Sec. 5-1. - Adoption of building code.
Sec. 5-2. - Awnings—Metal.
Sec. 5-3. - Same—Canvas, over sidewalks.
Sec. 5-4. - Same—Suspending articles therefrom.
Sec. 5-4.1. - Overhanging signs in downtown Lexington.
Sec. 5-4.2. - Adoption of gas code.
Sec. 5-4.3. - Discontinuance and amortization of certain signs.
Sec. 5-4.4. - Penalty for violation of section 5-4.3.
Sec. 5-5. - Fire limits or districts, special restrictions therein.
Secs. 5-6—5-10. - Reserved.
Secs. 5-11—5-19. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-20. - Permit required; historic preservation study; emergency exceptions.
Sec. 5-21. - Statement of nature of work and examination of structure.
Sec. 5-22. - Application for permit by nonresident.
Sec. 5-23. - Insurance or bond required.
Sec. 5-24. - Notice to adjacent or abutting property owners.
Sec. 5-25. - Barricades, signals, etc.
Sec. 5-26. - Assignment or subletting of work.
Sec. 5-27. - Penalties.
Sec. 5-28. - Article is in addition to building code.
Sec. 5-29. - Fee schedule.
Sec. 5-29.1. - Additional building permit fee.
Sec. 5-29.2. - Commercial and residential construction plan review fee.
Sec. 5-29.3. - Additional fees.
Sec. 5-29.4. - Additional inspection fees.
Sec. 5-30. - Requirements prerequisite to issuance of certain building permits.
Sec. 5-31. - Bonding site improvements or other conditions; posting of a full cash bond.
Sec. 5-32. - Mechanical permit fees for the installation, replacement or addition of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Secs. 5-33—5-40. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-41. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-42. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-43. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-44. - Reserved.
Secs. 5-45—5-54. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-55. - Standards adopted.
Sec. 5-56. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-57. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-58. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-59. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-60. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-61. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-62. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-63. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-64. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-65. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-66. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-67. - Permit for installation, alteration required; functions of department of public safety.
Sec. 5-68. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-69. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-69.1. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-70. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-71. - Reserved.
Sec. 5-72. - Authority to turn off current or disconnect wires in emergencies.
Sec. 5-73. - Penalty.
Sec. 5-74. - Liability for damage caused by defective equipment or work.
Sec. 5-75. - Promulgation of regulations.
Sec. 5-76. - Required; fees.
Sec. 5-77. - Penalty.
Sec. 5-78. - Definition.
Sec. 5-79. - System adopted.
Sec. 5-80. - Permit—Required.
Sec. 5-81. - Same—Application.
Sec. 5-82. - Replacement, relocation of monuments.
Sec. 5-83. - Cost of replacement.
Sec. 5-84. - Penalty for violation of article.
Sec. 5-85. - Registration required.
Sec. 5-86. - Definitions.
Sec. 5-87. - Registration application.
Sec. 5-88. - Contents of registration application.
Sec. 5-89. - Insurance required of contractors.
Sec. 5-90. - Registration fees and insurance requirements; renewal.
Sec. 5-91. - Reinstatement of registration.
Sec. 5-92. - Registration not transferable.
Sec. 5-93. - Exception to registration requirements.
Sec. 5-94. - Display of registration certificate; advertising.
Sec. 5-95. - Contract provisions.
Sec. 5-96. - Contractor review board; membership; rules.
Sec. 5-97. - General powers and duties of review board.
Sec. 5-98. - Suspension and revocation of registration.
Sec. 5-99. - Appeal procedure and conduct of hearing.
Sec. 5-100. - Limitation of registration; power of government to regulate.
Sec. 5-101. - Penalty.
Sec. 5-102. - Liability for damage caused by defective work or equipment.
Sec. 5-103. - Promulgation of regulations.
Sec. 5-104. - Creation.
Sec. 5-105. - Eligibility.
Sec. 5-106. - [Application.]
Sec. 5-107. - Appropriation.
Sec. 5-108. - Created.
Sec. 5-109. - Eligibility.
