile incorporating a locking device at a point on the stile within six inches of the locking device in the direction parallel to the plane of glass that would tend to open the door.
2. Test B. Repeat Test A while simultaneously adding a concentrated load of 150 pounds to the same area of the same stile in a direction perpendicular to the plane of glass toward the interior side of the door.
3. Test C. Repeat Test B with 150–pound force in the reverse direction toward the exterior side of the door.
4. Tests D, E and F. Repeat Tests A, B and C with the movable panel lifted upwards to its full limit within the confines of the door frame.
5. Moveable panels shall not be rendered easily openable or removable from the frame during or after the tests or the panel shall have failed the test.
1. Test A. With the sliding sash in the normal position, a concentrated load of 150 pounds shall be applied separately to each sash member incorporating a locking device at a point on the sash member within six inches of the locking device in the direction parallel to the plane of glass that would tend to open the window.
2. Test B. Repeat Test A while simultaneously adding a concentrated load of 75 pounds to the same area of the same sash member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of glass toward the interior side of the window.
3. Test C. Repeat Test B with the 75–pound force in the reversed direction toward the exterior side of the window.
4. Tests D, E and F. Repeat Tests A, B and C with the movable sash lifted upwards to its full limit within the confines of the window frame.
5. Movable panels shall not be rendered easily openable or removable from the frame during or after the tests or the panel shall have failed the test.