For the purpose of this Code, the urban county is divided into three (3) districts for fire protection. The types of construction permissible in each district are given below, except that reference must be made to restrictions imposed by occupancy, state laws or zoning, which may be more stringent than required for respective fire zones:
(1) Types of construction permissible by fire zones:
(i) District 1 inner fire zone. Construction types permissible:
Type I—Fire resistive A
Type II—Fire resistive B
Type III—Protected limited combustible
Type IV—Unprotected limited combustible
Roof coverings shall be either class "A" or class "B" Underwriters' Laboratories specifications on all new buildings or structures but shall be replaced with only a class A or class B U.L. specified roof covering.
Roofing of existing buildings or structures may be of class "C" Underwriters' Laboratories specifications.
(ii) District 2, outer fire zone. Construction types permissible:
Type I—Fire resistive A
Type II—Fire resistive B
Type III—Protected limited combustible
Type IV—Unprotected limited combustible
Type V—Ordinary
Type VI—Heavy timber
Type VII—Wood frame
Roof coverings shall be either class "A," class "B," or class "C," Underwriters' Laboratories Specifications on all new and existing buildings or structures.
(iii) District 3, area outside of fire zones. Construction types permissible:
Type I—Fire resistive A
Type II—Fire resistive B
Type III—Protected limited combustible
Type IV—Unprotected limited combustible
Type V—Ordinary
Type VI—Heavy timber
Type VII—Wood frame
Roof coverings shall be either class "A," class "B," class "C," Underwriters' Laboratories Specifications or with vertical (edge) grain wood shingles.
(2) District 1, inner fire zone described: All of the portions of the urban county embraced in the following described limits and all existing and any future shopping centers, regardless of how named, shall be known and designated as the inner fire zone:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of West High Street and the center of the Jefferson Street Viaduct; thence with the center line of Jefferson Street Viaduct to the center line of West Main Street, 670 feet; thence with the center line of West Main Street to the center line of Old Georgetown Street, 530 feet thence with the center line of Old Georgetown Street to the point midway between Todd and Ballard Streets, 670 feet; thence in an easterly direction and parallel with Ballard Street along the line halfway between Ballard and Todd Streets, 600 feet to a point 125 feet west of the curbline of Jefferson Street; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 125 feet west of the west curbline of Jefferson Street, 1,100 feet to a point in the center line of West Third Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Third Street, 290 feet to a point 125 feet east of the east curbline of Jefferson Street; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 125 feet east of the east curbline of Jefferson Street, 1,240 feet to a point in the center line of Ballard Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Ballard Street and as if produced 225 feet to a point in the center of Bruce Street; thence continuing in the same straight line being parallel to Main Street, 110 feet east of the east curbline of Bruce Street, 175 feet to a point; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 430 feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction parallel to Saunier Avenue, 80 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 80 feet; thence in a northerly direction parallel to Saunier Avenue, 50 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 80 feet; thence in a northerly direction parallel to Saunier Avenue, 80 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 80 feet to the center line of Saunier Avenue; thence in a northerly direction to the center line of Saunier Avenue, 150 feet to the center line of West Second Street; thence with the center line of West Second Street in an easterly direction, 440 feet to a point in the center line of Second Street, 190 feet east of the center line of Broadway; thence in a southerly direction along the center line of Bark Alley and parallel to Broadway, 240 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 220 feet to the center line of Mill Street; thence in a southerly direction to the center line of Mill Street, 60 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 220 feet to the center line of Market Street; thence in a northerly direction with the center line of Market Street, 80 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Second Street, 110 feet; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 125 feet west from the west curb line of Upper Street, 920 feet to the center line of Third Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Third Street, 625 feet to the point 110 feet east of the east curb line on North Limestone; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Limestone, 180 feet to the center line of Houston Alley; thence with the southern line of Houston Alley, 500 feet to the point 100 feet west of the west property line of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 100 feet west from the west curbline of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, 180 feet to the center line of Third Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Third Street, 250 feet to a point 125 feet east from the east curbline of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 125 feet east from the east curbline of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, 620 feet to a point in the center line of Wickliffe Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Wickliffe Street and, if extended, 490 feet to a point 100 feet west from the west curbline of Elm Tree Lane; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 110 feet west from the west curbline of Elm Tree Lane, 540 feet to a point 110 feet north of the north curbline of