Billiards, Poolrooms and Bowling Alleys
   112.01   Licensed required; fees
   112.02   Hours of operation
   112.03   Clear vision into premises
   112.04   (Reserved)
   112.05   (Reserved)
   112.06   Card playing prohibited
Coin-Operated Amusement Devices
   112.20   Definition
   112.21   Application of provisions
   112.22   License application
   112.23   License sticker required
Public Entertainment and Events
   112.35   License required
   112.36   Application; fee
   112.37   License subject to provisions; discretion of Mayor
   112.38   Unlawful or immoral activities prohibited
   112.39   Parade routes designated
   112.40   Amusement bills; destruction
   112.41   Seats in aisles; obstruction of passengers
   112.42   Employment of special police
Athletic and Theatrical Exhibitions
   112.55   License required
   112.56   License fee
   112.57   Disturbance of peace prohibited; supervision
   112.58   No license to be granted if exhibition deemed a nuisance
   112.59   Hours of operation
Motion Picture Theaters
   112.70   License required
   112.71   Application for license
   112.72   License fee
   112.73   Inspection of premises
   112.74   Revocation of license
   112.75   Seats in aisles; loitering
Dance Halls
   112.85   Definition
   112.86   License required
   112.87   Application for license; approval by Mayor
   112.88   Classes of permits; fees
   112.89   Supervision by police