91.3305.1. Toilet Facilities Required. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) No person shall commence or proceed with the erection, construction, alteration, repair, raising, adding to, removal or demolition of any building or structure unless adequate, suitable, sanitary toilet facilities under the control of that person are provided for the use of any person employed or working upon the building or structure. The toilet facilities shall be located upon or within a reasonable distance of the lot, premises, or site upon which the work is being done. In no case shall the line of travel to any toilet facility exceed 500 feet (152.4 m).
91.3305.2. Toilet Standards. Every toilet shall be of the water-flush type and connected to a public sewer or a private sewage disposal system built in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code. All toilet structures shall be completely enclosed on four sides and the top, and the door shall be self-closing; the toilet floor shall be smooth, and screened ventilation shall be provided for the toilet compartment. Where workers are employed during the night hours, the toilet building shall be provided with artificial light. In lieu of flush water closets, approved chemical toilets, which meet the requirements of Chapter III of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, may be provided.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
Section 3306 of the CBC is adopted by reference, except Section 3306.1 of the CBC is not adopted; and, in lieu, LAMC Subsection 91.3306.1 is added.
91.3306.1. Protection Required. Pedestrians shall be protected during construction, remodeling and demolition activities as required by Division 33, Article 1, Chapter IX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and CBC Table 3306.1. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to grant permission to use, construct or place a canopy over any street or public place without first obtaining the necessary permits from the Department of Public Works.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
Section 3307 of the CBC is not adopted and, in lieu, Los Angeles Municipal Code Subsections 91.3307.1, 91.3307.2, 91.3307.2.1, 91.3307.2.2, 91.3307.3, 91.3307.3.1, and 91.3307.3.2 are added.
91.3307.1. Protection Required. Adjoining public and private property shall be protected from damage during construction, remodeling and demolition work. Protection must be provided for footings, foundations, party walls, chimneys, skylights and roofs. Provisions shall be made to control water runoff and erosion during construction or demolition activities.
For excavations, adjacent property shall be protected as set forth in Section 832 of the Civil Code of California.
Prior to the issuance of any permit, which authorizes an excavation where the excavation is to be of a greater depth than are the walls or foundation of any adjoining building or structure and located closer to the property line than the depth of the excavation, the owner of the site shall provide the Department of Building and Safety with evidence that the adjacent property owner or owners have been given a 30-day written notice of the intent to excavate. This notice shall state the depth to which the excavation is intended to be made and when the excavation will commence. This notice shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested.
1. The excavation exposes any adverse geological formations, which would affect the lateral support of a public way, an adjacent property or an adjacent structure.
2. The excavation extends below a plane extending downward at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the public way or an adjacent property.
EXCEPTION: Normal footing excavations not exceeding two feet in depth will not be construed as removing lateral support.
3. The excavation extends below a plane extending downward at an angle of 45 degrees from the bottom of a footing of an existing structure.
The slopes of excavations adjacent to an existing structure, an adjacent property or public way may exceed one horizontal to one vertical where either:
1. A soil report recommending that the slope may be in excess of one to one has been approved by the Department and the Department of Public Works when the excavation is adjacent to a public way.
When justified by the soils engineer, the Department may approve the use of the proposed building and/or shoring to support an adjacent structure on an adjoining property in lieu of underpinning, provided:
(i) Evidence is submitted that the adjoining property owner has been notified in advance of the proposed excavation in compliance with Section 832 of the Civil Code of California.
(ii) The owner of the site records a sworn affidavit with the Office of the County Recorder, which will inform future owners of the site that the lateral support of a portion of the building footings on the adjoining property is provided by the subterranean walls of the building on the site.
2. Underpinning is designed to support adjacent structures, temporary shoring is designed to support the excavation, and plans are approved and permits are issued by the Department.
Temporary shoring shall be designed for an earth pressure recommended by a soils engineer and approved by the Department, equivalent to that exerted by a fluid weighing not less than 24 pounds (11 kg) per cubic foot plus all surcharge loads.
Soils bearing values shall be those specified in Division 18, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC or those recommended by a soils engineer and approved by the Department.
The design of the required temporary shoring and necessary underpinning shall include a sequence of construction and installation.
Allowable stresses used in the design of temporary shoring may be increased 33-1/3% for structural and reinforcing steel and 25% for wood. No increase will be permitted for concrete. Other values shall be those prescribed by this Code.
(Div. 61 Title Amended by Ord. No. 165,310, Eff. 12/31/89.)
91.6101 Impact Hazard Glazing in Existing Buildings.
91.6102 Rubbish Rooms.
91.6103 Shafts, Pits and Similar Excavation – Misdemeanor.
91.6104 Fire Districts.
91.6105 Separation from Oil Wells.
91.6109 Swimming Poolsand Other Bodies of Water – Protective Devices Required.