Third Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 110 feet north from the north curbline of Third Street, 260 feet to a point; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 110 feet east from the east curbline of Elm Tree Lane, 1,250 feet to a point 160 feet south of the center line of Wilson Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 160 feet south of the center line of Wilson Street, 100 feet; thence in a northerly direction parallel to Elm Tree Lane, 30 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Wilson Street, 250 feet to the center line of Curley Avenue; thence in a southerly direction with the center line of Curley Avenue, 80 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Wilson Street, 560 feet to the point where this line paralleling Wilson Street intersects the north right-of-way line of the L. & N. Railway Company; thence following the west right-of-way line of the L. & N. Railway Company, about 1,900 feet to a point 300 feet south from the center line of Third Street; thence crossing the L. & N. right-of-way and the C. & O. right-of-way, about 225 feet to the east right-of-way line of the C. & O. Railway Company where it intersects with the north property line of Ellerslie Avenue; thence in a southwesterly direction with the southeasterly right-of-way line of the C. & O., 300 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line in a southerly direction, 200 feet to the center line of Indiana Avenue; then in an easterly direction with the center line of Indiana Avenue, 35 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Forest Avenue 120 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel to Skain Avenue, 30 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Forest Avenue, 90 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel to Skain Avenue, 20 feet; thence in a southerly direction, 230 feet to a point in the center line of Skain Avenue, 160 feet east of the center line of Indiana Avenue; thence with the center line of Skain Avenue in a westerly direction, 30 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 180 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Main Street, 90 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 50 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Main Street, 40 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 350 feet to the center line of Main Street; thence with the center line of Main Street, 100 feet to a point 140 feet east of the center line of Ransom Avenue, thence in a southerly direction parallel with Ransom Avenue, 140 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Main Street, 140 feet to the center line of Ransom Avenue; thence in a southerly direction with the center line of Ransom Avenue, 70 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Main Street, 160 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Ransom Avenue, 200 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel with Main Street, 40 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Ransom Avenue, 80 feet to the centers line of Vine Street; thence in a westerly direction with the center line of Vine Street, 70 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Ransom Avenue, 160 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Vine Street, 350 feet to the center line of Grand Boulevard; thence in a northerly direction with the center line of Grand Boulevard, 50 feet; thence in a westerly direction about parallel with Vine Street, 190 feet; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel to Grand Boulevard, 70 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel to High Street, 50 feet; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel to Grand Boulevard, 30 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel to High Street, 170 feet; thence in a southwesterly direction, 150 feet to the center line of High Street, which point is 100 feet southeast from the center line of Rose Street; thence with the center line of High Street, 4,530 feet to the center line of the Jefferson Street Viaduct, being the point of beginning.
(3) Restriction applying to district 1:
(i) No building or structure of frame, ordinary heavy timber or unprotected limited combustible construction shall be hereinafter increased in height or remodeled without the addition of a sprinkler system.
(ii) No building or structure of frame, ordinary, heavy timber or unprotected limited combustible construction shall be extended hereinafter on any side unless the construction of such extension conforms to the requirements of this Code for new construction and shall not be increased in size or remodeled without the addition of a sprinkler system.
(iii) No building of frame or unprotected metal construction shall be hereafter moved from without to within the inner fire limits nor from one location to another within the inner fire limits.
(iv) A building or structure shall be deemed to be within the inner fire limits if more than one-third of the area of such building or structure is located therein.
(v) No building, structures or premises within the inner fire limits, unless heretofore legally occupied or used for such purpose, shall hereafter be occupied or used as a lumberyard, cooperage or a place for the storage of new or secondhand lumber, empty packing boxes or similar flammable material, nor as a saw mill, feed, flour or grain mill, except by special permission and after approval of the zoning board of adjustment of the location; and then the stock must be stored in sheds or buildings with masonry walls.
(4) Exceptions applying to district 1: Nothing in this section shall prohibit within the inner fire limits and subject to the specified limitations of this Code and the zoning ordinances, the erection of new buildings or structures nor the extension or enlarging of existing buildings or structures of frame or ordinary heavy timber and unprotected limited combustible construction as follows:
(i) Temporary wooden scaffolding, barricades and covered walls.
