(a) Every canvas awning erected over and above any public sidewalk of the urban county shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(1) It shall be supported on an iron framework securely attached to the building.
(2) The lowest part of any metal structure of such awning shall be at least seven (7) feet, six (6) inches above the sidewalk at all points and the lowest part of the valance, if the same is made of canvas, shall be at least seven (7) feet above the sidewalk.
(3) Where slide rods are used they shall not project more than two (2) inches from the building;
(4) Awnings over nine (9) feet in width shall have metal frames that are hinged and shall be made in such a manner as to fold snugly against building;
(5) No awning shall extend over two-thirds of the width of the sidewalk and in any event shall not be closer than eighteen (18) inches to the curbline.
(b) Stationary or temporary awnings of any description requiring support from posts are prohibited.
(c) Canvas awnings which were at least seven (7) feet above the sidewalk on April 19, 1951, need not be made to conform to the provisions of this section until replaced or recovered.
(d) No awning shall be erected without first securing a written permit therefor from the building inspector of the urban government; and it shall be unlawful to establish, erect or alter any awning over any public sidewalk before obtaining a permit.
(e) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, upon conviction therefor, shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(f) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to conflict with any of the provisions of section 5-2 relating to the construction and erection of metal awnings.
(a) The provisions of other ordinances notwithstanding, no sign shall project perpendicularly from any building or other structures so as to overhang the sidewalk or public right-of-way within the area of downtown Lexington, said area being more particularly defined below. No horizontal or flush sign shall overhang said sidewalk or right-of-way more than one (1) foot. This section shall not affect theater or hotel marquees, nor existing marquees.
(b) Downtown Lexington is defined as follows: Properties abutting upon one (1) or both sides of streets and public ways to be included within an area where overhanging signs are to be prohibited.
All parcels or lots abutting upon the southerly right-of-way of Pleasant Stone Street from its inception at North Limestone to its intersection with North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
All parcels or lots abutting upon the southerly right-of-way of Corral Street from its inception at North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to its intersection with Clark Street.
All parcels or lots abutting upon the southerly right-of-way of Church Street from its intersection with North Broadway to its intersection with North Upper Street. All properties abutting upon both sides of Church Street from its intersection with North Upper Street to its intersection with North Limestone.
All parcels or lots abutting upon both sides of Short Street from its intersection with Algonquin Street to its intersection with Esplanade.
All parcels or lots abutting upon Barr Street from its inception at North Limestone to its terminus at North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Parcels or lots abutting upon Main Street being identified by street address numbers at 101 through 335 East Main Street, inclusive, and those properties abutting upon the southerly right-of-way identified as 100 through 400 East Main Street.
All parcels or lots abutting upon Vine Street from its intersection with West Main Street to its intersection with East Main Street.
All lots or parcels abutting upon the northerly right-of-way of High Street from its intersection with Patterson Street to its intersection with Grand Boulevard.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Broadway from the intersection of South Broadway and West High Street north to and including property identified by street address as 157 North Broadway and the intersection of North Broadway and Church Street.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Mill Street from its intersection with West High Street north to its intersection with Church Street.
All parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Cheapside.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Upper Street from its intersection with West High Street north to and including property identified as 180 North Upper on the easterly right-of-way and those properties abutting upon the westerly right-of-way of Upper from its intersection with West High Street to its intersection with Church Street.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Market Street from its intersection with Church Street to its intersection with West Short Street.
All lots or properties abutting upon the westerly right-of-way of Limestone from its intersection with High Street North to and including property identified by street address at 187 North Limestone. All lots or properties abutting upon the easterly right-of-way of Limestone from its intersection with High Street North to its intersection with Pleasant Stone Street.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard from East Main Street to East High Street.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard from its intersection with East Main Street north to its intersection with Pleasant Stone Street.
All lots or parcels abutting upon both sides of Esplanade from its inception to its terminus.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon both sides of Rose Street from its inception at East Main Street to its intersection with East High Street.
All lots or parcels of land abutting upon the westerly right-of-way of Grand Boulevard from its intersection with East High Street to its intersection with Old Vine Street. All lots or parcels abutting upon both sides of Southeastern Avenue from its intersection with Old Vine Street north to its intersection with East Main Street.
All lots abutting upon the westerly right-of-way of Shreve Avenue from its intersection with Old Vine Street north to its terminus in a cul-de-sac.
A lot fronting upon the westerly right-of-way of DeWeese Street, address number 111 DeWeese Street.
(c) Any person, corporation or legal entity violating the provisions of subsection (a) hereof shall be fined ten dollars ($10.00) for each and every day said violation exists.
(Ord. No. 274-76, § 1, 12-29-76)