13.50.010: Purpose
13.50.020: Residential Office Zone (RO) Established
13.50.030: Primary Uses
13.50.040: Accessory Uses
13.50.050: General Development Standards
13.50.060: Setbacks
13.50.070: Buffer Standards For Development Abutting A Residential Property
13.50.080: Parking And Access Requirements
13.50.090: Storage And Display Areas
13.50.100: Screening
13.50.110: Lighting
13.50.120: Landscaping
13.50.130: Perimeter Wall
13.50.140: Public Improvements
13.50.150: General Maintenance
13.50.160: Hazardous Activities
13.50.170: Signs
13.50.180: Review By The Design Review Board
13.50.190: Design Guidelines
The purpose of the residential office zone (RO) is to allow for the reuse of those properties which have frontage on busy streets only where residential use is no longer economically feasible. This zone is intended as a transition between established residential neighborhoods and the existing commercial developments along these corridors. RO rezone applications must establish a clear justification for implementation of this zone over other land use alternatives for the property in question and the general vicinity.
Primarily, the RO zone standards are designed to preserve existing housing stock by allowing the conversion of residential properties to such nonresidential uses that have less impact on the surrounding properties than typical commercial uses. The conversion of a single-family home to a small professional office or other nonresidential use is a less intrusive type of development when compared to new construction and is better able to maintain the existing residential character of the streetscape. While, new construction is potentially allowed in the RO zone, it should be the exception, not the rule, and new structures and uses within this zone must be compatible in scale and character with surrounding residential development. (Ord. 2014-05, 4-17-2014)
The following zone is established:
A. Residential Office Zone (RO): The purpose of the RO zone is to set standards for areas where restricted and limited, small scale, nonretail, low impact office uses are allowed adjacent to residential areas.
B. Rezone Requests: In evaluating any rezone application for this zone, preference shall be given to those properties which:
1. Have frontage on Highland Drive, Murray Holladay Road (west of 2300 East) or 1300 East.
2. Occur within a general plan district of either professional office, office/residential, commercial, or are within the Highland Drive master plan area, and
3. Will result in an upgrade of the building and/or site.