(ii) Temporary wood frame buildings not more than one (1) story in height for the sole use of builders within the limits of the lot whereon buildings are in course of erection or within the limits of adjoining vacant lots. Such temporary buildings shall be removed upon completion of the building or thirty (30) days after building operations have ceased.
(iii) No building of frame or unprotected metal construction shall be hereafter moved from without to within the inner fire limits nor from one location to another within the inner fire limits.
(iv) Wood frame porches or balconies which do not exceed ten (10) feet in depth and which do not extend more than three (3) feet above the second floor level and having fire-retardant roofing.
(v) Bay windows of frame, covered with incombustible material not extending above the second story and otherwise in accordance with this Code.
(vi) Wood fences not over six (6) feet high.
(vii) Facades of wood frame construction not exceeding twelve (12) feet in height for parking lots and other such facilities.
(viii) Greenhouses not more than fifteen (15) feet high erected on the same lot with and accessory to a residence, store or other industry.
(ix) Storm enclosures not more than twelve (12) feet high nor more than four (4) feet wider than the doors they serve, located entirely within the lot lines.
(x) Display signs as elsewhere provided for in this Code.
(5) District 2, outer fire zone described: All of the portions of the urban county embraced in the following described limits shall be known and designated as the outer fire zone:
Beginning at a point being the center line of the main switch track of the Southern Railway Company, 80 feet north of the center line of De Roode Street and 125 feet west of the west curbline of Broadway; thence in a westerly direction following the center line of the Southern Railway Company's switch to a point 125 feet southeast of the southeast curb line of West High; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the south curbline of High Street to a point 400 feet east of the center line of Bennett Avenue; thence in a northerly direction crossing High Street at right angles with same, 285 feet to a point 125 feet north of the north curbline of West High Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the north curbline of West High Street to a point in the center line of the switch track of the Southern Railway Company near Cox Street; thence following the center line of the Southern Railway Company switch track in a northerly direction to a point 100 feet north of the north curbline of West Main Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 100 feet north from the north curbline of West Main Street to a point 100 feet west of the west curbline of Old Georgetown Street; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 100 feet from the west curbline of Georgetown Street to a point opposite the center line of Black Street; thence in an easterly direction 230 feet to a point in the center line of Black Street, 100 feet east of the east curbline of Georgetown Street; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 100 feet from the east curbline of Georgetown Street to a point in the center line of King Street; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of King Street and the same as if continued in a straight line to a point in the center line of Ross Avenue; thence in a northerly direction to the center line of Ross Avenue to a point 125 feet south of the south curbline of West Fourth Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the south curbline of West Fourth Street to a point 200 feet west of the west curbline of North Broadway; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 200 feet from the west curbline of Broadway to a point in the south right-of-way line of the C. & O. Belt Line Railroad; thence in an easterly direction with the south line of said railroad right-of-way, 440 feet to a point 200 feet east of the east curbline of Broadway; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 200 feet from the east curbline of North Broadway to a point 125 feet north of the north curbline of West Fourth Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the north curbline of West Fourth Street to a point 210 feet west of the west curbline of North Limestone; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 210 feet west of the west curbline to a point 125 feet south of the south curbline of Sixth Street; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 125 feet south of the south curbline of Sixth Street to a point in the center line of Upper Street; thence in a northerly direction with the center line of Upper Street, 280 feet to a point 125 feet north of the north curbline of Sixth Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the north curbline of Sixth Street to a point in the center line of Harry Street; thence in a northerly direction with the center line of Harry Street to a point in the center line of Seventh Street; thence in a westerly direction with the center line of Seventh Street to the center line of Upper Street; thence with the center line of Upper Street in a northerly direction to the north right-of-way of the C. & O. Belt Line Railroad; thence in a westerly direction with the north right-of-way line of the C. & O. Belt Line to a point 200 feet west of the west line of the C. & O. Belt Line to a point 200 feet west of the west curbline of North Broadway; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 210 feet west of Broadway to a point 650 feet; thence in an easterly direction and parallel to Loudon Avenue to a point 125 feet east of the east curbline of Limestone; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the