A. It is intended that the Holladay Crossroads (HCR) Zone be an economically healthy, primary gateway, mixed-use district within the City. The HCR Zone is currently the second most valuable economic center in the City and sales revenues from businesses therein greatly contributes to the City’s budget. Future development in this area must not only provide economic benefits to the property and business owners but contribute to the City’s overall desirability and quality of life. Arguably positioned along the City’s most prominent gateway, the HCR redevelopment area must create a sense of “arrival” to people entering Holladay.
B. The HCR Zone offers a valuable opportunity for mixed-use and/or commercial development as reflected in the Holladay adopted Crossroads Small Area Master Plan (SAMP). The SAMP recommends future development that would result in a commercial district with a higher density residential component, or, mixed-use. The capacity of the roadways in the area can support this type of future development and traffic growth can be accommodated with the roadway enhancements proposed in the SAMP. This Zone anticipates the blending of older strip commercial development with new, compatible mixed-use development through flexible yet consistent, building design. HCR sanctioned land uses will be influenced by traffic volumes occurring in the area and design themes will be overseen by the City’s Design Review Board (DRB). (Ord. 2021-02, 3-4-2021)
A. The purpose of this chapter is to identify and enhance the HCR Zone to create a pattern for new development that is appropriately oriented and situated toward public rights of way, provide an opportunity for increased human interaction and protect and increase the economic vitality of the City. It is not the intent of the HCR Zone to impair the rights of existing businesses and property owners. Depending on individual circumstances, some uses and structures existing at the time of adoption of this chapter within the area devoted to HCR Zone may become non-conforming except as expressly stated herein. The provisions of this chapter allow lawfully established buildings and uses to continue in accordance with section 13.88 of this title.
B. It is intended that the HCR Zone becomes a place of diverse land uses within an aesthetically attractive, easily accessible, and economically healthy environment. A range and mix of commercial, service, and residential land use are encouraged and desirable. High quality architecture and energy efficiency for all new structures with attractive architectural and site features will create dramatic, visual interest in the HCR Zone. This will encourage greater bike and pedestrian access to the site and enhance the economic vitality of the entire City. It is essential that new development is compatible with abutting land uses and that potential impacts are minimized for abutting residential property owners. (Ord. 2021-02, 3-4-2021)