13.12.010: Purpose Of Provisions
13.12.020: Primary Uses
13.12.030: Accessory Uses
13.12.040: Lot Area, Lot Width, Density And Slope
13.12.050: Limits Of Disturbance/Setbacks
13.12.060: Building Height
13.12.070: Natural Hazards
13.12.080: Water Quality
13.12.090: Grading
13.12.100: Tree And Vegetation Protection
13.12.110: Utilities
13.12.120: Building Location, Construction, And Design
13.12.130: Off Street Parking
13.12.140: Site Development Plan Approval
13.12.150: Applicability To Lots Of Record And Waivers From Slope Requirements
13.12.160: Landscaping
The purpose of the forestry and recreation zones is to permit the development of the foothill and canyon areas of the city for forestry, recreation, and other specified uses to the extent such development is compatible with the protection of the natural and scenic resources of these areas for the continued benefit of future generations. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
A. Primary Uses Allowed: The permitted and conditional uses allowed in the FR zones shall be as set forth in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title. Any primary land use not shown as a permitted or conditional use in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title shall be prohibited.
B. Combined Uses: Any combination of uses may be established within the same building or on the same lot or parcel. If any of the proposed uses is a conditional use, that use shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission as required by section 13.08.040 of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
Permitted and conditional uses set forth in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title shall be deemed to include accessory uses and activities that are necessarily and customarily associated with and incidental and subordinate to such primary uses allowed by chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title.
A. Accessory uses shall be subject to the same regulations that apply to permitted and conditional uses in the zone except as otherwise expressly provided in this title.
B. No accessory use, building or structure shall be allowed on a lot or parcel unless a primary permitted or conditional use is currently established on the parcel, except as allowed by section 13.09.020 of this title.
C. Specific accessory uses allowed in the FR zones are as set forth in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)