east curbline of Limestone, 175 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to Loudon Avenue 320 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Limestone, 80 feet; thence in an easterly direction 200 feet to a point in the center line of Bryan Avenue; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Limestone to a point in the center line of the C. & O. Belt Line Railroad Company; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of the C. & O. Belt Line 100 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Limestone, to a point 130 feet south of the center line of York Street; thence in a westerly direction parallel to York Street to a point 110 feet east of the east curbline of North Limestone; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 110 feet from the east curb line of Limestone to a point 360 feet south of the center line of Fourth Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to East Fourth Street to a point in the center line of North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, 360 feet south of the center line of Fourth Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 100 feet south of the center line of Campsie Place to a point in the line of the old Catholic cemetery's property; thence in a southerly direction with the line of the old Catholic cemetery to a point 160 feet north of the north curbline of East Third Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 160 feet from the north curbline of East Third Street to a point 200 feet of the center line of Walton Avenue if continued; thence in a southerly direction crossing Third Street and parallel to and 200 feet from the center of Walton Avenue to a point in the north property line of Cramer Avenue; then in a westerly direction with the north property line of Cramer Avenue crossing Walton Avenue and continuing in a straight line to a point 200 feet west of the center line of Walton Avenue; then in a northerly direction parallel to and 200 feet from the center line of Walton Avenue, 350 feet to a point near the end of Owen Street; thence in a westerly direction crossing Owen Street and parallel to Ellerslie Avenue to a point in the east right-of-way line of the C. & O. Railroad Company; thence in a westerly direction with the east right-of-way line of the C. & O. Railroad Company to a point in said right-of-way line where it intersects the north property line of Ellerslie Avenue; thence with the line of the inner fire limits; thence in a southwesterly direction with the southeasterly right-of-way line of the C. & O., 300 feet; thence rear lot lines of said lots to a point in the center line of North Ashland Avenue leaving said right-of-way line in a southerly direction, 200 feet to the center line of Indiana Avenue; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Indiana Avenue, 35 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Forest Avenue, 120 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel to Skain Avenue, 30 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Forest Avenue, 90 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel to Skain Avenue, 20 feet; thence in a southerly direction, 230 feet to a point in the center line of Skain Avenue, 160 feet east of the center line of Indiana Avenue; thence with the center line of Skain Avenue in a westerly direction, 30 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 180 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Main Street, 90 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 90 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Forest Avenue, 50 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 350 feet north from the center line of Main Street to a point 140 feet east of the center line of Forest Avenue; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Forest Avenue to a point 200 feet north of the center line of Main Street; thence in an easterly direction parallel to and 200 feet north from the center line of Main Street to a point opposite the center line of Sayre Avenue extended; thence in a northerly direction parallel with Walton Avenue, 40 feet to a point in the center line of Sayre Avenue extended where it turns towards Walton Avenue; thence in an easterly direction with the center line of Sayre Avenue to the center line of Walton Avenue; thence in a northerly direction with the center line of Walton Avenue to a point opposite the rear lot line of the school property; thence in an easterly direction with the line of the school property to the northeast corner of the school lot; thence in a southerly direction along the east property line of the school lot to a point where the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on East Main Street intersect the school line; thence in an easterly direction with the rear lot lines of said lots to a point in the center line of North Ashland Avenue; thence with the center line of Ashland Avenue in a southerly direction to a point 230 feet south of the center line of Main Street; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 230 feet south from the center line of Main Street to a point 150 feet west of the center line of Woodland Avenue; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 150 feet west from the center line of Woodland Avenue to a point 125 feet northeast of the northeast curbline of East High Street; thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to and 125 feet northeast from the northeast curbline of East High Street to a point 150 feet south of the Ashland Park Subdivision, said point being the Clay-Simpson property; thence in a westerly direction crossing High Street to a point 125 feet west of the west curbline