13.10A.010: Purpose
13.10A.020: Scope
13.10A.030: Definitions
13.10A.040: Validity
13.10A.050: Administration
13.10A.060: Concept Plan Review Process
13.10A.070: Preliminary And Final Subdivision Application Review Process
13.10A.080: Preliminary And Final Subdivision Application Contents
13.10A.090: Improvements And Infrastructure
13.10A.100: Engineering And Design Requirements
13.10A.110: Development Activity Prior To Plat Recording
13.10A.120: Development Activity After Plat Recording
13.10A.130: Variances And Appeals
13.10A.140: Penalty
13.10A.150: Vacating Or Altering A Subdivision Final Plat, Vacating A Street, Right Of Way, Or Easement, And Parcel Adjustments
13.10A.160: Exemptions From Plat; Parcel And Lot Line Adjustments
13.10A.170: Exemptions For Agricultural And Utility Service Purposes
Promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Holladay in the matter of Subdivisions or matters affected by Subdivisions through provisions designed to:
A. To promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the residents of the City;
B. To ensure the efficient and orderly subdivision and development of land within the City:
C. To prevent the uncontrolled division and development of real property, which may be done without considering the rights and best interests of adjoining property owners and the City as a whole:
D. To avoid subdivisions and developments that:
1. Do not comply with the City general plan or ordinances,
2. Cannot be adequately served by existing utilities or public services,
3. May prove to be dangerous or unsafe due to design, natural or man-made hazards existing prior to or created by the subdivision and development,
4. May cause an unjustifiable burden on existing traffic or transportation services, or
5. May require the future expenditure of public funds to correct problems caused by the subdivision and development;
E. To provide design standards for public improvements, facilities, and utilities to provide for reasonable access to public rights-of-way, parks, trails, or open spaces, to provide for the dedication of land and streets deemed necessary for the proper development of the subdivision, and to provide for easements or rights-of-way that are necessary to service the properties created by the subdivision.
(Ord. 2024-01, 2-1-2024)
A. This Title is designed to set for he the process for obtaining preliminary and final subdivision approvals as well as inform the Subdivider and public of the requirements and conditions necessary to obtain approval of a Subdivision. Because each parcel of real property has unique site/situational characteristics (whether natural or man-made), there may be some aspects of subdivision development that cannot easily be articulated. For this reason, it is not possible to cover every possible contingency. Therefore, the Administrative Land Use Authority has the authority to impose reasonable conditions for the subdivision and development in addition to those expressly required, provided that:
1. The conditions are not arbitrary or capricious;
2. The conditions do not conflict with any local, state, federal law.
B. This Title shall apply to lots or parcels where public rights of way are dedicated, and public improvements and infrastructure are installed regardless of whether the land is subdivided.
(Ord. 2024-01, 2-1-2024)
ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE AUTHORITY: | The Technical Review Committee consisting of the Community and Economic Development Director, City Engineer, Fire Marshal and others as assigned, responsible for reviewing applications and land use decisions arising from subdivision applications. The Planning Commission shall be the Administrative Land Use Authority for the approval of the Preliminary Plat only. The process is administered and overseen by the Community and Economic Development Director or designee. The City Council shall be the Administrative Land Use Authority for the approval of dedicating or vacating a public street. |
ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE AUTHORITY REVIEW: | The Administrative Land Use Authority shall complete a review of each completed Application and provide written comments to the Applicant requesting additional information and/or modifications to plans. Each request shall be specific and include citations to ordinances, standards, or specifications. |
APPLICANT OR SUBDIVIDER OR DEVELOPER: | A person or persons making an application to create a subdivision. |
APPLICANT RESPONSE TO REVIEW: | The Applicant shall submit revised plans along with a written explanation in response to the Administrative Land Use Authority s review comments identifying and explaining their revisions and reasons for declining to make revisions (if any). Each explanation shall be specific and include citations to ordinances, standards, or specifications. If the Applicant fails to address a review comment in the response, the review cycle is not complete and subsequent review cycle may not begin until all comments are addressed. |
COMPLETE APPLICATION: | A Subdivision Application shall be considered complete as defined in each Application Section. |
DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS: | The Public Works Standards referred to in this Title. |
GEOLOGICAL HAZARD: | The restrictions and requirements of the review cycle do not apply to the review of subdivision applications affecting property within identified geological hazard areas. |
IMPROVEMENTS: | All infrastructure improvements, such as water, sewer, storm drain, land drain, secondary water, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, grading, streetlights, paving, landscaping, fencing, electric power, natural gas, communication lines, and all other elements required by this Title and the Public Works Standards. |
REVIEW CYCLE: | There shall be no more than four (4) total review cycles. A review cycle shall be considered complete when: |
1. Complete Application is submitted to the Administrative Land Use Authority; | |
2. The Administrative Land Use Authority Review is complete; | |
3. The Applicant Response to Review is complete; and | |
4. The Administrative Land Use Authority provides a written statement to the Applicant stating completion of the review cycle and next required steps for approval. | |
REVIEW CYCLE, EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Additional Review Cycle(s). May be required when a modification or correction is necessary to protect public health and safety or to enforce state or federal law when a change or correction is necessitated by the Applicant s adjustment to a plan set or an update to a phase plan that adjusts infrastructure needed for the specific development. |
2. Additional Time for Review. If the Applicant does not submit a revised plan within twenty (20) business days after the Administrative Land Use Authority requires a modification or correction, the Administrative Land Use Authority shall have an additional twenty (20) business days to respond. | |
3. Other Land Use Applications. The Review Cycle as defined in this Title applies only to single family, townhome, and twin-home land use applications. Review times and cycles may vary for multifamily, commercial, industrial, institutional, and other non-residential land use applications. | |
SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT PLANS: | Civil engineering and design plans associated with required infrastructure and City owned/operated utilities required for a Subdivision. |
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REVIEW: | A review to verify that an application for a Subdivision meets the criteria of the applicable City Ordinance(s). The Administrative Land Use Authority shall notify the Applicant in writing of the deficiency in the application and the right to appeal the determination to a designated Appeal Authority as stated in 13.101 of this Chapter. |
SUBDIVISION PLAN REVIEW: | A review of the Applicant s Subdivision improvement plans and other aspects of the Subdivision application to verify that the application complies with all ordinances and applicable standards and specifications, including the current Public Works Standards for Development, Design, and Construction. |
(Ord. 2024-01, 2-1-2024)