Sec. 5-110. - Determination of dwellings fit for human occupancy.
Sec. 5-111. - [Appropriation of funds.]
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Charter reference(s)—Authority to regulate alteration, destruction and erection of buildings, § 3.02(15); department of housing and community development, § 6.11; housing authority, § 7.12. State law reference(s)—Urban renewal and redevelopment, KRS ch. 99; planning and zoning, KRS ch. 100; housing, buildings and construction—building code, KRS ch. 198B. |
(a) Pursuant to KRS chapter 198B, the division of building inspection is hereby designated as the agency to enforce the Kentucky Uniform State Wide Mandatory Building Code, promulgated in 815 KAR 7:120 and the Kentucky Residential Code promulgated in 815 KAR 7:125 by the Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction, Commonwealth of Kentucky, within the urban county government.
(b) Pursuant to KRS chapter 198B, the director of the division of building inspection is designated as the building official, and his subordinates within the division of building inspection are designated as inspector and code enforcement personnel to enforce the provisions of the Kentucky Uniform Statewide Mandatory Building Code and the Kentucky Residential Code, within the urban county government.
(c) The agency and officers mentioned in this section shall also assume any additional plan review functions which may be assumed pursuant to KRS chapter 198B by agreement between this government and the department of housing, buildings and construction of the commonwealth.
(d) The agency and officers mentioned in this section should be under the general supervision of the commissioner of public works and development.
(e) Pursuant to KRS 198B.060, this government does hereby extend the application of KRS chapter 198B to include the Kentucky Uniform Statewide Mandatory Building Code and the Kentucky Residential Code, as to one family, two family and townhouse dwellings.
(f) Copies of the Kentucky Uniform Statewide Mandatory Building Code and the Kentucky Residential Code, shall be kept on file in the office of the clerk of the urban county council as a public record.
(Ord. No. 4742, § 1, 9-19-63; Ord. No. 5567, § 1, 6-9-66; Ord. No. 28-70, § 1, 2-19-70; Ord. No. 189-75, §§ 1—3, 7-10-75; Ord. No. 8-80, § 1, 2-7-80; Ord. No. 79-2003, § 3, 4-24-03; Ord. No. 83-2008, § 1, 4-24-08)
Whenever canvas awnings and fixed canvas hoods or canopies are permitted under the ordinances of the urban county government, fixed or retractable metal awnings may be used if properly attached to buildings and if applicable requirements are met; provided:
(1) They are made of rust-resistive material.
(2) They are installed above windows or doors.
(3) They are in no case less than eight (8) feet clear above sidewalk or grade when projecting over public property.
(4) They shall not extend more than eight (8) feet from the building with a slope not to exceed an angle of forty-five (45) degrees from the horizontal, and in no case shall they extend over more than half the width of the sidewalk; provided the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to stationary canopies, or to dwellings not over two and one-half (2½) stories high.
(5) They shall not extend below the upper sixty (60) percent of any window opening.
(6) They shall not project over four (4) feet when installed above the first floor.
(7) They shall not be installed above the second floor without the written approval of the chief of the fire and emergency services division; provided such approval by the chief of the fire and emergency services division shall not be required for installation on dwellings not over two and one-half (2½) stories high and not occupied above the second floor.
(8) A permanent awning shall not be permitted on the first floor of buildings over one (1) story high where there are window openings in the wall above and directly over the first floor awning, unless such awning is designed and constructed in the manner which will permit it to be readily collapsed against the building; provided, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to dwellings not over two and one-half (2½) stories high and not occupied above the second floor.
(9) They shall not bear any indicia, either painted or attached, nor shall they be wired for electric illumination or have any extraneous attachments of any kind except that the name, street number and character of business of the owner may be printed or painted thereon.
(10) Before any permanent awning shall be erected on a building, other than a dwelling, not more than two and one-half (2½) stories high and not occupied above the second floor, a building permit shall be obtained from the director of inspection of the urban county. Applications for such permits shall be made by the licensed awning contractors and the same procedure shall be followed as prescribed for the erection of signs in the building code, adopted and incorporated herein by reference in section 5-1.