of East High Street; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the curbline of High Street to a point in the center line of Kentucky Avenue; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 125 feet south from the south curbline of Maxwell Street to a point 125 feet east of the east curbline of Rose Street; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 125 feet east from the east curbline of Rose Street to a point 125 feet south of the south curbline of Euclid Avenue; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 125 feet south from the south curbline of Euclid Avenue 285 feet to a point 125 feet west of the west curbline of Rose Street; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the west curbline of Rose Street to a point 110 feet north of the north curbline of College View Avenue; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the north curbline of College View Avenue to a point 180 feet east of the east curbline of Lexington Avenue; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 180 feet east from the east curbline of Lexington Avenue to a point 150 feet south from the south curbline of Maxwell Street; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 150 feet from the south curbline of Maxwell Street to a point 130 feet west of the west curbline of Lexington Avenue; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 130 feet west from the west curbline of Lexington Avenue to a point 130 feet north of the north curbline of Euclid Avenue; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 130 feet north from the north curbline of Euclid Avenue to a point 130 feet east from the east curbline of South Limestone; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 130 feet from the east curbline of South Limestone to a point in the Experiment Station property 300 feet south from the center line of Rose Street; thence in a westerly direction crossing South Limestone just south of the intersection of Rose and Limestone to a point 130 feet west of the west curbline of South Limestone; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 130 feet from the west curbline of South Limestone to a point 110 feet north of the north curbline of Colfax Street; thence in a westerly direction parallel to and 110 feet from the north curbline of Colfax Street to a point in the east right-of-way line of the C. N. O. T. P. Railroad Company; thence in a northerly direction with the said right-of-way line to a point 110 feet south from the south curb line of Scott Street; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel to and 110 feet from the south curbline of Scott Street to a point 125 feet east of the east curbline of South Broadway; thence in a southerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the east curbline of South Broadway to a point in the center line of Simpson Avenue; thence in a westerly direction crossing Broadway to a point 125 feet west from the curbline of South Broadway; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 125 feet from the west curbline of Broadway to the point of the beginning.
The inner boundary line of the outer area corresponds to the outer boundary line of the inner fire zone.
NOTE: A building or structure shall be declared within the outer fire zone if more than one-third of the building or structure is located therein.
(6) Exceptions applying to district 2: In addition to those allowed in district 1, the following exceptions are permitted:
(i) Arbors, hot houses or conservatories may be built of wood frame if not over fourteen (14) feet high at the highest point.
(ii) Open heavy timber shelter sheds (having no structural member less than four (4) inches in its least dimension and roof sheathing not less than one and five-eighths (1
) inches thick) not exceeding twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet in area and having roof covered with fire-retardant roofing will be permitted. Such sheds shall be not more than eighteen (18) feet high from the ground to the highest point of the roof and shall have no enclosing walls. No fence shall be used for the back or side of such shed, nor shall such a shed be less than thirty (30) feet from any other building or adjoining lot line. The distance may be decreased to ten (10) feet where sprinkled.
(iii) Frame additions, one (1) story high, to frame buildings in the outer fire limits, provided such extension shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet in area; frame addition, two (2) stories high to frame buildings in the outer fire limits, provided such extension shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in area, and provided further, that no building together with such addition shall exceed the allowable area of frame construction, as provided in the building code.
(7) District 3, area outside of fire zone: District 3 is all of the area in the urban county not included in the previously described fire districts 1 and 2.
(8) Street encroachments:
(i) New buildings: No part of a building hereafter erected or of an enlargement of an existing building shall project beyond a street line or beyond a building line unless as provided for in this section.
(ii) Structural support: No part of a building hereafter erected or an enlargement of an existing building that is necessary for structural safety shall project beyond a property line or building line; but this shall not be deemed to prohibit the projection beyond the property line, to the extent of not more than twelve (12) inches, of the footings of street walls when such projecting parts of footings are not less than eight (8) feet below the curb level, nor beyond the building line when they are within the property line.
