13.98.010: Definitions
13.98.020: Residential Facilities For Persons With A Disability
13.98.030: Residential Facilities For Elderly Persons
13.98.040: Design Standards For Group Homes For People With Disabilities And Residential Facilities For Elderly People When Allowed As A Permitted Or Conditional Use Within The City Of Holladay
13.98.050: Nonresidential Treatment Facilities
13.98.060: Limitations
See section 13.04.040 of this title. (Ord. 2013-10, 5-9-2013)
A. Applicability: This section shall be deemed to govern any facility, residence, or other circumstance that meets the definition of a residential facility as set forth in this title, and the definition of a disabled person as set forth in this title; for the requirements of this section shall govern the same notwithstanding any other provisions of this code.
B. Purpose: The purposes of this section are:
1. To comply with title 10, chapter 9a, section 520, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended; and
2. To avoid discrimination in housing against persons with disabilities as provided in the Utah fair housing act and the federal fair housing amendments act as interpreted by the courts having jurisdiction over the city of Holladay.
C. Permitted Use: A residential facility for persons with a disability shall be a permitted use in any zoning district where a dwelling is allowed. Each such facility shall conform to the following requirements:
1. The facility shall comply with all applicable building, safety and health regulations, the Americans with disabilities act, fire regulations, and all applicable state core standards and licensing requirements, and any standards set forth in any contract with a state agency. The facility shall also comply with the city's land use provisions applicable to single-family dwellings for the zone in which it is to be located, except as may be modified by the provisions of this chapter.
2. The following site development standards and parking standards shall be applicable:
a. Each facility shall be subject to minimum site development standards applicable to a dwelling unit in the zone in which the facility is located; and
b. The minimum number of parking spaces required shall be the same as the number required for a dwelling with similar occupancy density in the same zone.
3. No facility shall be made available to an individual who has demonstrated, by prior behavior, actions and/or criminal convictions, or as a resident, that he or she:
a. May be determined to be or does constitute a direct threat or substantial risk to the health or safety of other individuals; or
b. Has or may engage in conduct resulting in substantial physical damage to the property of others.
4. Prior to occupancy of the facility, the person or entity licensed or certified by the department of human services or the department of health to establish and operate the facility shall:
a. Provide a certified copy of such license to the city recorder;
b. Certify, in a sworn affidavit submitted with the application for a business license, compliance with the Americans with disabilities act;
c. Certify, in a sworn affidavit submitted with the application for a business license, that no person will be placed or remain in the facility whose prior or current behavior, actions and/or criminal incidents or convictions, have demonstrated that such person is or may be a substantial risk or direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals, or whose said behavior, actions and/or incidents or convictions have resulted in or may result in substantial physical damage to the property of others. Such affidavit shall be supplemented and updated not less than one hundred fifty (150) days nor more than one hundred ninety (190) days from the date of issuance of the business license and at the time of the application for renewal of the business license.
5. The use permitted by this section is nontransferable and shall terminate if:
a. A facility is devoted to or used as other than a residential facility for persons with a disability; or
b. The license or certification issued by the department of human services, department of health or any other applicable agency, terminates or is revoked; or
c. The facility fails to comply with the conditions set forth in this section.
6. In the FR-0.5, FR-1, FR-2.5, FR-5, FR-10, FR-20, R-1-4, R-1-8, R-1-10, R-1-15, R-1-21, R-1-43 and R-1-87 zones, no residential facility for persons with a disability shall exceed six (6) residents, not including staff, or the family that owns the residence.
7. In the R-2-8, R-2-10, R-M and HV zones, no residential facility for persons with disabilities shall exceed twelve (12) residents, not including staff, or the family that owns the residence.
8. No residential facilities for persons with disabilities shall be permitted in the P, NC, C-1, C-2 and O-R-D zones.
9. Residential facilities for persons with disabilities that are substance abuse facilities and are located within five hundred feet (500') of a school, shall provide, in accordance with rules established by the department of human services under Utah Code Annotated title 62A, chapter 2, licensure of program and facilities:
a. A security plan satisfactory to local law enforcement authorities;
b. Twenty four (24) hour supervision for residents; and
c. Other twenty four (24) hour security measures.
10. No residential facility for persons with disabilities shall be located within one thousand feet (1,000') of another such facility as measured from nearest property line of the existing facility to nearest property line of the proposed facility.
D. Reasonable Accommodations: None of the foregoing conditions shall be interpreted to limit reasonable accommodations necessary to allow the establishment or occupancy of a residential facility for person(s) with a disability.
1. Any person or entity who wishes to request a reasonable accommodation shall make application to the office of the city manager. Said applications shall specifically articulate, in writing, the following:
a. The name, mailing address, and phone number of the applicant;
b. The nature and extent of the disability;
c. An exact statement of the ordinance or policy from which the applicant needs a reasonable accommodation;
d. The applicant's proposed reasonable accommodations;
e. A statement detailing why a reasonable accommodation is necessary; and
f. The physical address of the property where the applicant intends on living;
2. When considering whether or not to grant a reasonable accommodation, the city manager shall consider the following factors, among others deemed appropriate and applicable:
a. The land use ordinance applicable to the property;
b. The parking, traffic, and noise impact on the neighborhood if the reasonable accommodation is granted;
c. Whether or not the accommodation will be an undue burden or expense to the city;
d. The extent to which the accommodation will or will not benefit the applicant;
e. The extent to which the accommodation will or will not benefit the community;
f. Whether or not the accommodation fundamentally alters the citywide land use ordinance and whether or not the accommodation would likely create a fundamental change in the character of a residential neighborhood;
g. Whether or not the applicant has demonstrated that the accommodation will affirmatively enhance the applicant's life, or ameliorate the effects of the applicant's disability, or the lives or disabilities on whose behalf the entity is applying;
h. Whether or not, without the accommodation, similar housing is available in the city of Holladay for the applicant or group of applicants;
i. Given the scope of the accommodation requested, what is the impact on the immediate neighborhood; and
j. The requirements of applicable federal and state laws and regulations;
3. Written findings and conclusions of the city manager shall be sent to the applicant within thirty (30) days after the decision by the city planning commission; and
4. If a request for a reasonable accommodation is denied, such decision may be appealed to the city council. (Ord. 2013-10, 5-9-2013)
A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to comply with title 10, chapter 9a, section 516, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended.
B. Compliance: "Residential facilities for elderly persons" shall comply with all requirements of section 10-9a-516, Utah Code Annotated, and also the following requirements:
1. The facility shall meet all applicable building codes, safety codes, land use regulations, the Americans with disabilities act, and health ordinance applicable to single-family or similar dwellings; except as may be modified by the provisions of this chapter;
2. No facility shall be made available to an individual who has demonstrated, by prior behavior, actions and/or criminal convictions, or as a resident, that he or she:
a. May be determined to be or does constitute a substantial risk or direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals; or
b. Has or may engage in conduct resulting in substantial physical damage to the property of others;
3. Minimum site development standards shall be the same as those for a dwelling unit in the zone in which the facility is located;
4. The facility shall be capable of being used as a residential facility for elderly persons without structural or landscaping alterations that would change the structure's residential character;
5. The use granted and permitted by this section is nontransferable and terminates if the structure is devoted to any use other than as a residential facility for the elderly or if the structure fails to comply with the applicable health, safety, land use and building codes; and
6. No residential facility for elderly persons which facility has more than five (5) elderly persons in residence shall be established or maintained within three-fourths (3/4) of a mile measured in a straight line between the closest property lines of the lots or parcels of similar facilities, or residential facilities for persons with disabilities. (Ord. 2013-10, 5-9-2013)