(iii) Permissible projections:
a. The main cornice, meaning thereby a moulded projection at or near the top of a wall that faces on a street, may project beyond the building line or street line not more than three (3) feet, provided such main cornice is not less than fourteen (14) feet above the curb level at all points.
b. Cornices of show windows and porches, including metal awning covers, may project beyond the building line of street line not more than twelve (12) inches.
c. Mouldings, belt courses, lintels, sills, architraves, pediments and similar projections of a decorative character may not project beyond the building line when they are less than ten (10) feet or more above the curb level.
d. Columns, pilasters and other similar ornamental projections, including their mouldings and bases, erected for aesthetic reasons may not project beyond the building line or street line unless they are ten (10) feet above the curb.
e. Rustications and quoins may project beyond the building line or street line not more than four (4) inches provided they are ten (10) feet above the curb.
f. Base courses may not project beyond the building line or street line.
g. No door or gate shall be hung hereafter so as to project when fully open more than twelve (12) inches beyond the building line or street line.
h. Marquees at entrances to buildings may extend beyond the street line and across the sidewalk to the curbline provided they are not less than ten (10) feet above the curb level at all points, constructed of noncombustible materials, securely supported from the building and properly drained.
j. Fire escapes and balconies to fire towers or other required exits, constructed of steel or other combustible material, only when required, may project beyond the building line or street line not more than four (4) feet; but no part of such fire escapes or balconies shall be lower than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. Nothing in this section shall prevent the use of movable stairs to the sidewalk, so arranged that they are more than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk when not in actual use.
k. Vaults, entirely below the sidewalk level, may extend beyond the street line but not beyond the curbline; and their tops must be flush with the sidewalk.
l. Exterior hose connections, for fire extinguishing equipment or fresh air inlets for plumbing systems, hereafter installed shall be set inside the building line or street line or in recesses in the street walls when such walls are on the building or street line.
m. No change or enlargement shall be made to an existing part of a building now projecting beyond the building line or street line, except in conformity with the provisions of this Code.
n. A part of a building permitted to project beyond a street line or building line shall be so constructed that its removal may be made without causing the building to become structurally unsafe.
o. Such parts of buildings which already project beyond the building line or street line may be maintained as constructed until their removal is directed by the urban county council.
(Ord. No. 87-67, § 1, 4-20-67)
Cross reference(s)—Fire prevention generally, ch. 9.
(a) Before commencing or proceeding with the wrecking, shoring, razing or moving of any structure, a permit therefor shall be first obtained by the owner or his agent from the director, division of building inspection; and it shall be unlawful to commence or proceed with such work unless such permit shall have been obtained. However, no permit shall be issued sooner than three (3) working days after the application is filed in order that the notice provisions in section 5-24 and the historical study in section 5-20(b) may be completed. No work shall commence under a permit herein for a period of twenty-four (24) hours from the time of issuance of the permit.
(b) No permit required by subsection (a) above shall be issued until after the division of historic preservation is allowed to perform an initial examination of the structure and determine if the structure is at least fifty (50) years old and/or has any historic significance. Such examination is to be conducted on every proposed demolition regardless of whether the building or structure is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. However, under no circumstances shall such examination exceed three (3) working days in length. The time shall begin to run from the date that the application to demolish is filed with the division of building inspection.
(c) If the division of historic preservation determines that the structure is at least fifty (50) years old and/or has any historic significance, no permit shall be issued until after the division of historic preservation has completed a thorough study of the structure and documented for future generations the historical significance of the structure. However, under no circumstances shall such study exceed thirty (30) calendar days in length. The time shall begin to run on the date following the end of the initial three-day waiting period.
(d) Subsections (a), (b) and (c) above and section 5-24 shall not apply in any case where the division of building inspection, division of fire and emergency services, division of code enforcement, the board of health, or any officer or agency thereof, or any court orders or directs the demolition of any structure or building for the purpose of remedying emergency conditions determined to be dangerous to life, health or property.
(Ord. No. 4004, § 1, 1-28-60; Ord. No. 240-83, § 1, 12-15-83; Ord. No. 248-96, § 1, 12-12-96)
No permit required by section 5-20 shall be issued until after a statement of the nature of the proposed work has been filed with and examined and approved by the director, division of building inspection or until such structure has been examined by the building inspector. Such statements shall be made on forms furnished by the building inspector's office.
(Ord. No. 4004, § 2, 1-28-60)
The application for any permit under this article made by any person who is a nonresident of Fayette County shall contain a provision appointing the director, division of building inspection as agent for the service of process in any suit brought against such holder arising out of the work covered by such permit, and consenting that any suit arising out of such work may be prosecuted against such person in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter.
(Ord. No. 4004, § 6, 1-28-60)